See The Real Egypt - Mohamed Zaki Tours & Guiding

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See The Real Egypt - Mohamed Zaki Tours & Guiding Mohamed Zaki has been guiding in Egypt for over ten years, and was previously involved in restoratio

- Opening of the tomb of Neferhotep in Luxor after the completion of its restoration Dr. Mustafa Waziri, Secretary Gener...

- Opening of the tomb of Neferhotep in Luxor after the completion of its restoration

Dr. Mustafa Waziri, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, accompanied by Ambassador Gonzalo Oriolabeta, the Argentine Ambassador to Cairo, opened the tomb of Neferhotep in the Valley of nobles in the west bank of Luxor, after the completion of its restoration work by the Argentine mission of the University of Buenos Aires under the supervision of the Supreme Council of Antiquities.
The tomb dates back to the era of the Eighteenth Dynasty and belongs to one of the statesmen of the king Ay (1327 to 1323 BC), called Neferhotep, who held many positions such as the scribe of Amun and the supervisor of the beautiful textile workerwomen of the god Amun.

The tomb contains a large number of beautiful scenes and inscriptions in addition to two statues of the owner of the tomb and his wife, Meritamun, who held the position of chantress of god Amun-Ra in the Karnak Temple.
The scenes and inscriptions of the tomb illustrate the changes that occurred in funeral rituals after the Amarna period
photos and new source : ministry of antiquities and tourism

A new archaeological discovery in Egypt  :In an interesting archaeological discovery, the Czech expedition of the Facult...

A new archaeological discovery in Egypt :

In an interesting archaeological discovery, the Czech expedition of the Faculty of Arts at Charles University in Prague, has discovered the tomb of the Royal Scribe, "Djehuty em hat," during their mission excavations at the Abu Sir archaeological site. The tomb dating back to the mid-first millennium BCE.

The tomb was discovered in the section of the Abu Sir burial ground that houses the final resting places of the high officials and military commanders from the Twenty-Sixth and Twenty-Seventh Dynasties and It is the same place where the tomb of the army commander "Wahib Ra Mery Nieth" was discovered last year

The burial chamber walls contains many inscriptions in hieroglyphic script depicting texts from the Book of the Dead, one of the most important holy books in ancient Egypt, in addition to magic spells to protect against snake bites and scenes of ritual offerings and a substantial list of offerings while the scenes of the ceiling of the burial chamber bears a depiction of the sun's journey through the sky in its morning and evening boats, accompanied by hymns for the sunrise and sunset.

the discovery revealed that the tomb was robbed by tomb rubbers, and all that remained was the sarcophagus decorated with inscriptions and some of the skeletal remains was also found, the anthropological analysis indicated that Djahuti em hat died young, approximately at the age of twenty-five, and that he was suffering from some health problems.

Photos and the New source is ministry of antiquities and tourism

New Archaeological Discovery in Egypt: Dr. Mustafa Waziri, the Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities i...

New Archaeological Discovery in Egypt:

Dr. Mustafa Waziri, the Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities in Egypt, announced today, Sunday, the 15th of October, the discovery of the cemetery of high-ranking officials and priests from the New kingdom who served in the fifteenth province of Upper Egypt. This burial site was found in the village of Al-Ghurayfah near Tunah Al-Jabal, which was the necropolis of the city of Ashmunen, Hermonoplis, the center of worship for the god Thoth, the god of wisdom and writing, and the lord of time in ancient Egypt.

The site contains numerous rock-cut tombs with a variety of archaeological treasures, including amulets, jewelry, stone and wooden coffins with mummies, as well as a collection of clay and wooden Ushabti figurines of some prominent officials, such as "Jehuty-mes," who held the title of overseer of the temple of Amun, and "Nani," who held the title of chantress of god Jehuty (Tut).

