The VWdiaries follows the journey of Volkswagen fans and their classic 1960’s beetle as they travel through Ethiopia. The 8-day inaugural trip, which starts on October 15, 2012, is only the beginning of what will hopefully become an annual quest to discover Ethiopia’s many known historical, cultural and scenic routes. The overall theme of this maiden trip is to have fun while enjoying the adventur
e of travelling behind the wheels of Volkswagen Beetle; this unassuming car will provide the excellent backdrop for the natural and architectural beauty of Ethiopia. Every day during this journey, the team will upload daily diaries and photos from the day on as well as on facebook and twitter accounts. ( and
The team will not only take in the culture, but will also give back by planting trees in a selected area in Addis Ababa one tree for every 100 kilometres driven and cities in which the nights are spent. For the first trip the team has chosen the “Classic Route” (Addis Ababa-Dessie-Lalibela-Mekelle-Axum-Gondor-Bahir Dar-Debre Markos-Addis Ababa) which covers more than 2,500 km.