Sea Safaris Lanzarote

Sea Safaris Lanzarote Responsible Whale watching tours with Marine biologist and Cetacean specialist on board since 2015 🐬 See Lanzarote from a completely different perspective!

We operate our Sea Safari Boat Tours all year round with daily departures from Puerto Calero Marina at 09.30 and 15.30 (17.30 from 1st April to 31st October). Our trips last for between 2 and 3 hours as we explore the waters of the Atlantic Ocean in search of the different species of dolphins and whales and other marine wildlife that reside in and migrate through these Atlantic waters. Admire the

dramatic coastline views of Lanzarote, from the sheer cliffs of volcanic rock to the amazing topography of the long dormant volcanoes. Although we have set times for our departures, we are governed by the weather and the winds in particular, and sometimes it may be necessary to delay our start by an hour or so. Comfort and safety are the crucial factors that determine whether or not we set sail. We cater for a minimum of 4 guests and a maximum of 12 on the boat at any one time. Life jackets are provided for all guests. The costs are €55 per adult, €50 per teenager (13 - 19) and €45 per child (12 years and under). We ask that a mobile telephone number is provided for contact during your stay, in case we need to re-arrange the departure time or cancel a trip at short notice due to the weather. We look forward to having you aboard!

🇬🇧 These were the sightings of the last couple of weeks:✅ Atlantic spotted Dolphins✅ Striped Dolphins✅ Rough-toothed Dol...

🇬🇧 These were the sightings of the last couple of weeks:

✅ Atlantic spotted Dolphins
✅ Striped Dolphins
✅ Rough-toothed Dolphin
✅ Bottlenose Dolphins
✅ Bryde's whales

🔝 Also Hammerhead shark & Loggerhead turtle! 🦈🐢
🇪🇦 Estos fueron los avistamientos de la semana:

✅ Delfín moteado del Atlántico
✅ Delfín listado
✅ Delfín mular
✅ Delfín de dientes rugosos
✅ Rorcual tropical

🔝 Además de Tiburón ma****lo y Tortuga boba! 🦈🐢

🇬🇧 These were the sightings of the last couple of weeks:✅ Atlantic spotted Dolphins✅ Striped Dolphins✅ Rough-toothed Dol...

🇬🇧 These were the sightings of the last couple of weeks:

✅ Atlantic spotted Dolphins
✅ Striped Dolphins
✅ Rough-toothed Dolphin
✅ Bottlenose Dolphins
✅ Bryde's whales

🔝 Also Hammerhead sharks & Loggerhead turtles! 🦈🐢
🇪🇦 Estos fueron los avistamientos de las últimas semanas:

✅ Delfín moteado del Atlántico
✅ Delfín listado
✅ Delfín mular
✅ Delfín de dientes rugosos
✅ Rorcual tropical

🔝 Además de Tiburón ma****lo y Tortuga boba! 🦈🐢

🇬🇧 The cutest season 🥰 Dolphins can mate all year round, but they have a preference for the warmer months 🐬 Atlantic spo...

🇬🇧 The cutest season 🥰 Dolphins can mate all year round, but they have a preference for the warmer months

🐬 Atlantic spotted Dolphin gestation will generally last from 10 to 12 months and give birth to only one calf, exceptionally 2.

🍼 Breastfeeding in this species lasts about a year, after that the calf will be still close to the mother as they will have to learn lots of things to live in the ocean as they have a very complex social structure

🇪🇦 La temporada más tierna 🥰 Los delfines pueden aparearse durante todo el año, pero tienen preferencia por los meses más cálidos

🐬 La gestación del Delfín moteado del Atlántico generalmente durará de 10 a 12 meses y dará a luz a una sola cría, excepcionalmente 2.

🍼 La lactancia materna en esta especie dura aproximadamente un año, después de eso la cría seguirá cerca de la madre ya que tendrá que aprender muchas cosas para vivir en el océano ya que tienen una estructura social muy compleja
📸 Photo credits by ©️

🇬🇧 We have refreshed this warm month of July surrounded by all these beautiful species:🐬- Atlantic Spotted Dolphins (Ste...

