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Travel through history onboard Luxor Aswan Nile Cruises in the magical blue Nile River in upper Egypt. Who we are? What we do?

Enjoy your one time life tour to Egypt with the Number one specialist of the Luxury Nile Cruise. We are online tour operators who have more than 26 years of experience in the tourism industry. We have a goal to offer the best, most affordable and versatile deals for the Nile Cruises market in Egypt. Our staff is experienced, professional and trained to provide you with the best services, to advise

you in any issue, and give you 100% no matter what task is required. We want you to experience exciting and unforgettable events, sights and moments with us. We want to show you the true colors of Egypt. We want you to discover everything Egypt has to offer, and we are more than willing to do everything we can for you to have a chance to taste the real flavors of our beautiful country. operated and manages by MIN TRAVEL . The Ministry of Tourism recognizes MIN TRAVEL under License No. 953 – category (A) as a pioneer member of the Tourist Chamber and the Egyptian Association of Tour Operators in Egypt. Discover ancient and modern culture of Egypt Nile River with

Our website covers all categories of the Nile cruises and travel packages such as:

Cheap Nile Cruises

Standard Nile Cruises

Deluxe Nile Cruises

Luxury Nile Cruises

Day Nile Cruises

Dahabiya Nile Cruises

Lake Nasser Cruises

Felucca Sailing Tours

Nile Cruises Travel

Why travel with Excellent value for money for all our tours and services
30 years experience in travel industry. We do our best to sell our Services at very affordable prices while maintaining the highest possible level of service. We are always ready to go the extra miles for our customers, taking care of the finest details to make your holiday more enjoyable.

Merry Christmas and happy New year

Merry Christmas and happy New year

3 Nights 4 Days Aswan – Luxor Itinerary:  Day 01: Wednesday –       Embarkation in Aswan before Lunch–       Lunch on bo...

3 Nights 4 Days Aswan – Luxor Itinerary:
Day 01: Wednesday – Embarkation in Aswan before Lunch
– Lunch on board

– After Lunch, visit Philae Temple and the High Dam

– Dinner on board

– Overnight Aswan

Day 02: Thursday – Breakfast on board
– Sail to Kom Ombo around 13.00hrs

– Lunch on board

– Visit Kom Ombo Temple

– Sail to Edfu

– Dinner overnight Edfu

Day 03: Friday – Breakfast on board
– Visit Edfu Temple and sail to Esna

– Cross Esna Lock and sailing to Luxor

– Lunch on board

– Arrive to Luxor

– Visit East Bank (Karnak and Luxor Temples)

– Dinner on board

– Overnight Luxor

Day 04: Saturday – Breakfast on board
– Disembarkation after Breakfast

– Visit West Bank (Valley of the Kings, Hatshepsut temple and the Colossi of Memnon)

Prices Are Quoted In US Dollars Per Person Per Tour Package
Winter Season Tour Package Rates
650 USD$ per person in Double Cabin per Tour Package Excludes Sightseeing’s Entrance Fees

635 USD$ per person in Triple Cabin per Tour Package Excludes Sightseeing’s Entrance Fees

800 USD$ per person in Single Cabin per Tour Package Excludes Sightseeing’s Entrance Fees

Summer Season Tour Package Prices
600 USD$ per person in Double Cabin per Tour Package Excludes Sightseeing’s Entrance Fees

585 USD$ per person in Triple Cabin per Tour Package Excludes Sightseeing’s Entrance Fees

750 USD$ per person in Single Cabin per Tour Package Excludes Sightseeing’s Entrance Fees

Easter, Christmas & New Year Seasons Tour Package Prices
780 USD$ per person in Double Cabin per Tour Package Excludes Sightseeing’s Entrance Fees

765 USD$ per person in Triple Cabin per Tour Package Excludes Sightseeing’s Entrance Fees

960 USD$ per person in Single Cabin per Tour Package Excludes Sightseeing’s Entrance Fees

Kindly know 25% will be add in the above prices during Christmas, New Year & Easter Seasons

Itinerary is subject to modification according to navigational and security restrictions without prior notice.

