Es una tradición anual que nuestro equipo se reúna en torno a las fiestas y celebre un año lleno de nuevas aventuras, cambios y logros.
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It is an annual tradition for our team to gather around the holidays and celebrate a year full of new adventures, changes and achievements.
#FelicesFiestas #tripadvisortravellerschoice2024 #tripadvisorreviews #tripadvisor #tripadvisortravellerschoice #tripadvisorcertificateofexcellence #viator #glassbotomboat🐠 #SpiritOfTheSea #grancanaria #freedolphinsandwhales #freedolphins #freedolphinsandorcas #whalewatchingtour #whalewatching #dolphinwatching #pilotwhalesbefree #pilotwhales🐳 #pilotwhalewatching #cleanocean #happydolphins #happydolphins🌊🐬🐬🐬 #happydolphinsencounters #happyfreedolphins #happyfreedolphins❤️ #beautifullnature #oceanlife #oceanlife🌊 #oceanlifephotography
Admirar los cetáceos de cerca y la experiencia de verlos libres y felices es inolvidable.
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Admire the cetaceans so close and the experience to see them free and happy is unforgettable .
#getyourguidepartner #tripadvisortravellerschoice2024 #tripadvisorreviews #tripadvisor #tripadvisortravellerschoice #tripadvisorcertificateofexcellence #viator #cleaningoceans #dolphinandwhales #cleanoceansforfreedolphins #glassbotomboat🐠 #dolphinandwhalewatching #freedolphinsarehappydolphins #freedolphinsandwhales #freedolphins #whalewatchingtour #whalewatching #dolphinwatching #bottlenosedolphins #bottlenosedolphin #bottlenosedolphinsofinstagram #spotteddolphins #cleanocean #bottlenoseddolphins #bottlenosedolphins🐬 #bottlenose #happydolphins #happydolphins🌊🐬🐬🐬 #beautifullnature #natureworthseeing
En compañía de delfines mulares entretenidos
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Accompanied by entertaining bottlenose dolphins
#getyourguidepartner #tripadvisortravellerschoice2024 #tripadvisorreviews #tripadvisor #tripadvisortravellerschoice #tripadvisorcertificateofexcellence #viator #cleaningoceans #delfinmularonarizdebotella #delfínmular #delfinmular #natureworthseeing #natureworthsaving #natureworthpreserving #glassbotomboat #oceanlifephotography #oceanlife🌊 #oceanlife #beautifullnature #happydolphinsencounters #happydolphins🌊🐬🐬🐬 #happydolphins #bottlenosedolphins🐬 #bottlenoseddolphins #cleanocean #bottlenosedolphinsofinstagram #bottlenosedolphin #bottlenosedolphins #dolphinwatching #freedolphins
Cada día una nueva aventura, divertido y educativo para toda la familia 🐬 🐳 Every day a new adventure ,fun and educative for the entire family#hellonovember #dolphinandwhaleswatching #oceanlifestyle #worldcleanupday #dolphinandwhalespotting #natureworthexploring #getyourguidepartner #tripadvisortr #tripadvisortravellerschoice2024 #tripadvisorreviews #tripadvisor #tripadvisortravellerschoice #tripadvisorcertificateofexcellence #viator #captain #cleaningoceans #natureworthseeing #natureworthsaving #natureworthpreserving #glassbotomboat #oceanlifephotography #oceanlife #oceanlife🌊 #beautifullnature #happyfreedolphins❤️ #happyfreedolphins #happydolphinsencounters #happydolphins🌊🐬🐬🐬 #happydolphins #beautifulnature
Después de un tiempo sin ver este tipo de delphinidae pudimos ver un grupo relativamente grande de CALDERONES TROPICALES.
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After a time without seeing this type of delphinidae ,we finally found a relatively big group of SHORT_FINNED PILOT WHALES.
#tripadvisortravellerschoice2024 #getyourguidepartner #tripadvisorreviews #tripadvisor #tripadvisortravellerschoice #tripadvisorcertificateofexcellence #viator #natureworthsaving #natureworthseeing #natureworthpreserving #glassbotomboat #oceanlifephotography #oceanlife🌊 #oceanlife #beautifullnature #calderonestropicales #shortfinnedpilotwhales #shortfinnedpilotwhale #happyfreedolphins❤️ #cleanoceans #cleanocean #pilotwhale #pilotwhalewatching #pilotwhalesbefree #pilotwhales🐳
Delfines moteados , relajados al rededor del barco.