🇬🇧 We have refreshed this warm month of July surrounded by all these beautiful species:

🐬- Atlantic Spotted Dolphins (Stenella frontalis)
🐬- Striped Dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba)
🐬- Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
🐬- Risso’s Dolphins (Grampus griseus)
🐬- Rough Toothed Dolphins (Steno bredanensis)
🐬 - Common Dolphins (Delphinus delphis)
🐬 - Short-finned Pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus)
🐬 - Blainville Beaked whales (Mesoplodon densirostris)
🐳 - Bryde's Whale (Balaenoptera edeni/brydei)

Other marine life sighted included 🦈Hammerhead shark, 🐢 Loggerhead turtle &🐟 Flying fish and different species of birds like the Cory's Shearwater, Storm Petrel & Seagulls🐦

☎️ Contact us now to book your place on board!

🇪🇸 Hemos refrescado este cálido mes de Julio rodeados de estas preciosas especies:
🐬- Delfín moteado del Atlántico (Stenella frontalis)
🐬- Delfín listado (Stenella coeruleoalba)
🐬- Delfín mular (Tursiops truncatus)
🐬- Calderón gris (Grampus griseus)
🐬- Delfín dientes rugosos (Steno bredanensis)
🐬 - Delfín común (Delphinus delphis)
🐬 - Calderón tropical (Globicephala macrorhynchus)
🐬 - Zifio de Blainville (Mesoplodon densirostris)
🐳 - Rorcual tropical (Balaenoptera edeni/brydei)

Entre otras especies como el 🦈 Tiburón ma****lo, 🐢 Tortuga boba, 🐟 Peces voladores y varias especies de Aves como la Pardela cenicienta, Paíño europeo & Gaviota patiamarilla 🐦

☎️ Contáctenos ahora para reservar su plaza a bordo!

🇬🇧 Thank you very much to all the clients who have left us such beautiful reviews, it means a lot to us 💙 Our message is...

🇬🇧 Thank you very much to all the clients who have left us such beautiful reviews, it means a lot to us 💙 Our message is clear and we will always work on Sustainable tourism, Conservation and Education 🐬🐢🐳

🇪🇦 Muchas gracias a todos los clientes que nos habéis dejado tan bonitas reseñas, significa mucho para nosotros 💙 Nuestro mensaje es claro y siempre apostaremos por el turismo Sostenible, la Conservación y la Educación 🐬🐢🐳

🇬🇧 These were the sightings of the week:✅ Atlantic spotted Dolphins✅ Rough-toothed Dolphins✅ Blainville beaked whale✅ Br...

🇬🇧 These were the sightings of the week:

✅ Atlantic spotted Dolphins
✅ Rough-toothed Dolphins
✅ Blainville beaked whale
✅ Bryde's whales

🔝 Also Hammerhead shark! 🦈
🇪🇦 Estos fueron los avistamientos de la semana:

✅ Delfín moteado del Atlántico
✅ Delfín de dientes rugosos
✅ Zifio de Blainville
✅ Rorcual tropical

🔝 Además de Tiburón ma****lo! 🦈

🇬🇧 These were the sightings of last week:✅ Atlantic spotted Dolphins✅ Common Dolphins✅ Risso's Dolphins✅ Bottlenose Dolp...

🇬🇧 These were the sightings of last week:
✅ Atlantic spotted Dolphins
✅ Common Dolphins
✅ Risso's Dolphins
✅ Bottlenose Dolphins
✅ Bryde's whale

🔝 Also Hammerhead shark! 🦈

🇪🇦 Estos fueron los avistamientos de la semana pasada:
✅ Delfín moteado del Atlántico
✅ Delfín común
✅ Calderón gris
✅ Delfín mular
✅ Rorcual tropical

🔝 Además de Tiburón ma****lo! 🦈

🇬🇧 Why didn't we go out at sea, even though the sun was shining?⛵ Here at Sea Safaris Lanzarote we are always looking at...

🇬🇧 Why didn't we go out at sea, even though the sun was shining?

⛵ Here at Sea Safaris Lanzarote we are always looking at the local weather forecast & sea conditions, to ensure safe, comfort and successful trips.

🐬 If the weather doesn't allow us to go out, our team will do our best to reschedule! Trust us, we want to go out as much as you do!

🇪🇦 ¿Por qué no salimos al mar, aunque brillaba el sol?

⛵ Desde Sea Safaris Lanzarote siempre estamos atentos a la previsión meteorológica local y a las condiciones del mar, para garantizar viajes seguros, cómodos y exitosos.