4 Nights 5 Days Luxor – Aswan Itinerary:
Day 01: Saturday – Embarkation in Luxor before Lunch
– Lunch on board

– After Lunch Visit the East Bank (Karnak & Luxor Temples)

– Dinner on board

– Overnight Luxor

Day 02: Sunday – Breakfast on board
– Visit the West Bank (Valley of the Kings, Hatshepsut temple and

– the Colossi of Memnon)

– Sail afternoon to Esna

– Lunch on board

– Tea time on the Sun Deck while sailing

– Cross Esna Lock and sailing to Edfu

– Dinner on board

– Overnight Edfu

Day 03: Monday – Breakfast on board
– Visit Edfu Temple

– Sail to Kom Ombo

– Lunch on Board

– Tea Time while Sailing

– Visit Kom Ombo Temple

– Sail to Aswan

– Dinner on board

– Overnight Aswan

Day 04: Tuesday – Breakfast on board
– Visit Aswan (Philae Temple and the High dam)

– Lunch on board

– Tea time on board

– Dinner on board

– Overnight Aswan

Day 05: Wednesday – Breakfast on board
– Disembarkation in Aswan

Prices Are Quoted In US Dollars Per Person Per Tour Package
Winter Season Tour Package Rates
800 USD$ per person in Double Cabin per Tour Package Excludes Sightseeing’s Entrance Fees

785 USD$ per person in Triple Cabin per Tour Package Excludes Sightseeing’s Entrance Fees

1000 USD$ per person in Single Cabin per Tour Package Excludes Sightseeing’s Entrance Fees

Summer Season Tour Package Prices
750 USD$ per person in Double Cabin per Tour Package Excludes Sightseeing’s Entrance Fees

780 USD$ per person in Triple Cabin per Tour Package Excludes Sightseeing’s Entrance Fees

950 USD$ per person in Single Cabin per Tour Package Excludes Sightseeing’s Entrance Fees

Easter, Christmas & New Year Seasons Tour Package Prices
1040 USD$ per person in Double Cabin per Tour Package Excludes Sightseeing’s Entrance Fees

1020 USD$ per person in Triple Cabin per Tour Package Excludes Sightseeing’s Entrance Fees

1150 USD$ per person in Single Cabin per Tour Package Excludes Sightseeing’s Entrance Fees

Itinerary is subject to modification according to navigational and security restrictions without prior notice.

Nile Supreme Nile CruiseNile Supreme Nile Cruise Overview:Facts DetailsCruise Runs Every Saturday from Luxor for 4 night...

Nile Supreme Nile Cruise
Nile Supreme Nile Cruise Overview:
Facts Details
Cruise Runs Every Saturday from Luxor for 4 nights and 7 nights Program
Every Wednesday from Aswan for 3 nights and 7 nights Program
Official Rating 4 Stars
Our Rating Deluxe 4 stars Nile Cruise because this boat is completely renewed in 2023
Number of Cabins 74 cabins
Average Cabin Size 18 Square Meters
Upper Deck cabins 46 Cabins
Lower Deck Cabins? 28 Cabins
Cabin has Balcony? Yes
Meals Included Full Board
74 guests’ cabins all with balconies
6 suites
4 single cabins
6 Triple cabins
45 twin bed cabins
13 Large bed cabins
Cabins Facilities:
All cabins are fully equipped with:
Individually controlled air condition
Private bathroom & shower
Hair dryer
Smart TV, channels
Sound system & video channels
Mini bar, safe deposit box
International phone line
Tea tray with kettle
Luggage rack
Main Restaurant 150 seats
Lounge Bar & Discotheque
Italian Bar
Sundeck Bar
Swimming pool & whirlpool bath
Internet café
Gift shop & hairdresser
Boat Features:
Laundry service
Room Service
WI-FI at outlets only
Daily entertainment
Reception service 24 hours
Important To Know:
Official Rating is the Rating Giving to the Cruise By the Egyptian Tourism Authority. However This is Not the Only Factor that affect the Cruise Quality.
All Cabins are Outside Cabins in Nile Cruises. There are No inside Cabins. However the Cabins are distributed on the Cruise Decks.
Full Board Meals include Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. All Beverage Are Extra except Tea, Coffee & Juice during Breakfast.
The Trip can Start Either From Luxor or Aswan depending on the Cruise Schedule
Average Cabin Size include Bathroom
Nile Supreme Nile Cruise could be Totally chartered or Out of Service for Maintenance in some Dates.
The Nile Supreme Nile Cruise Could be Sold Exclusively for some Nationalities. So we have to check if it is available for your Nationality or Not before confirming your booking
Technical Data:
Length: 72 meters

Width: 13,80 meters

Height: 11,50 meters

Depth: 150 meters

Nile Supreme Nile Cruise boatEvery Saturday from Luxor for 4 Nights or 7 Nights Tour PackagesEvery Wednesday from Aswan ...

