Galicia wine and go

Galicia wine and go Ribadavia is a small Galician town situated inland at the confluence of two rivers.

Galicia Wine and Go provides information in English about the many attractions, activities and events that the ancient region of the Ribeiro, with its long-established tradition of wine-growing, has to offer. It has an unspoilt medieval quarter with one of the nicest main squares in Galicia. It's also the centre of a small region, the Ribeiro, which has a history of wine production dating back t

o the middle ages. The green hills that surround it are covered with vineyards, native pine, chestnut and oak and historic wine villages. If you are interested in sampling the wine which is now starting to win international prizes, visiting small bodegas housed in lovingly restored old manor houses or walking through vineyards along beautiful river banks this is the place to be.


Los vinos Eduardo Peña, Ramón do Casar, Priorato de Razamonde 2019 y Tinalla 2020 fueron los ganadores de la Cata Oficial ...


Ribeiro Wins 12 Medals at Brussels

In Galicia Ribeiro has once again been the most awarded Denomination of Origin region, with 4 golds and 8 silver medals.

Of the four golds achieved by Ribeiro, two went to the Ramón do Casar winery for its Lento wines from 2017 and Varietal from 2020. The third went to Pazo Tizón for its Pazo Tizón 2019 wine, and the fourth for the Priorato de Razamonde wine from the same named winery.

The silver from D.O. Ribeiro went to Viña Costeira for its 2020 Godello Tamborá; Alanís (Bodegas Gallegas) for its Gran Alanís 2020; Alter 2020, from the Priory of Razamonde; Pazo Tizón Cuvee, by Pazo Tizón 2019; Benedictus Fructus Barrica 2020, from Val de Souto; Finca Viñoa 2019, of Grandes Pagos Gallegos and the remaining two for Bodegas Docampo for its Señorío da Vila 2019 and Viña do Campo 2019.

But if we make a comparison with Countries with a long wine-making tradition and a larger cultivated area, the data becomes even more striking only Ribeiro achieved more medals than the United States and Germany!

Ribeiro Gana 12 Medallas en el Concurso de Bruselas

En Galicia el Ribeiro ha vuelto a ser la región denominación de origen más premiada, con 4 medallas de oro y 8 de plata.

De los cuatro oros logrados por el Ribeiro, dos fueron para la bodega Ramón do Casar por sus vinos Lento de 2017 y Varietal de 2020. La tercera fue para Pazo Tizón por su vino Pazo Tizón 2019, y la cuarta para el vino Priorato de Razamonde de la bodega homónima.

Las platas en esa denominación de origen fueron para Viña Costeira por su Tamborá Godello 2020; Alanís (Bodegas Gallegas) por su Gran Alanís 2020; Alter 2020, de Priorato de Razamonde; Pazo Tizón Cuvee, de Pazo Tizón 2019; Benedictus Fructus Barrica 2020, de Val de Souto; Finca Viñoa 2019, de Grandes Pagos Gallegos y las dos restantes para Bodegas Docampo por su Señorío da Vila 2019 y Viña do Campo 2019.

Pero si hacemos comparación con países con mucha tradición vinícola y mayor superficie cultivada, los datos todavía se hacen más relevantes: solo el Ribeiro logró más medallas que Estados Unidos y Alemania!

Deseña o teu futuro en Ribadavia. Si che gusta o mundo do viño, si queres formarte cos mellores profesionais do sector, ...

Deseña o teu futuro en Ribadavia. Si che gusta o mundo do viño, si queres formarte cos mellores profesionais do sector, si estás pensando no que queres ser o día de mañán, veleiqui tes a solución. Apuntate xa, non perdas o tempo, a ver si vas quedar sin praza! COMPARTE cos amigos, é bo para eles, é bo para tí, é bo para todos, é bo para Ribadavia.

The Designation of Origin Ribeiro is located in Galicia, on the northwestern edge of the province of Ourense and at the ...

The Designation of Origin Ribeiro is located in Galicia, on the northwestern edge of the province of Ourense and at the confluences of the valleys formed by the rivers Miño, Avia and Arnoia. An approximate extension of 2,500 hectares of vineyards under the protection of the Designation of Origin, covering 15 different townships that will impress you with their culture, gastronomy and landscape. We invite you all to visit our beautiful home while tasting an exquisite wine.

Ribeiro has been a wine growing zone for a very long time.

The day has come!! We are glad to share the final schedule for the 58th Feira do Viño do Ribeiro that will take place th...