🐬 Si el pronóstico no nos permite salir, ¡nuestro equipo hará todo lo posible para reprogramar! Confía en nosotros, ¡queremos salir al mar tanto como tú!
📸 Picture taken by ©️

🇬🇧 We start July with beautiful sightings around the bay this week!:✅ Atlantic spotted Dolphins✅ Risso's Dolphins✅ Bottl...

🇬🇧 We start July with beautiful sightings around the bay this week!:

✅ Atlantic spotted Dolphins
✅ Risso's Dolphins
✅ Bottlenose Dolphins
✅ Bryde's whale

🔝 Also Hammerhead shark and Loggerhead turtle! 🦈🐢
🇪🇦 Empezamos Julio con preciosos avistamientos alrededor de la bahía está semana!

✅ Delfín moteado del Atlántico
✅ Calderón gris
✅ Delfín mular
✅ Rorcual tropical

🔝 Además de Tiburón ma****lo y Tortuga boba! 🦈🐢

🇬🇧 Cetaceans are mammals that have adapted to marine life in different ways 🐬 Like all mammals they have lungs, so the b...

🇬🇧 Cetaceans are mammals that have adapted to marine life in different ways

🐬 Like all mammals they have lungs, so the blowhole, equivalent to our nose, is moved to the top of the head to be easy for them to breathe when they reach the surface

✨ Do you know more adaptations to marine life?

🇪🇦 Los cetáceos son mamíferos que se han adaptado a la vida marina de diferentes formas

🐬 Como todos los mamíferos, tienen pulmones, por lo que el espiráculo, equivalente a nuestra nariz, se ha trasladado a la parte superior de la cabeza para que les resulte más fácil respirar cuando llegan a la superficie

✨ ¿Conoces más adaptaciones a la vida marina?
📸 Pictures taken by ©️

🇬🇧 Summer has just started and all these beautiful species have been spotted around the bay in the month of June:🐬- Atla...

🇬🇧 Summer has just started and all these beautiful species have been spotted around the bay in the month of June:

🐬- Atlantic Spotted Dolphins (Stenella frontalis)
🐬- Striped Dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba)
🐬- Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
🐬- Risso’s Dolphins (Grampus griseus)
🐬- Rough Toothed Dolphins (Steno bredanensis)
🐬 - Common Dolphins (Delphinus delphis)
🐳 - Bryde's Whale (Balaenoptera edeni/brydei)

Other marine life sighted included 🦈Hammerhead shark, 🐢 Loggerhead turtle, 🐟 Flying fish and different species of birds like the Cory's Shearwater, Manx Shearwater, Sandwich Tern, Storm Petrel, Grey Heron & Seagulls🐦

☎️ Contact us now to book your place on board!

🇪🇸 El verano acaba de comenzar y todas estas hermosas especies han sido avistadas alrededor de la bahía en el mes de Junio:
🐬- Delfín moteado del Atlántico (Stenella frontalis)
🐬- Delfín listado (Stenella coeruleoalba)
🐬- Delfín mular (Tursiops truncatus)
🐬- Calderón gris (Grampus griseus)
🐬- Delfín dientes rugosos (Steno bredanensis)
🐬 - Delfín común (Delphinus delphis)
🐳 - Rorcual tropical (Balaenoptera edeni/brydei)

Entre otras especies como el 🦈 Tiburón ma****lo, 🐢 Tortuga boba, 🐟 Peces voladores y varias especies de Aves como la Pardela cenicienta, Pardela pichoneta, Paíño europeo, Charrán patinegro, Garza real & Gaviota patiamarilla 🐦

☎️ Contáctenos ahora para reservar su plaza a bordo!

🇬🇧 The Canary islands have a volcanic origin, originated from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, and because of that ther...

🇬🇧 The Canary islands have a volcanic origin, originated from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, and because of that there is fast increase of depth from the shore 🌋

✨ For this reason we can easily see different species of whales and dolphins throughout the year around 'our bay'

🐬 Like these beautiful pod of Rough-toothed dolphins (Steno bredanensis) that can be easily spotted close to the coast

🇪🇦 Las Islas Canarias tienen un origen volcánico, originadas desde el fondo del Océano Atlántico, y es por ello que hay un rápido aumento de profundidad desde la costa 🌋

✨ Por este motivo podemos observar fácilmente diferentes especies de ballenas y delfines durante todo el año alrededor de 'nuestra bahía'

🐬 Como esta hermoso grupo de Delfines de dientes rugosos (Steno bredanensis) que se pueden observar fácilmente cerca de costa
📸 Pictures taken by ©️

🇬🇧 Did you know that we are the longest established Whale & Dolphin watching company in Puerto Calero?🐬 From our custom ...