Dr. Waziri also mentioned that the archaeological evidence suggests that a portion of this burial site was reused in later periods. Many artifacts from the Late Period were uncovered, including different-sized Ushabti figurines, canopic jars made of alabaster, limestone, and faience, thousands of Ushabtis, and numerous stone and wooden coffins, some of which were inscribed and painted with well-preserved mummies inside. Additionally, one burial contained a decorated wooden coffin for a lady named "Ta Djeser," the daughter of "Irt-Heru," a high priest of god Jehuty (Tut) in Ashmunen (Hermonoplis). Next to her, two wooden boxes were found containing her personal canopic jars, as well as a complete set of Ushabti figurines and a statue of Ptah-Sokar.

Dr. Waziri also revealed the discovery of a papyrus scroll, measuring approximately 13-15 meters, which is believed to be the first complete papyrus of the Book of the Dead. This scroll is in excellent condition and is scheduled to be displayed in the Grand Egyptian Museum.

New and photos source : the Egyptian ministry of tourism and antiquities

The Grand Egyptian Museum:The construction was completed in 2021 and is expected to open at the beginning of 2024. Its d...

The Grand Egyptian Museum:
The construction was completed in 2021 and is expected to open at the beginning of 2024.
Its design was based on the fact that the sun’s rays extending from the tops of the three pyramids when they meet represent a conical mass, which is the Grand Egyptian Museum.
It was designed and built to be the largest museum in the world containing Egyptian artifacts and to be the first destination for all those interested in the history and civilization of ancient Egypt.

A new archaeological discovery in Egypt :The joint Dutch-Italian archaeological mission from the Leiden Museum in the Ne...

A new archaeological discovery in Egypt :

The joint Dutch-Italian archaeological mission from the Leiden Museum in the Netherlands and the Egyptian Museum in Turin, working in the Saqqara, necropolis, under the supervision of Egypt Supreme Council of Antiquities, succeeded in discovering a tomb of a person called Banahsi from the Ramesside period,
the tomb contains, paintings depicting the owner of the tomb and his wife Paya, who bore the title singer of god Amun, including a beautiful scene of Banhasi worshiping the goddess Hathor, and below it a scene depicting him and his wife together in front of an offering table, with a bald man standing in front of them with tiger skin on his shoulders, in addition to To a number of scenes of priests and offerings.

The mission also succeeded in discovering the remains of four small chapels, two of which contain a number of inscriptions.
one of these chapels for a person named Yoyo and has a beautiful carving of him with his family

The news and the photos source is the ministry of antiquities and tourism

The beauty of the Nile

The beauty of the Nile

Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎Osni Aricó

Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎

Osni Aricó

An exciting discovery in Egypt, The New York University archaeological mission working in the area of ​​the Temple of Ki...

An exciting discovery in Egypt,

The New York University archaeological mission working in the area of ​​the Temple of King Ramesses II in Abydos, in Sohag governrate in Upper Egypt, succeeded in uncovering more than 2,000 mummified rams' heads dating back to the Ptolemaic era, in addition to a huge building from the Sixth Dynasty.
The mission also revealed a number of mummified animals next to the heads of rams, including a group of ewes, dogs, wild goats, cows, deer, and mongooses, which were found placed in one of the newly discovered storage rooms inside the northern area of ​​the temple.
the discovery also includes parts of statues, parts of papyri, remains of ancient trees, clothes and leather shoes.

Dr. Sameh Iskandar, head of the mission, indicated that the discovery of this large number of mummified rams may have been used as votive offerings in Abydos during the Ptolemaic period

it's worthy mentioning that the votive offerings are mummified animals dedicated to specific deities that were buried in underground catacombs attached to the temples, and the ancient Egyptian used to buy a mummy from them, and recite prayers over them while presenting them to the god, and examples of these mummies are cats that were offered to the cat goddess, “Bastet”, the goddess of joy , and the ibis birds dedicated to Thoth, the Ibis god of wisdom.

the new and photos source is the ministry of antiquities and tourism

A minor archaeological discovery in Egypt  :The joint Egyptian German archaeological mission, working in the area surrou...

A minor archaeological discovery in Egypt :

The joint Egyptian German archaeological mission, working in the area surrounding the open-air Obelisk Museum, in the city of Iunu (Heliopolis) in the Matareya region, in eastern Cairo announced 6 days ago the discovery of more remains of the Sun Temple and some remains of royal statues, while completing its excavation work this year

The new and photos source is the ministry of antiquities and tourism

A new archaeological discovery in Egypt :The Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities announced the discovery of a statue resemb...

