Reflexion's Moments : The Architecture Practice for "Viar Studio"
Architecture is so complex that trying to explain it is no worth. Even so, we have three main concerns, while we design and think Architecture (already quoted in Aarhus project), which are:
Architecture is linked to Light, to light and shadow. We are concerned on the plastic or visual values of architecture, on the entangled path between architecture and light. Talk on light is also talk about it’s hollowing, the voiding or emptying of light: which is the shadow. We (the architects) don´t create light, we produce shadows and atmospheres. We are into the architecture that receives, spreads light and creates atmospheres.
Light IS Space, and our work tries to create quality spaces.
To create the space we, architects, are used to design interiors, to empty masses, to void, and then we think in the interior. We are changing or improving this point of view, we are into what we call the NEGATIVE SPACES, they are the inverse or reverse. They can also be named as convex spaces. We are interested on what is the OUTSIDE of the interior. This is what we also aim to design as mirror spaces.
To summarize this idea -difficult task-, we believe that architecture moves among two main topics; image and sign. Image means the duplicate, the view, the representation of the object; Sign means an associated idea, concept. This is the difference between visual and conceptual perception. We are talking about the purely optic, visual understanding of architecture or the conceptual, abstract, linked to ideas, full of relations understanding of our work. We try to play both games; create architectural images and signs, deal with objects and ideas.