🇬🇧 Did you know that we are the longest established Whale & Dolphin watching company in Puerto Calero?

🐬 From our custom built boat to our staff of marine Biologist we offer the most complete and respectful tours to observe Cetaceans along the south-east coast of Lanzarote

☎️ You can book on-line or call (+34) 630 82 12 57

🇪🇦 ¿Sabías que somos la empresa de Avistamiento de ballenas y delfines más antigua de Puerto Calero?

🐬 Desde nuestro barco construido a medida hasta nuestro personal de Biólogos marinos ofrecemos los tours más completos y respetuosos para observar Cetáceos por la costa sureste de Lanzarote

☎️ Puedes reservar online o llamar al (+34) 711 03 62 80

🇬🇧 There is nothing more magical than witnessing the dolphins displaying beautiful acrobatics in their natural habitat 🐬...

🇬🇧 There is nothing more magical than witnessing the dolphins displaying beautiful acrobatics in their natural habitat 🐬

✨ Come aboard to enjoy this unique experience in nature and learn more about these incredible creatures

☎️ Book your tour online at or Contact us by phone call or WhatsApp

🇪🇸 No hay nada más mágico que ver a los delfines realizando hermosas acrobacias en su hábitat natural 🐬

✨ Únete a bordo para disfrutar de esta experiencia única en la naturaleza y aprende más sobre estas increíbles criaturas

☎️ Reserva tu tour online en o Contáctanos por llamada telefónica o WhatsApp
📸 Taken on board by _jorgei_ ©️

🇬🇧 Today is World Sea Turtle Day! A day to honor and highlight the importance of sea turtles in the Oceans 🐢🌍 Did you kn...

🇬🇧 Today is World Sea Turtle Day! A day to honor and highlight the importance of sea turtles in the Oceans 🐢

🌍 Did you know there is only 7 species of marine turtles in the world, and we can see 6 of them in the Canary islands?

✨ Loggerhead turtles (Careta caretta) are easily spotted resting on the surface, although its an endangered species due to the loss of habitat, fishing lines and plastics.

🆘 If you ever find a turtle in distress always call 112 first and await for instructions before manipulating the animal.

🇪🇸 ¡Hoy es el Día Mundial de las Tortugas Marinas! Un día para honrar y destacar la importancia de las tortugas marinas en los Océanos 🐢

🌍 ¿Sabías que en el mundo sólo existen 7 especies de tortuga marina y podemos ver 6 de ellas en las Islas Canarias?

✨ La Tortuga boba (Careta caretta) se observa fácilmente descansando en la superficie, aunque es una especie en peligro de extinción debido a la pérdida de hábitat, líneas de pesca y plásticos.

🆘 Si alguna vez encuentra una tortuga en apuros, siempre llame primero al 112 y espere instrucciones antes de manipular al animal.

🇬🇧 In order to get ready for the season, our beloved 'Perla Blanca I' needs to have some maintenance done ⚓🚧 We will be ...

🇬🇧 In order to get ready for the season, our beloved 'Perla Blanca I' needs to have some maintenance done ⚓

🚧 We will be closed from 17th-23rd June 🚧

🐬 Looking forward to see you on our return!

☎️ You can book on-line or call (+34) 630 82 12 57

🇪🇦 Para poder estar listos para la temporada, nuestra querida 'Perla Blanca I' necesita que le hagan un poco de mantenimiento ⚓

🚧 Estaremos cerrados del 17 al 23 de Junio 🚧

🐬 ¡Esperamos verte a nuestro regreso!

☎️ Puedes reservar online o llamar al (+34) 711 03 62 80

🇬🇧 These were the sightings of the week:✅ Atlantic spotted Dolphins✅ Common Dolphins✅ Risso's Dolphins✅ Rough-toothed Do...

🇬🇧 These were the sightings of the week:

✅ Atlantic spotted Dolphins
✅ Common Dolphins
✅ Risso's Dolphins
✅ Rough-toothed Dolphin
✅ Bottlenose Dolphins
✅ Bryde's whale
🇪🇦 Estos fueron los avistamientos de la semana:

✅ Delfín moteado del Atlántico
✅ Delfín común
✅ Calderón gris
✅ Delfín de dientes rugosos
✅ Delfín mular
✅ Rorcual tropical

🇬🇧 World Oceans Day is a day to remember its important role for the planet and for humanity, since:🌏 - It covers more th...