The day has come!! We are glad to share the final schedule for the 58th Feira do Viño do Ribeiro that will take place this weekend in Ribadavia. It is a date you can´t miss, we will have lots of activities with a hybrid format that you can join by downloading the app and coming to Ribadavia. ;)
Among the numerous activities we would like to highlight a cocktail masterclass, blind tasting, expositions about the PDO Ribeiro, and, for the little ones, theatre and even an escape room!
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The Ribeiro wines are elaborated with selected blends of native varieties, each of them with its particularities to get ...

The Ribeiro wines are elaborated with selected blends of native varieties, each of them with its particularities to get authentic and genuine wines. Find out more by following the link ;)

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Did you know? In Ribeiro area we have not only wineries, we also have "colleiteiros". Find out more about the diferences...

Did you know? In Ribeiro area we have not only wineries, we also have "colleiteiros". Find out more about the diferences between both terms by following the link ;) 🍇🍇🍇

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One of the peculiarities of D.O. Ribeiro is the distinction between the figure of "adega" (bodega), winery and "colleiteiro" (cosechero).The figure of the "colleiteiro" was regulated in 1987 and is contemplated in article 17 of the Regulation on the records of warehouses, in which there is an underr...

The wine grower has always traditionally been an important and relevant figure in the D.O. Ribeiro. 5,5000 of them are c...

The wine grower has always traditionally been an important and relevant figure in the D.O. Ribeiro. 5,5000 of them are currently registered, in addition to 115 wineries and “colleiteiros” (harvesters). They represent the production structure of the Denominación. With 2,500 hectares of vineyard and an average yield of14million kilos of grape, the Ribeiro Designation of Origin is characterised by its great diversity and parcelling, a winegrowing heritage that represents the Galician heritage by its landscape, territory and human factor. Tradition is not history. Tradition is eternity.

Wines of landscape and territory traditionally elaborated by wise blends of native varieties.

Let’s talk about wine…The Designation of Origin Ribeiro is located in Galicia, on the northwestern edge of the province ...

Let’s talk about wine…
The Designation of Origin Ribeiro is located in Galicia, on the northwestern edge of the province of Ourense and at the confluences of the valleys formed by the rivers Miño, Avia and Arnoia. A small region situated at 45 km. of the Atlantic Ocean, in a very particular area and of excellent aptitude for the cultivation of the vine. Ribeiro has an approximate extension of 2,500 hectares of vineyards under the protection of the Designation of Origin, covering the townships of Arnoia, Beade, Ribadavia, Carballeda de Avia, Castrelo de Miño, Cenlle, Cortegada, Leiro, Punxín and Ribadavia and parts of Borborás, Ourense, O Carballiño, San Amaro and Toén.

We will give you more information on the following posts, stay tuned! ;)

Ribeiro has been a wine growing zone for a very long time.


Would you describe yourself as a "wine lover"?
If the answer is yes, we would like to invite you to follow our page, where we´ll keep you posted of news and curiosities about the oldest P.D.O in Galicia and one of the first ones in the world.

We´re sure we will be you cup of wine ;)

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Galicia Wine and Go provides information in English about the many attractions, activities and even

You´ll never get bored with Ribeiro D.P.O.Ribeiro wine has five different categories that will suit any occasion. Follow...

You´ll never get bored with Ribeiro D.P.O.

Ribeiro wine has five different categories that will suit any occasion.
Follow the link to find out more and let us know which one is your favorite! :)

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Wines of landscape and territory traditionally elaborated by wise blends of native varieties.

You are all invited to the “Feria do Viño do Ribeiro”!We are happy to confirm that the 58th edition of this amazing exhi...

You are all invited to the “Feria do Viño do Ribeiro”!

We are happy to confirm that the 58th edition of this amazing exhibition fair will take place on the 28th, 29th and 30th of May 2021.
In this exhibition, you can learn all about the Ribeiro Region and the wine we make, you can taste, learn new wines, and get all information about the vineyards and the elaboration of the oldest PDO in Galicia. The great news about this edition is that you can also follow it online thanks to the new app created for the event where you can find information about the events that are taking place and the displayed products.
Please, do not miss the opportunity to join this fabulous event and to learn more about our region, the products we make and how the knowledge has been passed on through generations to master this product.

Find more info by following this link ;)

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La Feira do Viño do Ribeiro lanzará una aplicación virtual en la que se podrán seguir y consultar todas las actividades presenciales.

Tastings and Wine activities in Galicia, all in your hand thanks to a new app!! Galician Government has recently updated...

Tastings and Wine activities in Galicia, all in your hand thanks to a new app!!

Galician Government has recently updated the app “Enoturismo en Galicia” where you can find easily in your phone more than 200 tourist attractions along the wine routes of the five wine´s D.P.O. we have in Galicia. With three different languages, Spanish, Galician and English, this app presents itself as a great gadget to help you plan your trip to Galicia and take a walk among vineyards. The app it’s free to be downloaded to Android and IOS devices.

