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በቀጠለዉ ዉግያ በላሊበላ የድንጋይ ውቅር አብያተ ክርስቲያን ላይ አደጋ ተጋርጧል

በላሊበላ አካባቢ ስላለዉ ነገር ይጻፉልን!

አማራ ክልል ውስጥ በመንግሥት የጦር ኃይል እና በአካባቢው ታጣቂዎች መካከል የቀጠለው ውግያ ታሪካዊ ቅርሶችን ለጉዳት ያጋልጣል የሚል ስጋት መኖሩ ተዘገበ።
ባለፈዉ እሑድ የመንግሥት ወታደሮች በላሊበላ የድንጋይ ውቅር አብያተ ክርስቲያን አቅራቢያ 11 ጊዜ ከባድ መሣሪያ መተኮሳቸው ጉዳት ሊያመጣ የሚችል ንዝረት ማስከተሉን የአካባቢው እማኞችን ጠቅሶ ሮይተርስ ዛሬ ዘግቧል። አካባቢዉ ላይ አዲስ ዉግያ መቀጠሉን ሮይተርስ ያነጋገራቸዉ ሁለት የዓይን እማኞች አረጋግጠዋል። ከላሊበላ ወጣ ብለው እና በአውሮፕላን ማረፊያው አካባቢ የሰፈሩት የመንግሥት ወታደሮች ቅዳሜ ዕለት ውግያውን መጀመራቸውን፤ ከባድ መሣሪያዎችን ወደ ተራራው መተኮሳቸውን ገልጸዋል። በአሁኑ ጊዜ ዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ውስጥ የሚገኙት በላሊበላ አካባቢ ማደጋቸው የተገለጸው ፖለቲከኛ ልደቱ አያሌው በበኩላቸው በተጠቀሰው ስፍራ ከባድ የጦር መሣሪያ መተኮስ ታሪካዊ ቤተ ክርስቲያኖቹን ለጉዳት ሊያጋልጥ እንደሚችል መግለጻቸውን ዘገባው ጠቅሷል። በጉዳዩ ላይ የመንግሥት ቃል አቀባዮችም ሆኑ የአማራ ክልል መስተዳድር እንዲሁም ከመከላከያ አስተያየት ማግኘት እንዳልቻለም ሮይተርስ ዘግቧል። በላሊበላ አካባቢ ስላለዉ ነገር ይጻፉልን!

Ethiopia's international heritageTangible natural and cultural heritage = 11👉 Intangible Cultural Heritage = 4👉 located ...

Ethiopia's international heritage
Tangible natural and cultural heritage = 11
👉 Intangible Cultural Heritage = 4
👉 located in Ethiopia in the field of life and conservation
International Heritage=5
👉. The world in literature and archives in Ethiopia
International Heritage=12
Ethiopia has contributed 32 heritages to the world.
In detail
🇪🇹 Natural and cultural heritages that can be touched
1 Lalibela Ukur Abiyathekristian (1970 AD)
2. Northern Mountains National Park (1970)
3. Palace of the Kings of Gondar (1971)
4. Ancient Monuments of Axum (1972)
5. Lower Awash Rift Valley (1972)
6. Lower Omo Rift Valley (1972)
7. Tia plant stone (972 AD)
8. Harar Jegol Tower (1998)
9. Topography of Cones (2003)
10. Gedeo Traditional Landscape (2015)
11. Bale Mountains National Park (2015)
🇪🇹 Intangible Cultural Heritage
1. Baal of the Cross (2005)
2. Sidama's turning point in Chanbelala (2007)
3. Geda System (2010 AD)
4. Baptism (2012)
🇪🇹 International heritage in Ethiopia in the field of human life and conservation
1. Yekefa forest
2. Yayo strict natural forest
3. Sheka strict natural forest
4. Lake Tana
5. Majang Natural Forest
🇪🇹. International heritage in literature and archives in Ethiopia
1. Book of Enoch
2. Book Justice
3. Kings of the Bible
4. Book action passion
5. The Forty Gospel
6. The message of the apostle Saint Paul
7. Emperor Theodore wrote to Queen Victoria of England
8. Sahle Selassie, King of Shaw, wrote to the Queen of England
9. Emperor Minilik II to the King of Moscow, Nicholas Caesar
They wrote 2nd
10. Psalm written by Johannes Patken
11. Book of Mass and
12. The story of Emperor Menelik II is for the world
Hirut Kassaw (Ph. D.)

beauty bahrdar

beauty bahrdar

Menelik II: Father of African Freedom Emperor Menelik, the king of Ethiopia, has made a few of the wonders of the era: 1...