🇬🇧 World Oceans Day is a day to remember its important role for the planet and for humanity, since:
🌏 - It covers more than 70% of the planet
🐳 - It's home to most of Earth's biodiversity
🫁 - Produces more than 50% oxygen of the atmosphere
🐟 - It's an important source of food and medicine for millions of people
🌡️ - They cushion the effects of climate change, absorbing a large part of the CO2 and heat generated

However, the oceans face unprecedented threats:
❌ - 1/3 of fish stocks are overexploited
❌ - Plastic pollution has multiplied x10 in the last 40 years
❌ - 50% of coral reefs have been lost

🌅 The purpose of this Day is to inform about the impact of humans in the ocean, to develop a global movement of support and to unite the population in a project for the sustainable management of our seas 🌊

⛵ ''No ocean, no life. No blue, no green. No ocean, no us” - Sylvia Earle

Data from the United Nations (
🇪🇦 El Día Mundial de los Océanos es un día para recordar su importante papel para el planeta y para la humanidad, ya que:
🌏- Cubre más del 70% del planeta
🐳- Alberga la mayor parte de biodiversidad de la Tierra
🫁- Produce más del 50% de oxígeno de la atmosfera.
🐟- Es una fuente importante de alimentos y medicinas para millones de personas
🌡️- Amortiguan los efectos del cambio climático, absorbiendo gran parte del CO2 y calor generado

Sin embargo, los océanos se enfrentan a amenazas sin precedentes:
❌- 1/3 de las poblaciones de peces están sobreexplotadas
❌- la contaminación por plástico se ha multiplicado x10 en los últimos 40 años
❌- El 50% de los arrecifes de coral se han perdido

🌅 El propósito del Día es informar sobre el impacto de los humanos en el océano, desarrollar un movimiento mundial de apoyo y unir a la población en un proyecto para la gestión sostenible de nuestros mares. 🌊

⛵''Sin océano no hay vida. Sin azul no hay verde. Sin océano no existimos” - Sylvia Earle

Datos de las Naciones Unidas (

🇬🇧 Beautiful sightings in the month of May! the bay is thriving of life, these were the species reported:🐬- Atlantic Spo...

🇬🇧 Beautiful sightings in the month of May! the bay is thriving of life, these were the species reported:

🐬- Atlantic Spotted Dolphins (Stenella frontalis)
🐬- Striped Dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba)
🐬- Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
🐬- Risso’s Dolphins (Grampus griseus)
🐬- Rough Toothed Dolphins (Steno bredanensis)
🐬 - Common Dolphins (Delphinus delphis)
🐳 - Bryde's Whale (Balaenoptera edeni/brydei)

Other marine life sighted included 🦈Hammerhead shark, 🐢 Loggerhead turtle, 🐟 Flying fish and different species of birds like the Cory's Shearwater, Manx Shearwater, Sandwich Tern, Storm Petrel, Grey Heron & Seagulls🐦

☎️ Contact us now to book your place on board!

🇪🇸 ¡Hermosos avistamientos en el mes de Mayo! La bahía está llena de vida, estas fueron las especies reportadas:

🐬- Delfín moteado del Atlántico (Stenella frontalis)
🐬- Delfín listado (Stenella coeruleoalba)
🐬- Delfín mular (Tursiops truncatus)
🐬- Calderón gris (Grampus griseus)
🐬- Delfín dientes rugosos (Steno bredanensis)
🐬 - Delfín común (Delphinus delphis)
🐳 - Rorcual tropical (Balaenoptera edeni/brydei)

Entre otras especies como el 🦈 Tiburón ma****lo, 🐢 Tortuga boba, 🐟 Peces voladores y varias especies de Aves como la Pardela cenicienta, Pardela pichoneta, Paíño europeo, Charrán patinegro, Garza real & Gaviota patiamarilla 🐦

☎️ Contáctenos ahora para reservar su plaza a bordo!

🇬🇧 These were the sightings of the week:✅ Atlantic spotted Dolphins✅ Bottlenose Dolphin ✅ Rough-toothed Dolphins✅ Bryde'...

