Gebeta Game (የ ገበጣ ጨዋታ)
Gabata is a three-rank mancala game from Ethiopia, first recorded in the nineteenth century. Players try to capture one another's pieces by lifting and sowing, as in other mancala games.
It is characterised by a race at the beginning, players moving simultaneously until one player sows a piece into an empty hole. Pieces are captured when a piece is sown into an empty hole, all enemy pieces in that hole's column becoming captives.
Its antiquity is not known, but it was first recorded in western literature by J. T. Bent in 1893, in his book Sacred City of the Ethiopians. It was thought obsolete until 1971, when Richard Pankhurst recorded, in the Ethiopia Observer, that it was still being played.
Video location: #Konso
#Ethiopia_Offers_Knowledge #Local_Activity
#Local_Guides #Local_Knowledge #Horn_Africa #True_Democracy #Not_Listed_Expeditions #Omo_Valley Bereket A. Gebreyes #Ethiopia
Lake Karum
Lake Karum also known as Lake Asale looks more like an #Arctic_desert than a #saline_lake
The lake-bed is a jet white salt crust chequered in irregular contours that slowly becomes submerged in the clear water of #Lake_Karum The transition from the salt pan to salt lake is so gradual that it feels as if the salt pan simply starts to shimmer and shine as it juts off into the horizon.
Despite the nearby wonders of Erta Ale and Dallol, Lake Karum is a real highlight of a journey into the Danakil. A stop-off at the lake won’t last more than 20-30 minutes, after which point the shear heat will force you back into the relative comfort of the air-conditioned Landcruisers, but the lake only needs a fraction of that time to leave an unforgettable impression.
The geology of the Afar region of Ethiopia is characterized by igneous rocks and structures, and is associated with the stretching and breaking of the continental crust over the last 30 million years. The region's geological history, however, goes back as far as the Proterozoic era, around 900 million years ago.
#Visit_Ethiopia #Omo_Valley #remote #expedition #redeye #Horn_Africa #Not_Listed
The #Afar_Triangle
Come and explore life #Under_Sea_Level #True_Democracy #lifestyle #Remote_Expeditions #Horn_Africa #Dallol #Semera #Ethiopia
Traditional wedding of the Oromo tribe.
#Visit_Ethiopia #DireDawa #Horn_Africa #Ethiopia
#Visit_Tigray #roadtrip #Horn_Africa #Ethiopia
Allalobad Hot Springs Medicine Tourism…
Found 15km from the regions capital. It’s wonderful colours, the availability of other hot springs around, the boiling mud and animals makes the hot spring unique and attractive especially for #Medicine_Tourism
#Visit_Afar #Allalobad #Road_Trip #Horn_Africa
#Visit_Afar #Road_Trip #Horn_Africa #Ethiopia