Ethio-Der Tour and Travel is one of private tour agency in Ethiopia.The fact that the agency was estabilished by people familiar with the profession has enabled it to be properly aware of the services that it prepares and renders to its clients. Ethio-Der Tour and Travel gives due respect to the profession and closely follows up its activeites from the start up to the end. By doing so,it exerts ut
most efforts to fullfill the demands of its cliients.Its workers have a rich experience in the profession and work in unison and understanding to achieve the objectives of the Agency.This is a fact that could be attested by its clients who enjoy its services. The agency is expanding the scope of its services from time to time.Currently,its tour operations and car hire has won admiration from its clients.It also offers hotel reservation,Air ticketin and booking,photo safaris,trekking and other related services. Ethio-Der Tour and Travel agency is always ready to please its clients.It has field vehicles,whose safety has been attested by the agency's garage and which are driven by experienced drivers.Clients could also draw maximum satisfaction from the apt service rendered by the agency's by the agency's guides and cooks. Since the agency attaches due importance to the safety of its clients it collects up-to-date infomation about the conditions of the road and the localities.This would make evey move of its clients safe. Ethio-Der Tours and travel does its best not to return its clients along the same road that it took them to a certain destination.It does so to give its clients a chance to witness more topography,culture ,nationalities and natural beauties. Ethiopia is blessed with a variety of natural attractions and diversified cultures.Althogh the agency does not have a tour program that covers all the toursit sites of the country,it does have a program that focuses on the major natural attractions,historical heritages,cultural and etc of the country. Since human needs are diversified,the agency has created favorable conditions to adjust its programs according to the intersts of the clients. The progams are diveded into different categoris according to the country's landscape.It is possibel to incorporate the programs stated below in line with the demand of the Agency's clients.