Hi my Name is Banjo , when I was a puppy I was seized by the police and labelled a pitbull type . I am a very good , well mannered boy and have never put a paw wrong , I was seized for nothing more than the way I look . I was returned home after my Mum had attended a court hearing . I was put on the dangerous dog list and was given a set of strict conditions such as wear a muzzle in public .
A uk campaign group called Born Innocent have launched a petition.
This is the ONLY government petition on the recent issues and has the potential to see BSL on the agenda, in parliament.
We need to get 100k signatures URGENTLY: Uk residents can i ask you to please sign, share and push for innocent dogs like me , who are punished for their looks alone.
If you can’t sign but know someone who is a british citizen please tag them and kindly ask them to sign . Thank you ❤️
Thank you
Love Banjo x