Nile Supreme Nile Cruise boat
Every Saturday from Luxor for 4 Nights or 7 Nights Tour Packages
Every Wednesday from Aswan for 3 Nights Tour Package

هل تعلمون أن هذه الجبال ليست مجرد تضاريس طبيعية فقط، هذه الجبال هيا أغلى وأثمن قطعة أرضية على وجه كوكب الأرض إنها جبال ا...

هل تعلمون أن هذه الجبال ليست مجرد تضاريس طبيعية فقط، هذه الجبال هيا أغلى وأثمن قطعة أرضية على وجه كوكب الأرض إنها جبال القرنة في مصر
Did you know that these mountains are not just natural terrain only, these mountains are the most expensive and precious piece of land on the face of the planet it is the Qurna Mountains in Egypt
التي تخبئ في أحشائها مقابر أعظم ملوك وملكات الأرض الذين حكموا مصر في عصر الأسرات، هنا تجدون آثار ومقابر داخل الجبال تضاهى قصورا فهي كنز للإنسانية ومصدر للفخر والإعجاب.
Which hides in its bowels the tombs of the greatest kings and queens of the earth who ruled Egypt in the era of dynasties, here you find monuments and tombs inside the mountains comparable to palaces, they are a treasure for humanity and a source of pride and admiration.
1. علماء المصريات يصفون البر الغربى بـ"جبل القرنة" الذى يعتبر أغنى جبل أثرى فى العالم
1. Egyptologists describe the western mainland as 'Mount Qurna', which is considered the richest mountain in the world
2. جبل القرنة يضم فى طياته وحوله أكثر من 11 معبدا فرعونيا مختلفا لملوك وملكات القدماء المصريين
2. Mount Qurna includes with it and around it more than 11 different pharaonic temples of the ancient Egyptian kings and queens
3. يضم جبل القرنة حسبما ذكر علماء المصريات أكثر من 850 مقبرة فرعونية متنوعة منها ما خرج وآخرى لم تخرج بعد
3. Mount Qurna, according to Egyptologists, includes more than 850 various pharaonic tombs, some of which came out and others that have not yet come out
4. مساحة جبل القرنة تمتد لأكثر من 5 كيلومترات فى غربى المحافظة
4. The area of Jabal Al-Qurna extends for more than 5 kilometers in the west of the governorate
5. جبل القرنة يضم معبد دير شلويط وقصر أمنحتب ومعبد هابو ومقصورة الرب تحوتى ومعبد الملك امنحتب الثالث
5. Mount Qurna includes the temple of Deir Shlawit, the palace of Amenhotep, the temple of Habu, the cabin of Thoth and the temple of King Amenhotep III
6. جبل القرنة يضم أيضاً معبد الملك مرنبتاح والرامسيوم ومعبد الملك تحتمس الرابع والدير البحرى للملكة حتشبسوت ومعبد الملك سيتى الأول ومعبد الملك منتو حتب نب حبت رع
6. Mount Qurna also includes the temple of King Merneptah, Ramesseum, the temple of King Thutmose IV, the monastery of the sea of Queen Hatshepsut, the temple of King Seti I, and the temple of King Mentuhotep Neb Habbat Ra
7. يضم جبل القرنة أيضاً مقابر وادى الملوك ومقابر وادى الملكات ومقابر عمال دير المدينة ومقابر الأشراف ومقابر العساسيف ومقابر دراع أبوالنجا ومقابر قرنة مرعى ومقابر باب الحجر بالطارف
7. Jabal Al-Qurna also includes the tombs of the Valley of the Kings, the tombs of the Valley of the Queens, the tombs of the workers of Deir el-Medina, the tombs of Al-Ashraf, the tombs of Al-Asasif, the tombs of Daraa Abu Al-Naga, the tombs of Qurna Marai and the tombs of Bab Al-Hajar in Al-Tarf
8. يقول مؤرخون أن سكان نجوع القرنة لجأوا للسكن بباطن الجبل فى العام 1850 هربا من بطش الفرنسيين إبان الحملة الفرنسية على مصر
8. Historians say that the inhabitants of the villages of Qurna resorted to living in the interior of the mountain in the year 1850 to escape the oppression of the French during the French campaign on Egypt
9. يعمل فى اكتشاف كنوز جبل القرنة بعثات أمريكية وإسبانية وفرنسية وغيرها من البعثات الأجنبية سنوياً
9. Works in the discovery of the treasures of Mount Qurna American, Spanish, French and other foreign missions annually
10. تم اكتشاف داخل جبل القرنة مقبرة "أوسرحات" قاضى مدينة طيبة بالأسرة الثامنة عشرة
10. Inside Mount Qurna was discovered the cemetery of 'Oserhat', judge of the city of Thebes in the eighteenth dynasty
11. يضم جبل القرنة أشهر مقبرة فى تاريخ العالم أجمع وهى مقبرة الملك الصغير والفرعون الذهبى الملك توت عنخ
11. Jabal Qurna includes the most famous cemetery in the history of the whole world, which is the tomb of the little king and the golden pharaoh King Tutankh
12. تم اكتشاف مقبرة الملك توت عنخ آمون على يد المستكشف البريطانى هيوارد كارتر
12. King Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered by British explorer Hayward Carter

Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt Egypt

Cairo – Aswan – Felucca Adventure – Luxor 08 NightsTour Package Details:Tour Duration: 09 Days 08 NightsTour Type: Feluc...

Cairo – Aswan – Felucca Adventure – Luxor 08 Nights
Tour Package Details:
Tour Duration: 09 Days 08 Nights

Tour Type: Felucca Adventure Guided Tour

Tour Starts in: Cairo

Tour Ends in: Luxor

Tour Runs: Every Day

Tour Package Highlights:



Philae Temple

The High Dam

Unfinished Obelisk

Kom Ombo Temple

Edfu Temple

Karnak Temples

Luxor Temple

Valley of the Kings

Hatshepsut Temple

Colossi of Memnon

Day 01: Welcome To Cairo
Arrive Cairo Airport and Transfer to Hotel

Free Day in Cairo,

Brief Meeting; will inform in the time upon arrival

Dinner in local restaurant or in the Hotel and Overnight in Cairo

Included Activities: No
Optional Activities: In the evening opportunity to do Optional Excursion (Sound and Light Show at Pyramids)
Included Meals: No
Day 02: Pyramids, Sphinx And Sakkara
Breakfast; visit Egypt’s most loved sight – The Great Pyramids of Giza. We explore the Giza plateau, Pyramids and massive lion-headed Sphinx. Later, we tour Sakkara – an ancient necropolis with many half-buried tombs and the famous Zhoser’s step pyramid and the Mehu Tomb in Sakkara if still upon when the group arrives,

Lunch in local restaurant between the visits

Than transfer to Giza Railway Station to take overnight sleeping train to Aswan, Dinner on sleeper train and Overnight

Included Activities: Sightseeing Pyramids, Sphinx, Sakkara
Optional Activities: No
Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Day 03: Welcome To Aswan – Philae Temple, The Unfinished Obelisk, The High Dam
Arrive in Aswan Railway Station, meet and assist by our representative than Proceed with the visits of Aswan including the Temple of Philae, The High Dam and The Unfinished Obelisk. Transfer to hotel and check in. Free Afternoon

Overnight at Hotel in Aswan

Included Activities: The High Dam, Temple of Philae and The Unfinished Obelisk
Optional Activities: In the evening opportunity to do Optional Excursion (Nubian Village)
Included Meals: Breakfast
Day 04: Free Day In Aswan
Breakfast at Hotel and free day in Aswan

Included Activities: No
Optional Activities: Early morning there is opportunity to do Optional Excursion to Abu Simbel (if you take this option you will have breakfast box)
In the evening opportunity to do Optional Excursion (Sound and Light Show at Philae Temple)

Included Meals: Breakfast
Day 05: Nile Felucca Adventure
Breakfast at the Hotel

Check out from the Hotel

Transfer from the Hotel to Nile Felucca traditional adventure sailing boat

Nile Felucca start sailing to North Direction

Lunch on board

Dinner and overnight on Felucca

Included Activities: No
Optional Activities: No
Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Day 06: Nile Felucca Adventure
Breakfast and continue enjoy sailing

