ቀን 14 /01/2016
yo yo yo maskala yoooooooo
welcome to dorze
yo yo yo maskala festivity stays for the whole month of September and there are many celebrations which would be practiced by the people of dorze at various age groups and clans .
There are about 12 villages and 65,000 peoples are loving in harmony. Among the population there are about 99 clans.
During yo yo yo meskela festivity season many rituals, social interactions, weddings funerals and people in dispute will settle their problems accordingly by elders.
As you may know meskela celebration among the dorze community is so special.
Even at this time the dorze community and clans are ready to slaughter about 2000-3000 animals as per the info from elders.
# accordingly for the festivity of yo yo yo meskela lots of commodities, food items, animals that will be slaughtered on 26 September would normally be available on this market days.
For instance this year, meskerem 1 ( September 12 ) will be held on monday and as per dorze people we call this day lngicha gaye.
# meskerem 3 ( September 15 ) Thursday , we call this day goye gaye .
# meskerem 7 ( September 19), we call this day gosha gaye
# mesekerm 10( September 21 ) we call this day gamo gaye when beautiful girls competition and parents choose for their boys.
# mesekerm 14 we have many breath taking rituals that would be commenced until September 25 and bulls will be slaughtered among the clans /families.
# on September 25 a kind of porage with butter will be the head of the cousin.
# on September 26, girls and boys would sing traditionally and dance the place name of dorze laka.
# on October 9 , end of yo yo yo maskela celebration.
# i would like to invite you all my tourism friends and family in addis ababa and all over the world to celebrated colorful festival at dorze village
# # # i'am tarekegn bogale from the high escarpment of dorze village and owner of dorze eco lodge and invite you all to celebrate our famous meske