A new archaeological discovery in Egypt :
The Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities announced the discovery of a statue resembling the Sphinx and the remains of an ancient temple of the god Horus in the temple of godess Hathor in Dendera near the city of Qena
the archaeological mission of Ain Shams University revealed the remains of a limestone shrine during archaeological excavations in the area east of the Dendera Temple, in which a temple of the god Horus was built. The artifacts were found near the Temple of Hathor, one of the best preserved ancient sites in Egypt. The limestone sphinx with its "smiling face and dimples" is believed to represent the Roman Emperor Claudius

An exciting discovery in Saqqara necropolis  :Dr Mostafa Waziry, general secretary of Egypt supreme council of antiquiti...

An exciting discovery in Saqqara necropolis :

Dr Mostafa Waziry, general secretary of Egypt supreme council of antiquities announced the discovery of 16 meters long ancient papyrus scroll

The papyrus is written into the Hieratic, one of the three scripts of the ancient Egyptian language that used mainly to write the religious texts and literature
the papyrus was written in black ink for most of the texts while there are some texts in red ink, and it contains 113 spells from the Book of the Dead, one of the eleven holy books of the ancient Egyptians
This text, dating back to 50 BC, could provide new and revealing insights into ancient Egyptian beliefs about the afterlife.
the ancient document whose belongs to a person named Ahmose is the first complete papyrus scroll to be found in over 100 years and was found inside one of 250 caskets were discovered at Saqqara.

the New source and photos : Egypt supreme council of antiquities

Abu Simble temples in the evening

Abu Simble temples in the evening

Horus, the falcon god, the god of victory and the lord of the sky, his name in the ancient Egyptian language is Hor mean...

Horus, the falcon god, the god of victory and the lord of the sky, his name in the ancient Egyptian language is Hor meaning "who flies away" and the Greeks changed the word pronunciation to become Horus and identified him with their god Apolo
in ancient Egypt mythology, Horus was the messenger god who connected earth where are the mankind with heaven, the kingdom of gods
he was depicted in a falcon shape or in a man body with falcon head
Horus was worshipped in different spots in Egypt but Edfu was his main worshiping center where the native pharaohs built his temple that was rebuilt by the Greek kings during their occupation to the country

photos of the Horus statue in his temple in Edfu in upper Egypt

A painted limestone group statue of Seneb, his wife and children the statue was found in his tomb at Gizah plateau he wa...

A painted limestone group statue of Seneb, his wife and children
the statue was found in his tomb at Gizah plateau
he was a high official, the chief of royal palace dwarfs, the overseer of the royal wardrobe and priest served the funeral of king Cheops and his son and successor, Jedefra
his wife, Senetitus, was a priestess of goddesses Hathor and Nieth
the statue showing him sitting cross- legged and his wife embracing him with love while their kids were depicted in the lower register with the lock of hair to the back of their head and their index finger to their mouth

Madrast and Mosque of Alsultan Hassan in old Cairo, the jewel of the Islamic Architecture and Egypt's fourth pyramid

Madrast and Mosque of Alsultan Hassan in old Cairo, the jewel of the Islamic Architecture and Egypt's fourth pyramid

Hot air Baloon over Luxor

Hot air Baloon over Luxor

Two limestone statues of Rahoteop and his wife Nofret in the Egyptian museum in Cairo, his name means "god Ra is satisfi...

Two limestone statues of Rahoteop and his wife Nofret in the Egyptian museum in Cairo, his name means "god Ra is satisfied" and her name means "beautiful"
Rahoteop was son of king Sefru, the founder of the fourth dynasty and half brother of king Cheops, the builder of the great pyramid and held some titles like the high priest of god Ra in Heliopolis and the director of the expeditions
Auguste Mariette discovered his tomb in Miedum 1871

In 1916, the British Museum announced that it would soon acquire a bust of King Ramesses II from his mortuary temple, "t...