Lunch on board on Nile Felucca

Dinner on board on Nile Felucca

Overnight on Nile Felucca

Included Activities: No
Optional Activities: No
Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Day 07: Nile Felucca, Kom Ombo Temple, Edfu Temple, Check In Hotel In Luxor
Early morning breakfast on Felucca

Pickup from the Felucca boat and start your Visit the by Temple of Kom-Ombo, dedicated for Gods Sobek and Haroeris, than Drive around 60KM North Direction to Edfu to visit the Temple of Edfu, dedicated to the God Horus

Drive around 120 KM to Luxor

Check in at Hotel in Luxor and free evening, Overnight in Luxor

Included Activities: Temple of Kom Ombo and Temple of Edfu
Optional Activities:
Opportunity to do Optional Excursion (Sound & Lights Show at Karnak Temple)

Opportunity to do Optional Excursion City tour in Luxor by Horse carriage

Included Meals: Breakfast
Day 08: Luxor West And East Bank Of The Nile
Breakfast; Cross the Nile to visits the West Bank of Luxor including the Valley of the Kings, the factory of the Alabaster Stones then the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir El-Bahari and the two Statues of Colossi of Memnon.

Back to East bank of the Nile

Afternoon start visits of the East Bank of the Nile including the Temple of Karnak & the Temple of Luxor then transfer to hotel

Included Activities: Valley of the Kings, Hatshepsut Temple, Colossi of Memnon, Karank Temple and Luxor Temple
Optional Activities: Early morning around 04:00 opportunity to do Optional Excursion Hot Air Balloon over Luxor (if you take this option you will have breakfast box)
Included Meals: Breakfast
Day 09: End Of Our Services
Breakfast at hotel

Check out from the hotel

Departure transfer from your hotel in Luxor to Luxor Airport or Luxor Railway Station according to your departure details

Included Activities: No
Optional Activities: No
Included Meals: Breakfast

For more details and prices
please open the link of this Tour Package

Cheap Egypt Tour Offer 4 Days 3 Nights Aswan/Luxor Overland Budget Package

Cheap Egypt Tour Offer 4 Days 3 Nights Aswan/Luxor Overland Budget Package

hot offers,Nile Cruise,Nile Cruises,Egypt Nile Cruise,Egypt Nile Cruises,Nile Cruise Egypt,Nile Cruises Egypt,Nile River Cruises,Cheap Nile Cruises,Luxury Nile Cruises,Nile Cruises & Stay,Felucca Sailing Tours,All inclusive Nile Cruises,Nile Cruises program ,Nile Cruises special offers,Lake Nasser C...

2 Days 1 Night Nile Felucca Ride Adventure Sailing Boat From Aswan To Kom Ombo Temple Transfer To Edfu Temple And LuxorP...

2 Days 1 Night Nile Felucca Ride Adventure Sailing Boat From Aswan To Kom Ombo Temple Transfer To Edfu Temple And Luxor
Package Prices Per Person:

Tour Package Details:
Tour Duration: 02 Days 01 Nights

Tour Type: Nile Felucca Traditional Sailing boat Group Tour

Tour Starts in: Aswan

Tour Ends in: Luxor

Tour runs: every Day

Maximum Group Size: 10 People

Pickup time in Aswan in Day 01: 09.00 AM

Drop time in Luxor in Day 02: around 03.00 PM

Tour Package Highlight:
Enjoy sailing on board of traditional Nile Felucca sailing boat

Temple of Kom Ombo

Temple of Horus in Edfu

Day 01: Nile Felucca Traditional Sailing Boat
At 09.00AM pick up from your Hotel in Aswan to Nile Felucca traditional sailing boat

Nile Felucca traditional sailing boat start sailing to North Direction

Lunch on board of the Nile Felucca traditional sailing boat

Enjoy sailing on the Nile

You will enjoy taking some pictures during the Sunset

Dinner and overnight on board of the Nile Felucca traditional sailing boat

Included Activities; Felucca Ride
Included Meals: Lunch – Dinner
Day 02: Nile Felucca, Kom Ombo Temple, Edfu Temple And Transfer To Luxor
Breakfast on board of the Nile Felucca traditional sailing boat

After breakfast you will be picked from the Nile Felucca traditional sailing boat by your Driver and Tour Guide of the day and start a short drive to Kom Ombo City where you will stop there to Visit the Temple of Kom-Ombo, dedicated for Gods Sobek and Haroeris

Drive from Kom Ombo City 60 KM to north direction for the second stop at Edfu City to visit Temple of Horus, dedicated to the God Horus