Menelik II: Father of African Freedom Emperor Menelik, the king of Ethiopia, has made a few of the wonders of the era:
1835 E.C ---------------------The Mill
1882 E.C. --------------------- Phone
1886 E.C. ---------------------Posta
1886 E.C. --------------------- The Tree of the Sea
1886 E.C. --------------------- Money
1886 E.C ---------------------The water pipe
1887 B.C.E. --------------------- Shoes
1887 E.C ---------------------Silk
1887 E.C. ---------------------The Music T/House
1887 E.C. ---------------------Wive car
1889 --------------------- Electricity
1889 --------------------- Modern Medicine
1889 E.C. ---------------------cinema
1889: ---------------------The music clay
1889 E.C ---------------------The Red Cross
1890 --------------------- Hospital
1893: --------------------- Railway
1893 E.C--------------------- Bicycle
1896 E.C. --------------------- Road
1897 --------------------- Water
1898 ---------------------Bank
1898 ---------------------Hotel
1898 ---------------------The printing
1898 ---------------------plastic
1899 --------------------- Wildlife Protection
1899 ---------------------The bullet factory
1900 --------------------- Newspaper
1900 --------------------- Automobile
1900 --------------------- Ordination of Minister
1901 ---------------------Polis Army
1904 ---------------------Pharmacy stores.
photo source


His Holiness Abune Pertos, (left), Head of the Holy Synod Secretariat, and His Holiness Abune Mathias I, Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. File photo Addis Abeba - The Holy Synod of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (EOTC) in Addis Abeba has declared the […]

كنيسة القديس مارجرجس(بيت جيورجيس) في منطقة أمهرة,  لاليبيلا ، إثيوبيا🇪🇹 يرجع تاريخ أنشاءها إلى أواخر القرن الثاني عشر أو...

كنيسة القديس مارجرجس(بيت جيورجيس) في منطقة أمهرة, لاليبيلا ، إثيوبيا🇪🇹 يرجع تاريخ أنشاءها إلى أواخر القرن الثاني عشر أو أوائل القرن الثالث عشر الميلادي. هي واحدة من إحدى عشرة كنيسة منحوتة في الصخر وآخرها بنيت. كان يُطلق على الموقع التاريخي والديني اسم "رها" في الأصل ، وقد سُمي بـ لاليبيلا على اسم الملك "جبر مسكل لاليبيلا" من أواخر عهد أسرة زاغوي. ، الذي أمر ببنائها. تم نحت كنيسة القديس والشهيد مارجرجس إلى أسفل, ويعتقد بعض الخبراء ان الغرض ان تكون بهذا الشكل حتي لا يمكن


Timket (Ge'ez: ጥምቀት T’imk’et) is an Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church celebration of Epiphany. It is celebrated on 19 January (or 20 in a leap year), corresponding to the 11th day of Terr in the Ge'ez calendar.

Timkat celebrates the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan. This festival is best known for its ritual reenactment of baptism (similar to such reenactments performed by numerous Christian the Holy Land when they visit the Jordan) During the ceremonies of Timkat, the Tabot, a model of the Ark of the Covenant, which is present on every Ethiopian altar (somewhat like the Western altar stone), is reverently wrapped in rich cloth and borne in procession on the head of the priest.[1] The Tabot, which is otherwise rarely seen by the laity, represents the manifestation of Jesus as the Messiah when he came to the Jordan for baptism. The Divine Liturgy is celebrated near a stream or pool early in the morning (around 2 a.m.). Then the nearby body of water is blessed towards dawn and sprinkled on the participants, some of whom enter the water and immerse themselves, symbolically renewing their baptismal vows. But the festival does not end there; Donald N. Levine describes a typical celebration of the early 1960s source :Wikipedia

 : cradle of mankind, ancient history & civilization, mosaic of cultures & more is rising! Evidence: Grand Gorgora Resor...

: cradle of mankind, ancient history & civilization, mosaic of cultures & more is rising! Evidence: Grand Gorgora Resort on the shore of Lake Tana! source Ambasader Fitsum Arega

The famous rock hewn churches in Lalibela, each built out of a single block of stone over 24 years in the 12th and 13th ...

The famous rock hewn churches in Lalibela, each built out of a single block of stone over 24 years in the 12th and 13th century are magnificent structures with particular spiritual and symbolic value and are a UNESCO .
source : Australian Embassy, Ethiopia


amazing spiritual ceremony in lalibela


Inside Lalibela, the mysterious holy site visited by 200,000 Ethiopian Christians on their annual source: 60 Minutes

 !******One of the holy and sacred places in the eastern Gojam zone is the monastery of the great and ancient Great of M...

