Posted @withregram • @centerofegyptology Taking a stroll through history!
Esna, a modern Egyptian town, was founded in ancient Latopolis and is home to a magnificent temple dedicated to the god Khnum. Under the Greeks and Romans, the city became the capital of Upper Egypt's Third Nome. The temple was devoted to a number of gods in addition to Khnum, the most notable of which were Neith and Heka.
Khnum was the ram god that was worshipped across the area and was credited with making mankind on his potter's wheel from Nile mud. Esna is located around 50 kilometers south of Luxor. The temple is now situated below the modern city's center, roughly nine meters beneath the surrounding grounds.
The genius @magued.makram will let you travel 🛫 44% of Egypt 🇪🇬 in 3 minutes ⏳
#Repost - @magued.makram
Want to travel half of Egypt in 3 minutes?
This film will take you on a quick tour through the New Valley, Egypt’s largest governorate which occupies around 45% of its total area, you will get to see some of its most important touristic sights, hidden gems and meet a few locals as well.
Special Thanks to @michaelmauricea whom without this film wouldn’t have been possible.
Special Thanks to @mahmoud.enoo.9 and "Visit New Valley" for the invite, the awesome hospitality and managing everything while we were on our trip.
#Newvalley #egypt #thisisegypt #sony #sonya7iii #sigma35mm #travelegypt #amazingegypt #travel #filmmaking #vlog #teaser #cinematography #sonyalpha #a7iii #editing #myegypt #desertegypt #egypteveryday #egypttourism #tourism #ministry #experienceegypt #egyptshots #egypttravels #egyptian #ministryoftourismandantiquities #travelvideography #travelfilmmaker #touregypt
Inauguration de l'Avenue Sphinx à Louxor
Aujourd'hui, le Jeudi 25 novembre à 19h30, l'Egypte va célébrer l'événement d'inauguration de l'avenue des Sphinx #Louxor #egypte #Luxor #SphinxAvenueLuxor #sphinxavenue #egypt #ancientEgypt #ThisIsEgypt #experienceEgypt #whereitallbegins #Egyptology #pride #opetfestival #Celebrations #مصر #طريق_الكباش #الأقصر
Stay tuned for a new Film from the genius @magued.makram
#Newvalley #egypt #thisisegypt #sony #sonya7iii #sigma35mm #travelegypt #amazingegypt #travel #filmmaking #vlog #teaser #cinematography #sonyalpha #editing #myegypt @egypttravel #desertegypt #egypteveryday #egypttourism #tourism #ministry #experienceegypt #egyptshots #egypttravels #egyptian #ministryoftourismandantiquities #travelvideography #travelfilmmaker #touregypt
#Repost - @metmuseum
Hey #VirtualMuseumMile go-ers! Join us on a trip through the Temple of Dendur—a beloved gift from the Egyptian government to the U.S.
Built by Ceasar Augustus in 10 B.C., this monument is dedicated not only to the goddess Isis and other Egyptian deities, but also to several Indigenous Nubian gods and two local saints.
Keep an eye out for the Sphinx of Hatshepsut and other ancient Egyptian sculptures that surround the temple in Gallery 131.
بعد توقف 30 عاما.. مدفع رمضان ينطلق من قلعة صلاح الدين الأيوبى بالقاهرة
Après une pause de 30 ans. Le canon du Ramadan est lancé depuis la Citadelle de Salah El-Din Al-Ayoubi au Caire
After a pause of 30 years .. Ramadan cannon is launched from the Citadel of Salah El-Din Al-Ayoubi in Cairo
#travel #love #photography #instagood #photooftheday #fashion #beautiful #مصر #summer #cairo #redsea #sea #sun #holiday #travelphotography #vacation #happy #art #picoftheday #nature #desert #instagram #style #girl #travelgram #follow #followme #beach ##ramadan #islam #muslim #quran #ramadhan #allah #love #eid #ramadanmubarak #islamicquotes #ramadankareem #covid #puasa #muslimah #islamic #stayhome #instagram #sunnah #dirumahaja #hijab #makkah #eidmubarak #iftar #allahuakbar #dua #ramazan #alhamdulillah #food #deen #bhfyp
"بورتريهات الفيوم" هي مجموعة من اللوحات التي يعود تاريخها إلى مصر الرومانية نُفذت في القرن الأول ، من نهاية عهد الإمبراطور الروماني تيبيريوس ، حتى القرن الرابع.
Les « portraits du Fayoum » sont un ensemble de peintures remontant à l'Égypte romaine exécutés du ier siècle, à partir de la fin du règne de l'empereur romain Tibère, jusqu'au ive siècle.
The “Portraits of the Fayum” are a collection of paintings dating back to Roman Egypt executed in the 1st century, from the end of the reign of the Roman Emperor Tiberius, until the 4th century.
#instagood #egyptians #ancienthistory #ancientegyptian #artist #bellydance #hurghada #amazingegypt #luxor #giza #egyptiangirl #egyptiantattoo #hieroglyphs #instagram #beauty #pharaoh #life #pyramid #fashionblogger #alexandria #sharmelsheikh #civilization #model #dubai #explore #travelgram #temple #egitto #bhfyp #photographer
الثالث من إبريل ٢٠٢١، الموكب الذهبي ل ٢٢ مومياء ملكية ستجوب شوارع القاهرة من المتحف المصري في التحرير للمتحف الوطني للحضارة المصرية.
Le 3 Avril, 2021, la procession d'or de 22 momies royales se promener dans les rues du Caire du musée égyptien Tahrir au Musée national de la civilisation égyptienne.
On April 3, 2021, the golden procession of 22 royal mummies will roam the streets of Cairo from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.