Drive from Edfu City 120 KM to north to the drop point in Luxor

End of our services

Included Activities; Temple of Kom Ombo and Temple of Horus in Edfu
Optional Activities:
Afternoon; Opportunity to do Optional Excursion (Karnak & Luxor Temples)

Afternoon; Opportunity to do Optional Excursion City tour in Luxor by Horse carriage

Evening; Opportunity to do Optional Excursion (Sound & Lights Show at Karnak Temple)

Included Meals: Breakfast
Here Is Some Information About The Nile Felucca Sailing Boat
Feluccas are the traditional sailboats of Egypt Nile. Egyptians and foreigners alike enjoy a relaxing felucca ride, as they are perfect for catching the breeze on a hot summer night, for brisker sails the rest of the year and watching the sunset anytime. They are ideal for an impromptu party after work, a romantic evening, and for soothing the tots on the weekends. It is not unusual for friends to get together and rent a felucca for an hour or two for a small social gathering. Such gatherings, frequently after sunset, may not do much sailing at all, but simply sit in a quiet cove where everyone can enjoy the lights on the banks and the river traffic.

The felucca has remained, over the centuries, the primary transportation of the Nile. Its ancient form still graces the river as it has done since the time of the Pharaohs. Motorized barges transport bulk material and modern cruise ships transport tourists, but the felucca remains despite modern alternatives. The felucca rarely has any form of engine and relies entirely on the breeze which builds during the day and usually subsides at night, and the Nile River’s current. Egypt is blessed with a predominant southerly wind that pushes sailboats upriver, while allowing them to return on its current downstream.

Some of the craft today are used to carry tourists who wish to enjoy an eternally peaceful journey carried along by the gentle breeze and the currents of the river. In fact, a felucca ride is very often included in many standard tours. Some feluccas even carry passengers for longer voyages of several days, but only the most adventurous tourists usually take part in these, as the accommodations are rather primitive.

Few feluccas are now made entirely of wood, but the basic layout has barely changed. They don’t have a keel as such, but a heavy center plate which can be raised in the shallows. The sails are seriously low tech affairs made of native cotton and other natural fibers.

Feluccas are usually furnished with cushions around the circumference and a table fixed in the middle; where one can surely enjoy picnic style lunch or dinner while enjoying a different view of the metropolis. Your captain tucks his Galabeya (tradition Egyptian male dress) about his waist and steers with his feet, while busily drawing and letting the sail to and fro as the vessel tacks up and down the Nile.

This is the perfect short trip if you want to enjoy the best of Egypt in an adventurous and informal style. Beginning with the Great Pyramids and Sphinx in Cairo, we see all the classic sights of Egypt. There’s Luxor and the Temple of Karnak, the Valley of the Kings, the Colossi of Memnon, and a free day in Aswan to allow an optional visit to Abu Simbel. The adventure comes in our choice of Nile transport, where we have opted for the single-masted, lateen-rigged sailing boat called the felucca. These age-old workhorses of the Nile give us the freedom to cruise between the great sites along the river, watching rural life pass us by. The winds and currents may necessitate some adjustments to the itinerary, but the schedule is designed to allow for flexibility. Throughout the trip you will be accompanied by one of our local guides who are all experts on ancient Egypt.

2 Nights Nile Felucca Ride Adventure Sailing Boat From Aswan To Kom Ombo Temple Transfer To Edfu Temple And Luxor Tour P...

2 Nights Nile Felucca Ride Adventure Sailing Boat From Aswan To Kom Ombo Temple Transfer To Edfu Temple And Luxor

Tour Package Details:
Tour Duration: 03 Days 02 Nights

Tour Type: Nile Felucca Traditional Sailing boat Group Tour

Tour Starts in: Aswan

Tour Ends in: Luxor

Tour runs: every Day

Maximum Group Size: 10 People

Pickup time in Aswan in Day 01: 01.00 PM

Drop time in Luxor in Day 02: around 03.00 PM

Tour Package Highlight:
Enjoy sailing on board of traditional Nile Felucca sailing boat

Temple of Kom Ombo

Temple of Horus in Edfu

Day 01: Aswan / Nile Felucca Traditional Sailing Boat
At 01.00PM pick up from your Hotel in Aswan to Nile Felucca traditional sailing boat