In 1916, the British Museum announced that it would soon acquire a bust of King Ramesses II from his mortuary temple, "the Ramseum", in the west bank of Luxor This event inspired the English poet, Shelley, to write his famous poem "Ozymandias".
"Ozymandias" was the Greeck pronunciation of the king's coronation name

,I met a traveller from an antique land

Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

,Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand

,Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown

,And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command

Tell that its sculptor well those passions read

,Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things

;The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed

:And on the pedestal, these words appear

;My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings

!Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare

”.The lone and level sands stretch far away

200th anniversary of the deciphering of the Rosetta stone, the important dates of the story  : 341 BC, the Persian army ...

200th anniversary of the deciphering of the Rosetta stone,
the important dates of the story :

341 BC, the Persian army occupied Egypt and dethroned the last native pharaoh of ancient Egypt, king Necktenebu the second

332 BC, Alexander the great expelled the persians and occupied Egypt

305 BC, Ptolemy the first, a Greeck general and companion of Alexander became the king of Egypt and founded the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt

204 BC, was the death of Ptolemy 4, who treated the Egyptian people badly and ignored the temples and the priests and the coronation of his son, Ptolemy 5 who changed the policy and cut taxes and paid to the temples

196 BC, the priests of Memphis, the oldest and traditional capital of United Egypt inscribed the "Memphis decree" to thank Ptolemy V and enumerate his donations to the temples

Near the end of the 4th century AD, Egyptian people converted into christianity and temples were closed and the priests who were the scribes left them and there have been no body could read or write the ancient Egyptian language

394 AD, was the inscription of the last text to be written in the ancient Egyptian language on the walls of philae temple in Aswan

1790 AD, was the birth of Jean Francois Champoleon, the French linguist, later nicknamed the godfather of the Egyptology

1798 AD, Napoleon occupied Egypt

1799 AD, was the discovery of Memphis decree near the city of Rosetta on the Mediterranean coast by the french campaign soldiers to be the first bilingual text to be discovered from ancient Egypt

1801 AD, Napoleon expedition against Egypt was forced to leave the country
and the English took the Rosetta stone to London
and the officer Champoleon who served in Napoleon expedition showed a drawn copy of the Rosetta stone to his cousin, Jean Francois Champoleon them the boy's fascination for ancient Egypt and its civilization began and started early of his life in preparing himself to the mission of deciphering the Rosetta Stone and began learning ancient languages like the Persian, Arabic, Cush*tic, Hebrew and the chaldean

1819 AD, the philae temple obelisk was moved from the Aswan to London, where another bilingual text was found on its surface

1822 AD, Jean Francois Champoleon got a drawn copy of the philae temple obelisk text that erected in London

1822 AD, Jean Francois Champoleon could get some drawn copies of some ancient Egyptian texts inscribed on the walls of some temples and tombs from a French engineer who served in Egypt and studying these text helped him confirm his earlier conclusions

September 1822 AD, Jean Francois Champoleon claimed that he deciphered the Rosetta stone

the photo of the Rosetta stone in the British museum in London taken by my friend John Wages who allowed me to use it, thanks to him

Some more Photos from king Ramsis the first's tomb

Some more Photos from king Ramsis the first's tomb


Ramsis the first :
His roots are from the east of the Nile delta, he served as a soldier in the beginning of his life and ascended to power during the reign of king Tutankhamun
he was the companion and the army commander of king Horemhep, the last pharaoh of the 18th dynasty
as Horemhep had no son to inherit the throne so Ramsis the first succeeded him and founded the 19th dynasty
he reigned for short period from 1292 BC to 1290 BC
he was buried in his tomb, KV16 in the Valley of the kings and succeeded by his son king Seti first
my video from the burial chamber of king Ramsis the first


I always feel grateful and lucky to be born and live in this amazing city
Luxor, my wonderful city, full of history and ancient monuments, the capital of the ancient Egyptian empire during it's golden age and one of the oldest inhabitanted cities in the world

Seninmut  : Fifteen centuries BC, the Queen of Egypt fell in love with her advisor and architect Senmut belonged to a hu...

