Last night it rained and it rained and it rained some more! Unfortunately, it didn’t lull me off to sleep! I lay their trying but failing to sleep with all sorts of rubbish going through my mind. Meanwhile, Pauline laid peacefully breathing rhythmically beside me, until five in the morning when she too was awoken. After about ½ an hour of chat we resumed our attempt at sleeping, with partial success.
We moved on from the Avignon site this morning, having done the camp chores. Emptied the grey & black water and topped up the fresh water. Oh and cleaned the van of the debris the rain had washed out of the overhead trees. By the time we had done that and stopped at Carrefour for a food top up it was well gone midday when we got on the road.
Given our previous toll charge shock we decided to avoid them. The downside is that a toll journey that would take approx. 2-1/2 to 3 hours is extended to over 4 off the tolls. Never the less we were determined to avoid being ripped off again. Besides, you get to see more of the French countryside and the small towns along the way.
Much of the route was on the long straight roads lined with Plane trees, a legacy of Napoleonic times, so typical of France. We crossed many rivers and enjoyed some lovely scenery despite the fact that it rained for much of the day. We stopped for lunch in a church carpark at a road island in a village called Lamotte-du-Rhone. While stopped we decided to revise our intended destination removing a 100k and 1-1/4hr of driving from our To Do list. This also changed the route so our afternoon drive took us up the N7 running along the banks of the mighty Rhone river.
We finally arrived at our nights stop about 18:45. The arrival was not without incident as yours truly over shot the turn and decided to take the van down an unsuitable track thinking I would be able to turn round and come out again. But, well, oops, couldn’t do that. Not enough room. I had to reverse out, partially onto the busy main road, with Pauline guiding me and getting quite wet in the process. She was NOT impressed!
The forecast for tonight is for rain, rain and more rain. Let’s hope we can sleep!!