Nile Felucca traditional sailing boat starts to sail to the North Direction

Lunch on board of the Nile Felucca

Enjoy sailing on the Nile

Afternoon Tea time

You will enjoy taking some pictures during the Sunset

Dinner and overnight on board of the Nile Felucca

Included Activities;Felucca Ride
Included Meals: Lunch – Dinner
Day 02: Nile Felucca Traditional Sailing Boat
Breakfast on board of Nile Felucca

Today free day on board of the Nile Felucca to enjoy sailing in the Nile

Lunch on board of the Nile Felucca Sailing boat

Afternoon Tea

Enjoy taking some pictures during the Sunset

Dinner on board of the Nile Felucca sailing boat

Overnight on board of the Nile Felucca sailing boat

Included Activities;Felucca Ride
Optional Activities: No
Included Meals: Breakfast, Lunch , Dinner
Day 03: Nile Felucca, Kom Ombo Temple, Edfu Temple And Transfer To Luxor
Breakfast on board of the Nile Felucca traditional sailing boat

After breakfast you will be picked from the Nile Felucca traditional sailing boat by your Driver and Tour Guide of the day and start a short drive to Kom Ombo City where you will stop there to Visit the Temple of Kom-Ombo, dedicated for Gods Sobek and Haroeris

Drive from Kom Ombo City 60 KM to north direction for the second stop at Edfu City to visit Temple of Horus, dedicated to the God Horus

Drive from Edfu City 120 KM to north to the drop point in Luxor

End of our services

Included Activities;Temple of Kom Ombo and Temple of Horus in Edfu
Optional Activities:
Afternoon; Opportunity to do Optional Excursion (Karnak & Luxor Temples)

Afternoon; Opportunity to do Optional Excursion City tour in Luxor by Horse carriage

Evening; Opportunity to do Optional Excursion (Sound & Lights Show at Karnak Temple)

Included Meals: Breakfast
Here Is Some Information About The Nile Felucca Sailing Boat
Feluccas are the traditional sailboats of Egypt Nile. Egyptians and foreigners alike enjoy a relaxing felucca ride, as they are perfect for catching the breeze on a hot summer night, for brisker sails the rest of the year and watching the sunset anytime. They are ideal for an impromptu party after work, a romantic evening, and for soothing the tots on the weekends. It is not unusual for friends to get together and rent a felucca for an hour or two for a small social gathering. Such gatherings, frequently after sunset, may not do much sailing at all, but simply sit in a quiet cove where everyone can enjoy the lights on the banks and the river traffic.

The felucca has remained, over the centuries, the primary transportation of the Nile. Its ancient form still graces the river as it has done since the time of the Pharaohs. Motorized barges transport bulk material and modern cruise ships transport tourists, but the felucca remains despite modern alternatives. The felucca rarely has any form of engine and relies entirely on the breeze which builds during the day and usually subsides at night, and the Nile River’s current. Egypt is blessed with a predominant southerly wind that pushes sailboats upriver, while allowing them to return on its current downstream.

Some of the craft today are used to carry tourists who wish to enjoy an eternally peaceful journey carried along by the gentle breeze and the currents of the river. In fact, a felucca ride is very often included in many standard tours. Some feluccas even carry passengers for longer voyages of several days, but only the most adventurous tourists usually take part in these, as the accommodations are rather primitive.

Few feluccas are now made entirely of wood, but the basic layout has barely changed. They don’t have a keel as such, but a heavy center plate which can be raised in the shallows. The sails are seriously low tech affairs made of native cotton and other natural fibers.

Feluccas are usually furnished with cushions around the circumference and a table fixed in the middle; where one can surely enjoy picnic style lunch or dinner while enjoying a different view of the metropolis. Your captain tucks his Galabeya (tradition Egyptian male dress) about his waist and steers with his feet, while busily drawing and letting the sail to and fro as the vessel tacks up and down the Nile.

This is the perfect short trip if you want to enjoy the best of Egypt in an adventurous and informal style. Beginning with the Great Pyramids and Sphinx in Cairo, we see all the classic sights of Egypt. There’s Luxor and the Temple of Karnak, the Valley of the Kings, the Colossi of Memnon, and a free day in Aswan to allow an optional visit to Abu Simbel. The adventure comes in our choice of Nile transport, where we have opted for the single-masted, lateen-rigged sailing boat called the felucca. These age-old workhorses of the Nile give us the freedom to cruise between the great sites along the river, watching rural life pass us by. The winds and currents may necessitate some adjustments to the itinerary, but the schedule is designed to allow for flexibility. Throughout the trip you will be accompanied by one of our local guides who are all experts on ancient Egypt.