One of the holy and sacred places in the eastern Gojam zone is the monastery of the great and ancient Great of MertoLeMaryam.
The head (rease rusan)of the monastery is located in the Gojam zone of East Gojam, in the administration of the city.
History essays explain that the meaning of "Choose Maryam"(mertolemariam) is: Hall of Mary.
MertoLeMaryam Monastery has changed its name four times in different eras before it got its current name.
History tells us that first it was called Hager Salam, then it was called Hager God(hager Egziabhir), then it was called Tsirha Arya, and finally it got the name that it is now called.
The administrator of the monastery has the title of head. According to historical writings, this great and ancient monastery was founded by Menelik I, who was born to King Solomon of Israel and Queen Saba (Makda) of Ethiopia, with 318 Torah priests.
The Torah priests who came to this place have been worshiping the Torah by sacrificing the Torah. In 333 A.D., the Hruian kings Abraha and Atsabha together with Ksate Berhan Aba Selama came to this place and taught the gospel, baptized the people and appointed priests.

The five mountains
Gedle Abraha and Atsaba and Gedle Aba Selama from Sateberhan explain that the noble kings Abraha and Atsbah together with the Pope Aba Selama from Sate Berhan crossed the Nile in 333 AD and reached the land of Gojam in MertoleMaryam. Historical essays tell us that after they had baptized the people from worshiping idols to worshiping God, they planned to build a church where the people could worship God.

Because there was a very beautiful temple in the place,
they started excavating from the hill which is now known as Genb wori(ግንብ ወሬ), saying that we should leave it for history and build it in another place. But the ground was spitting fire and he said he did not dig. Therefore, God did not allow us to build a church in this place, but They entered Subayi at 5 different hills in the area saying that we should enter Subayi for 3 consecutive days so that we can know God.
The following are the hills where Subai entered:-
From the hill called Kahnabni, the chief priest of the Torah
Hadis Shum from the hill called Hadisge
Bishop Abune Selama Salamage from the hill
King Abrha from the hill called Abrhi
From the hill called King Atsbha Zeno
King Atsabham first of all went to Father Selama from Sate Berhan and told the vision he saw.

Others came and told what they had seen, and Abba Salama told them that they had seen this vision. They all saw the same vision in one night. The vision they saw was: "One column of light with twelve doors, rising from the hill where the foundation of the temple started, shining and resting on Tsirha Aryam Ambalai, where the ancient Bethmquirab is located." When they went to the place in the morning, they found that the ancient temple was buried in the ground and turned into a green field. “ ወእም ድህረዝ ፈቀዱ አብርሃ ወ አጽብሃከመ ይህንጽ መቅደስ በህየ ወሐነጹ ማህደረ ሰናይተ ወገብሩ አረፋቲሃ ዘወርቅ ወዘብሩር ወሴሙ ካህናተ ወዲያቆናተ ወአስተሳነዩ ኲሎሥርዓተ ወሴሙ በውስቴታ ርእሰ ርኡሳን ዘውእቱ ሊቀ ካህናት ወሰመይዋ ለይእቲ መቅደስ መርጡለ ማርያም ” The kings Abraha wanted to build a temple in the place, and they made a temple of Mary by decorating the columns and rests with gold and pearls. By establishing a system, they appointed priests, deacons, and a Head(reas rusan) priest who could govern them all. They chose her shrine and named her Mary(mertolemariam). According to God's guidance, King Abrhao Atsabham was blessed by the Pope, Abba Selama, and built the wonderful 12-story temple in Tsar Aryam Ambalai, which was decorated with gold and pearls On January 21st, they brought in the Tabot of Our Lady and glorified the church.

The mountain where King Abraha and Atsabha first started digging to build a temple is still called Gebe wori, which means a tower left behind by rumours. Because of this, the hill where Subae entered is called Zeno, because King Atsbha first came and told the vision.
Abraha and Atsaba built a 12-story temple and a 1-story church at this place in 333 AD and installed the Tabot of Our Lady on January 21st in a colorful ceremony. This church was very different, decorated with different shapes, covered with gold and pearls, and it was a place where an amazing art impression rested. This temple was burnt down in 842 AD during the reign of Judith Gudit. The remains of the fire are still there.

The Anbesa wdm who reigned in 892 AD rebuilt the church that was burned by Judith. However, the 12-story temple and 1-storey church built by Abraha and Atsaba is very difficult to rebuild, requiring a wide range of great professionals, requiring a long time, complex and deep art, so it could not be rebuilt. Therefore, he built another church of Our Lady next to the burnt church. This church is still in use. King Ede Mariam, who reigned from August 26, 1466 AD - November 1466 AD, renovated this church in 1466 AD.