Seninmut :

Fifteen centuries BC, the Queen of Egypt fell in love with her advisor and architect

Senmut belonged to a humble origin family, he began his work life as a low priest at Karnak temple

but he ascended to prominence during the reign of Queen Hatshepsut and became her first advisor and construction engineer
he had carried out a lots of missions and held many titles

He was tutor of her daughter Nefru Ra,
oversaw the cutting, transportation and erecting of the two obelisks that the queen erected in the Karnak temple, as well as the construction of her mortuary temple

my photos of the statue of Seninmut carrying and holding the royal princess Nefru Ra as her father in the civilization museum and statues of queen Hatshepsut in her mortuary temple in the west bank of Luxor

Akhenaten: King Amenhotep IV, the son and successor of king Amenhotep the third from his wife queen Tie, he reigned from...


King Amenhotep IV, the son and successor of king Amenhotep the third from his wife queen Tie, he reigned from 1353 to 1334 BC, converted the country from it's traditional polytheism to a monotheistic cult dedicated to the sun’s disk, Aton. He changed his name to Akhenaten, meaning “beneficial to Aten,” and moved the capital from Luxor to a hastily built city (tod is Tell Alammarba at Elminya province in the middleof Egypt) named Akhetaten, meaning “horizon of the god Aten.” After his death, Egypt’s traditional culture was restored and most monuments to Akhenaten were defaced or destroyed. He was excluded from the lists of rulers maintained by the kingdom .
My photos of a statue and a head of statue of king Akhenaten in Luxor museum

Hot air Baloon in Luxor

Hot air Baloon in Luxor

This scene is engraved on the eastern wall of the temple of king Ramsis the second in Abu Simble and representing the fi...

This scene is engraved on the eastern wall of the temple of king Ramsis the second in Abu Simble and representing the first intelligence operation in mankind history as the two men on the ground are two spies sent by the Hittites to deceive the Egyptian army before the battle of Qaddesh between the Egyptian army and Hetittes

Their mission was to go nearby the Egyptian army camp and to be arrested and tell the Egyptians misleading information about the Hittites army
in the scene we see the two spies are sitting on the ground and surrounded by some Egyptian officers beating them while they are interrogating them.

Gypsies have given this world so much music, dance and arts, and they have received nothing but exclusion and marginaliz...

Gypsies have given this world so much music, dance and arts, and they have received nothing but exclusion and marginalization
They are one of the oldest ethnic groups on Earth

Their story began in the fourth century AD when one of the emperors of Persia was visiting the provinces of the countryside, and he was upset that the peasants spend the day in hard work in the fields, and in the evening they did not get some entertainment, so he sent to one of the rulers of India asking him to send a large number of entertainers
And it seems that the authorities in India have found it a great opportunity to get rid of them, so they sent about ten thousand of them to Iran
From there they began their eternal journey around the world
They were divided into two groups. The Romani went to Europe while the Domari spreaded in the Middle East. In the year 1546, was the arrival of the first gypsy groups to Egypt. At the beginning of their migration, they caused some problems for the local authorities here, but they undoubtedly representing an important and amazing addition to the cultural identity of our country today.
Yesterday, on my way back from Aswan to Luxor, I met these two (Syrian origin) gypsy girls near the city of Edfu and had an interesting conversation with them, and they allowed me to take some pictures of them.

Statue of Kaaber in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo  :Kaaber lived in the late Fourth Dynasty and the beginning of the Fift...

Statue of Kaaber in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo :
Kaaber lived in the late Fourth Dynasty and the beginning of the Fifth Dynasty in ancient Egypt and served as a high priest and scribe to the king in the army
Auguste Mariette discovered his tomb in Saqqara and the local workers in the site admired the vibrant statue and named it "Sheikh Albalad" meaning the mayor of the village for the great resemblance between him and the mayor of their village.

My Photos

KV 9, is one of the beautiful tombs in the Valley of the kings, constructed by the pharaoh Ramsis 5 and reused by his un...

KV 9, is one of the beautiful tombs in the Valley of the kings, constructed by the pharaoh Ramsis 5 and reused by his uncle king Ramsis 6, the walls inscribed with some texts and chapters from the holy books of ancient Egypt like the book of the earth, the book of the dead, the book of the gates, the book of the caverns and the book of Amuduat



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