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Spotted dolphins everywhere
#fullmoon #weekendready #runningwild #fullmoonmagic #getyourguidepartner #tripadvisortravellerschoice2024 #tripadvisorreviews #tripadvisor #tripadvisorcertificateofexcellence #viator #delfínmoteadodelatlántico #delfinmoteadoatlantico #delfinmoteados #delfinmoteado #delfínmoteado #cleaningoceans #natureworthsaving #natureworthpreserving #glassbotomboat #oceanlifephotography #oceanlife🌊 #oceanlife #beautifullnature #happyfreedolphins #happyfreedolphins❤️ #happydolphinsencounters #happydolphins🌊🐬🐬🐬 #stripeddolphinsrock
¡¡¡Nuestros clientes están viendo estos Zifios de Blainville ahora mismo!!!
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Our clientes are with these Blainville’s Beaked Whale at the moment!!!
#getyourguidepartner #tripadvisortravellerschoice2024 #tripadvisorreviews #tripadvisor #tripadvisortravellerschoice #tripadvisorcertificateofexcellence #viator #cleaningoceans #natureworthseeing #natureworthsaving #natureworthpreserving #glassbotomboat #zifiosdeblainville #zifios #zifioblainville #oceanlifephotography #oceanlife🌊 #oceanlife #beautifullnature #happyfreedolphins #happydolphinsencounters #happyfreedolphins❤️ #cleanocean #dolphinwatching #whalewatch
En el océano hay muchos más animales que nuestros queridos cetáceos. Recogimos esta pardela y poder darle una oportunidad de supervivencia llevándola a rehabilitación
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There are a lot more animals in the ocean than our beloved cetaceans. We picked up this shearwater and be able to give him a chance on survival going to rehabilitation
#getyourguidepartner #tripadvisortravellerschoice2024 #tripadvisorreviews #tripadvisor #tripadvisortravellerschoice #tripadvisorcertificateofexcellence #viator #cleaningoceans #natureworthseeing #natureworthsaving #natureworthpreserving #glassbotomboat #pardelacenicientaatlantica #pardelacenicientacanaria #pardelacenicienta #pardela #oceanlife🌊 #oceanlifephotography #beautifullnature #oceanlife #cleanocean #cleanoceans #dolphinwatching #whalewatching #whalewatchingtour #freedolphinsandorcas #freedolphinsarehappydolphins
Los delfines listados son pequeños delfines que a veces nos entretienen con saltos. Se distinguen por sus rayas grises, azules oscuras y blancas.
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Striped dolphins are small dolphins that sometimes entertain us with jumps. With their grey, dark blue and white stripes they are distinctive.
#tripadvisortravellerschoice2024 #tripadvisorreviews #tripadvisor #tripadvisortravellerschoice #tripadvisorcertificateofexcellence #viator #natureworthseeing #natureworthsaving #natureworthpreserving #glassbotomboat #beautifullnature #oceanlife #oceanlife🌊 #happyfreedolphins❤️ #happyfreedolphins #cleanocean #delfineslistados #stripeddolphins
Buscando cetáceos en su hábitat natural. Le proporcionaremos todo tipo de detalles sobre nuestros delfines y ballenas, con una excelente visibilidad tanto en superficie como bajo el agua. Si el tiempo lo permite, se hará una breve parada en tierra para un refrescante chapuzón.
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Looking for cetaceans in their natural habitat. We will provide you with all kinds of details about our dolphins and whales, with excellent visibility both at the surface and underwater. Weather permitting, we will make a brief stop in the bay for a refreshing swim.
#hellonovember #newmonthnewgoals #tripadvisortravellerschoice2024 #getyourguidepartner #tripadvisorreviews #tripadvisortravellerschoice #tripadvisorcertificateofexcellence #viator #cleaningoceans #natureworthseeing #natureworthsaving #natureworthpreserving #glassbotomboat #whalewatch #cleanoceansforfreedolphins #dolphinandwhalewatching #freedolphinsandwhales #freedolphinsandorcas #whalewatchingtour #whalewatching #dolphinwatching
Por supuesto, seguimos ofreciendo lo que llevamos ofreciendo desde hace 25 años, observación de delfines y ballenas, pero con un nuevo envoltorio. Observación, preservación y educación para todo el mundo.
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Of course, we continue to offer what we have been offering for 25 years, dolphin and whale watching, but with a new wrapper. Observation, preservation and education for everyone.
#oceanlifestyle #dolphinandwhaleswatching #dolphinandwhalespotting #worldcleanupday #cleaningoceans #natureworthsaving #natureworthseeing #natureworthpreserving #glassbotomboat #oceanlife🌊 #oceanlifephotography #oceanlife #beautifullnature #happyfreedolphins #happydolphinsencounters #happydolphins🌊🐬🐬🐬 #happydolphins #cleanocean #pilotwhalewatching #dolphinwatching #whalewatchingtour #whalewatching