🇬🇧 These were the sightings of the week:

✅ Atlantic spotted Dolphins
✅ Bottlenose Dolphin
✅ Rough-toothed Dolphins
✅ Bryde's whale

🔝 Also Hammerhead shark and Loggerhead turtle! 🦈🐢
🇪🇦 Estos fueron los avistamientos de la semana:

✅ Delfín moteado del Atlántico
✅ Delfín mular
✅ Delfín de dientes rugosos
✅ Rorcual tropical

🔝 Además de Tiburón ma****lo y Tortuga boba! 🦈🐢

🇬🇧 The beauty of nature at its maximum splendor, unique behavior that can only be observed in its natural habitat ⛵ Ever...

🇬🇧 The beauty of nature at its maximum splendor, unique behavior that can only be observed in its natural habitat

⛵ Every day in the ocean is unique and different, making each sighting an unforgettable experience

🐬 Risso's dolphins showing the fluke vertically above the surface

🇪🇦 La belleza de la naturaleza en su máximo esplendor, comportamientos únicos que sólo se pueden observar en su hábitat natural

⛵ Cada día en el océano es único y diferente, lo que hace de cada avistamiento una experiencia inolvidable

🐬 Calderones grises mostrando la aleta caudal de forma vertical fuera del agua
📸 _jorgei_

🇬🇧 Although forecast was not so good this week and weren't able to be out most of the days, we had beautiful sightings t...

🇬🇧 Although forecast was not so good this week and weren't able to be out most of the days, we had beautiful sightings this week!

✅ Atlantic spotted Dolphins
✅ Common Dolphins
✅ Risso's Dolphins
✅ Rough-toothed Dolphin
✅ Bottlenose Dolphins

🇪🇦 Aunque el pronóstico no fue demasiado bueno esta semana y no pudimos salir varios días, ¡tuvimos hermosos avistamientos esta semana!

✅ Delfín moteado del Atlántico
✅ Delfín común
✅ Calderón gris
✅ Delfín de dientes rugosos
✅ Delfín mular

🇬🇧 The archipelago of the Canary Islands constitutes a transit area for different species of migratory birds that choose...

🇬🇧 The archipelago of the Canary Islands constitutes a transit area for different species of migratory birds that choose us as a rest stop on their migratory route, as a refuge or to nest on the cliffs

🐦 Here is a compilation of the species we have seen during the last month:

🇪🇦 El archipiélago de las Islas Canarias constituye una zona de paso de diferentes especies de aves migratorias que nos eligen como reposo en su ruta migratoria, como refugio o para anidar en los acantilados

🐦 Aquí un recopilatorio de las especies que hemos visto durante el último mes:

📸 1 - Pardela cenicienta / Cory's Shearwater (Calonectris borealis)
2 - Alcatraz / Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus)
3 - Zarapito trinador / Eurasian Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus)
4 - Tarro canelo / Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea)

🇬🇧 These were the sightings of the week:✅ Atlantic spotted Dolphins✅ Common Dolphins✅ Bottlenose Dolphins✅ Bryde's whale...

🇬🇧 These were the sightings of the week:

✅ Atlantic spotted Dolphins
✅ Common Dolphins
✅ Bottlenose Dolphins
✅ Bryde's whale
🇪🇦 Estos fueron los avistamientos de la semana:

✅ Delfín moteado del Atlántico
✅ Delfín común
✅ Delfín mular
✅ Rorcual tropical

🇬🇧 The dolphins are showing off with a variety of acrobatics: big leaps, tail-slaps, spy-hops and head-slaps, in additio...

🇬🇧 The dolphins are showing off with a variety of acrobatics: big leaps, tail-slaps, spy-hops and head-slaps, in addition to bow-riding in front of the boat, which is always a marvellous sight for our customers 🐬

💙 Happy dolphins in the wild is always a pleasure to witness ✨

🇪🇦 Los delfines se están luciendo con gran variedad de acrobacias: grandes saltos, tail-slaps, spy-hops y head-slaps, además de surfear delante del barco, lo que es siempre una vista maravillosa para nuestros clientes 🐬

💙 Siempre es un placer ver a los delfines felices en libertad ✨


Pontoon H, Puerto Calero Marina

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 09:00 - 18:00
Martes 09:00 - 18:00
Miércoles 09:00 - 18:00
Jueves 09:00 - 18:00
Viernes 09:00 - 18:00
Sábado 09:00 - 18:00



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Otros Agencia de excursiones en barco en Yaiza

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