Don´t wait to try Galicia´s flavors!!

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A film with DPO!Surrounded by a privileged landscape full of winery culture, this comedy located in Ribeiro´s Region, te...

A film with DPO!
Surrounded by a privileged landscape full of winery culture, this comedy located in Ribeiro´s Region, tells us the funny adventures of three brothers in law following their crazy plan.
Already in cinemas! Have a look at the movie to get to know better this rich region full of taste.

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Xosé A. Touriñán, Miguel de Lira y Federico Pérez Rey protagonizan CUÑADOS, una comedia que cuenta las peripecias de tres cuñados embarcados en un plan dispa...


The wine route from Braga to Santiago de Compostela started a thousand years ago. Even though Ribeiro´s region was already known for its fabulous wine, the development of the city Saint James of Compostela with its stunning cathedral and its well-known Pilgrimage Route of Compostela created a flow of merchants wanting to get the valuable juice to the Capital. We would like to invite you to an incredible journey back to the origins of the most delicious route in Galicia the route called “O Camiño Miñoto Ribeiro” where you can find not only amazing gastronomy but also history and nature.

Check out the video for more info and don´t forget to visit the web so you can start planning your trip 😉

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Ribadavia, house of the Ukelele lovers!We are glad to share that the 5th edition of the UKP Day will have place in Ribad...

Ribadavia, house of the Ukelele lovers!

We are glad to share that the 5th edition of the UKP Day will have place in Ribadavia the next 5th of June.

Having as headliners the Catalan Enric Montefuco, ex-leader of StandStill and the Galician group, Néboa presenting their debut album; the UKP Day it is expected to be a big surprise this year.

Following COVID prevention measures, the festival will take place inside the castle walls, in the newly refurbished auditorium, surrounded by centuries of history.

We would like to invite you all to enjoy this unique festival in Galicia. Tickets will be out on the 26th of April available in, don´t miss this chance and reserve yours for only 10 Euros!!
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El festival de Ribadavia que honra al instrumento tendrá lugar el 5 de junio

Si algo está claro é que o viñedo de Ribadavia (que representa o Ribeiro do Avia e gran parte do actual Condado de Tea) ...

Si algo está claro é que o viñedo de Ribadavia (que representa o Ribeiro do Avia e gran parte do actual Condado de Tea) estivo ordenado, rexido e estimulado pola monarquía galega, pola aristocrácia laica i eclesiástica e pola burguesía das cidades e vilas galegas dende tempos moi antigos. No Tombo das viñas de Ribadavia amosase todo un territorio vitivinícola delimitado ao servizo do rei e dos mosteiros, daquela Afonso IX (rei de Galicia e León). Foi este un rei moi galego, que pasou parte da sua infancia na vila de Ribadavia, en cuxo territorio posuía abondante viñedo e adegas. Vemos neste Tombo as doazons, prebendas e bo trato que mantiña cos habitantes da nosa comarca polo apoio prestado e a fidelidade amosada, nun momento no que se agrandaban os conflictos bélicos con Castilla, ansiosa por anexionarse o reino de Galicia e León, asunto que nunca aconteceu mentres viviu este rei. Chama a atención tamén a grande estima que lle tiña ao territorio de Ribadavia, onde pasaba longas tempadas, ou facía parada nas suas viaxes a outros lugares do reino. Seica un dos seus fillastros, Martín Alfonso, froito do amorio coa sua amante Teresa Gil, foi Tenente de Ribadavia (unha especie de alcalde dun territorio, neste caso o Ribeiro), e outro fillo froito dos amorios coa Estebaiña foi un dos trovadores da lírica galego protuguesa máis notorio, Estevan Fayan. O que está claro é que o viño do Ribeiro e a lingua galega sempre foron da mao, notese tamén os vencellos deste rei con Portugal, tanto a sua primeira muller, como algunha das máis importantes amantes eran portuguesas, polo que o idioma oficinal no reino de Galicia e León era o galego.No podía ser doutro xeito, chegando a ser o idioma galego o oficial e o que primeiro se falou na Universidade de Salamanca, creada na segunda década do s. XIII polo rei galego Alfonso IX (hai que decir que nesa época tanto Salamanca como Extremadura foron reconquistadas polo noso rei e repoboadas polos galegos).

Tempo de lectura: 2 min. Un rolo de pergamiño procedente do mosteiro de Melón, custodiado no Arquivo da Catedral de Ourense. Este é Tombo das Viñas de Ribadavia, un...


Oficina De Turismo, Plaza Mayor 7


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