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Guide Égyptologue Conférencier national

🧑‍🏫💀✨ Join the Movement: Respect and Repatriate Human Remains! ✨💀🧑‍🏫Imagine your final resting place being disturbed and...

🧑‍🏫💀✨ Join the Movement: Respect and Repatriate Human Remains! ✨💀🧑‍🏫

Imagine your final resting place being disturbed and your belongings displayed far from home. It's time to stand up for the dignity of those who came before us. Let's advocate for the return of human remains, mummies, and funerary furniture to their rightful places! 🗿🏺🌍

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🖋️ Every signature matters—be a voice for cultural respect and heritage preservation!

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Respect and Repatriate Human Remains, Mummies, and Funerary Furniture

J'ai maintenant 5 000 abonnés !  Merci pour votre soutien continu !  Sans vous, cela n'aurait jamais été possible. 🙏🤗🎉

J'ai maintenant 5 000 abonnés ! Merci pour votre soutien continu ! Sans vous, cela n'aurait jamais été possible. 🙏🤗🎉


une expérience de réalité virtuelle immersive présentant les monuments sans doute les plus impressionnants de Ramsès II : les temples d'Abou Simbel et la tombe de la reine Néfertari. Le fantôme de celle-ci accueillera le visiteur et l'entraînera à travers une aventure palpitante.




Après les temples ptolémaïques en 2020-2021, l’Ifao, engagé dans une politique d’Open Access, met en ligne en accès libre une série d'ouvrages sur Deir el-Médina, disponibles dans la Bibliothèque numérique de l’Ifao :

In the same way as for the Ptolemaic temples in 2020-2021, IFAO, which is committed to a policy of Open Access, is making a series of works on Deir el-Medina available for free in its digital library:

- Jaroslav Černý, Catalogue des ostraca hiératiques non littéraires de Deir el-Médineh. Tome VII. (Nos 340 à 456)
- Bernard Bruyère, Tombes thébaines de Deir el Médineh à décoration monochrome
- Bernard Bruyère, La tombe N° 1 de Sen-Nedjem à Deir el-Médineh
- Fahmy ʿAbd el-Wahab, La tombe N°1 de Sen-Nedjem à Deir el-Médineh. Croquis de position
- Jaroslav Černý, Répertoire onomastique de Deir el-Médineh T. I
- Georges Posener, Catalogue des ostraca hiératiques littéraires de Deir el-Médineh. Tome II - n°1109 à 1167
- Serge Sauneron, Catalogue des ostraca hiératiques non littéraires de Deir el-Médineh. [Tome VI]. (N°550-623)
- Dominique Valbelle, Ouchebtis de Deir El-Médineh
- Dominique Valbelle, La Tombe de Hay à Deir El-Médineh (n° 267)
- Jaroslav Černý, Papyrus hiératiques de Deir el-Médineh T. I
- Henri Wild, La tombe de Néfer-Hotep (1) et Neb-Néfer à Deir el Médîna [no 6]. II. Planches

In contrast to the    , this   museum has its focus to explain everything -  ,  ,   and   concepts. 

In contrast to the , this museum has its focus to explain everything - , , and concepts. 

de:Schloss Veitshöchheim is located in the town. This summer palace of the Prince-Bishops of Würzburg was built in 1680–...

de:Schloss Veitshöchheim is located in the town. This summer palace of the Prince-Bishops of Würzburg was built in 1680–82, and was enlarged to its present appearance in 1753 by Balthasar Neumann. The gardens were redesigned for Prince-Bishop Adam Friedrich von Seinsheim (1755–1779), with lakes and waterworks, and filled with hundreds of allegorical sandstone sculptures from the workshops of the court sculptors Ferdinand Tietz and Johann Peter Wagner.


The Berlin Spy Museum is a private museum in Berlin , devoted to the history of spies and espionage in the former spy ca...

The Berlin Spy Museum is a private museum in Berlin , devoted to the history of spies and espionage in the former spy capital of Germany.

في أواخر عام 2019 ، دخل متحف اللوفر ثلاث برديات ، تُعرف باسم "بردية ريفيرسو" على اسم مالكها الأول. يقال إن الكابتن دي ري...

في أواخر عام 2019 ، دخل متحف اللوفر ثلاث برديات ، تُعرف باسم "بردية ريفيرسو" على اسم مالكها الأول. يقال إن الكابتن دي ريفيرسو (1788-1852) قد حصل على البرديات في عام 1823 ، والتي ظلت في أيدي أحفاده لمدة قرنين من الزمان. ظلوا مجهولين تمامًا حتى استحوذ عليهم متحف اللوفر!

In late 2019 entered the Musée du Louvre three papyri, known as the "Reverseaux papyri" after the name of their first owner. Captain de Reverseaux (1788-1852) is said to have acquired the papyri in 1823, which remained in the hands of his descendants for two centuries. They remained completely unknown until their acquisition by the Louvre!

À la fin 2019 entraient au Louvre trois papyrus, dits « papyrus Reverseaux » d’après le nom de leur premier propriétaire. L’un d’entre eux, le papyrus Reverseaux I, est une anthologie de scribe d’un intérêt exceptionnel.


Posted • Taking a stroll through history!

Esna, a modern Egyptian town, was founded in ancient Latopolis and is home to a magnificent temple dedicated to the god Khnum. Under the Greeks and Romans, the city became the capital of Upper Egypt's Third Nome. The temple was devoted to a number of gods in addition to Khnum, the most notable of which were Neith and Heka.

Khnum was the ram god that was worshipped across the area and was credited with making mankind on his potter's wheel from Nile mud. Esna is located around 50 kilometers south of Luxor. The temple is now situated below the modern city's center, roughly nine meters beneath the surrounding grounds.

Posted  •  Discovered in Egypt by Napoleon’s conquering forces, this plain-looking slab was the key to cracking the code...

Posted • Discovered in Egypt by Napoleon’s conquering forces, this plain-looking slab was the key to cracking the code of Egyptian hieroglyphics.







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