Cairo & Nile Cruise 6 Days 5 NightsTour Departs And Ends In The Following Days:Start Saturday from Cairo ends Thursday i...

Cairo & Nile Cruise 6 Days 5 Nights
Tour Departs And Ends In The Following Days:
Start Saturday from Cairo ends Thursday in Luxor

If you take the option of starting this Package on Saturday from Cairo it will be no Opportunity to do any optional Excursions such as Abu Simbel Temple and the Nubian Village in Aswan as the flight from Cairo to Aswan it will be in the early morning on Monday and the Nile cruise boat will sail at the noon time, it will be only time to visit the excursions which is included in the Package (Philae Temple & the High Dam)

Start Monday from Cairo ends Saturday in Luxor

Start Wednesday from Cairo ends Monday in Luxor

Please choose date fit with the above Starting and ends days of this Tour Package

Tour Package Details:

Tour Duration: 6 Days 5 Nights

Tour Type: Private

Tour Starts in: Cairo

Tour Ends in: Luxor

Tour Package Highlights:




Philae Temple

The High Dam

Kom Ombo Temple

Edfu Temple

Valley of the Kings

Hatshepsut Temple

Colossi of Memnon

Tour Guide:

Services of experienced Egyptologist English, French, German or Spanish speaking Tour Guide joined you in the Sightseeing Excursions

Day 01: Welcome to Cairo

Arrive Cairo Airport and Transfer to Hotel

Free Day in Cairo, Overnight in Cairo

(Meals Included – no meals)

Day 02: Pyramids and Sakkara

Breakfast; visit Egypt’s most loved sight – The Great Pyramids of Giza. We explore the Giza plateau, pyramids and massive lion-headed Sphinx. Later, we tour Sakkara – an ancient necropolis with many half-buried tombs and the famous Zhoser’s step pyramid.

Overnight in Cairo

(Meals Included – Breakfast)

Day 03: Cairo, Arrive Aswan & Cruise Embarkation

Breakfast, transfer from Hotel to Cairo Airport for domestic flight to Aswan

Arrive in Aswan Airport and meet and assist by our representative

Transfer from Aswan Airport to the cruise ship.

Embarkation before lunch,

Proceed with the visits of Aswan including the Temple of Philae and the High Dam.

Optional excursion Nubian Village

Dinner on board of the cruise in Aswan

21:00 entertainment show at Lounge Bar

Overnight on board of the cruise in Aswan

(Meals Included -lunch, dinner)

Day 4: Aswan / Kom Ombo / Edfu

Early Morning Optional excursion to Abu Simbel (if you take this option you will have breakfast box)

Breakfast on board the cruise

Lunch on board of the cruise.

Sail to Kom Ombo

Visit the Temple of Kom-Ombo, dedicated for Gods Sobek and Haroeris.

Sail to Edfu & dinner on board of the cruise. Arrive Edfu

21:00 entertainment show at Lounge Bar

Overnight on board of the cruise.

(Meals Included – Breakfast, lunch, dinner)

Day 5: Edfu / Esna / Luxor

Breakfast on board of the cruise

Visit the Temple of Edfu, dedicated to the God Horus. (By Horse Carriage)

Sail to Esna Lock, Cross Esna lock and continue sailing to Luxor.

Lunch during Sailing

Afternoon Optional excursion Karnak and Luxor Temples

Optional excursion Sound & Lights Show at Karnak Temple

Optional excursion City tour in Luxor by Horse carriage

19:30 Dinner & overnight on board of the cruise

21:00 entertainment show at Lounge Bar

(Meals Included – Breakfast, lunch, dinner)

Day 6: Disembarkation & Departure

04:00 Optional excursion Hot Air Balloon over Luxor (if you take this option you will have breakfast box)

06:30 Breakfast on board the cruise

Disembarkation after breakfast

07:00 Cross the Nile to visits the West Bank of Luxor including the Valley of Kings, the factory of the Alabaster Stones then the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut at Deir El-Bahari and the two Statues of colossi of Memnon.

Transfer to Luxor Airport or Luxor Train Station for final departure

(Meals Included – Breakfast)

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