His wife, Queen Eleni, also tied around the tears, and the area around her monastery is still called Eleni Udmo. Emperor Haile Selassie built another church in this monastery in 1937. There is a Tabot of the Holy Trinity and Saint Gabriel. Again, in 1993 AD, the head priest, who was the administrator of the monastery at that time, renovated it from a grass roof to the present tin roof. There are 3 churches in this monastery. 1. Our Lady's Temple built by Abraha and Atsba 2. The Temple of Our Lady, built by the Lion King 3. King Emperor Haile Selassie built the Holy Trinity and Saint Gabriel Temples.
A very beautiful, huge and wonderful cathedral is currently being built in the historical Dzilele Mariam monastery.
The 22nd annual festival of MertoLeMaryam Monastery will be celebrated in the presence of many followers from the country and abroad.
Be a follower of the help and blessing of Our Lady Maryam blessing by attending the festival.
May the intercession and prayers of the Holy Virgin Mary separate us all!
Abyssinia Post


January in the Amhara region
❶ December 26-30, the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ with the impressive Beza Kulu ceremony - in Lalibela,
❷ January 6, the birthday of Theodore II - in Gondar,
❸ January 10 Ketera festival - in Gondar, Lalibela, Menjar Shenkora, Bahir Dar and all areas of the region.
➍ January 11 baptism festival - in Gondar, Lalibela, Menjar Shenkora, Bahir Dar and all areas of the region.
➎ January 12 Zegalila festival - in all areas of the region,
❻ January 13 Gion festival - in Saka district - Gish Abai,
❼ January 14-15 Rowing Show - at Bahir Dar,
❽ January 18th of Sebar Giorgis - in Bahr Dar, Debre Berhan, Dese and in all areas of the region.
❾ January 21 Feast of Asterio Maryam - in Geshen, MertoleMaryam, Deresge and all areas of the region.
❿ January 23rd celebration of the 83rd Agew Horsemen's Association - in Injbara,
⓫ January 25, the feast of Mercury - in Debre Tabor,
come on! Attend the festivals celebrated with various religious and cultural ceremonies!

semen mountain source Amhara Mass media

semen mountain source Amhara Mass media


The American Princeton University is looking for a professor
The ancient Geez language has been offered as a standard and auxiliary course in European and North American universities. The Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies (PIIRS) of Princeton University is looking for a lecturer in Geez language for the next academic year.
Linguists who meet the university's requirements can apply using the following link.
For more information, email: [email protected]
Phone number +1 609-258-9400
You can find more information here.
Applicants must apply online at
Via ashenafi kebede source: geez page

beauty bahridar

beauty bahridar

James Bruce on the Isle of WightJames Bruce, a Scot who came to Ethiopia in February 1768, stayed in Ethiopia for four y...

James Bruce on the Isle of Wight
James Bruce, a Scot who came to Ethiopia in February 1768, stayed in Ethiopia for four years. In particular, he had a close friendship with Empress Mntwab. The site where he rested is still visited at the Empress Mentwab compound near Gondar Kusuksam.
Empress Mntwab Tana Hayek built Narga Trinity Parish in Dek Island. Painting and sculpture threatened him in his time. Bruce probably came with them. On the outside wall is a portrait of James Bruce. The person who carved the image accepted the Empress's order, but did not seem to agree with it. James looked at Bruce with one eye and smoking tobacco.J : source daniel kebret

August 12th is the birthday of Emmye Minilk, the Empress Dowager and the front runner.Emmye Minilik was born on August 1...

August 12th is the birthday of Emmye Minilk, the Empress Dowager and the front runner.
Emmye Minilik was born on August 12, 1836 in Amhara, in Showa Province, in Ankober. he is the 13th descendant of Emperor Jacob, who is the son of Emperor Labne Dingal. Her grandfather Sahleslase gave birth to the King of Showa, Hailemelekot. Hailelekot married Mrs. Souayehu and gave birth to a son, Minilik.

Minilik, who was born on August 12, 1836, was 11 years old when Emperor Tewodros came to Showa and took them to Gondar.

Known by the nickname "Light of Ethiopia", his father's name is Dejazmach Bitul Hailemariam, his mother's name is Mrs. Yubdar.
They were born on August 12, 1832.
Army General Gebeye Kassa was born in Angolella in Showa province in the former pronunciation. Christianity was established in the Angolella Covenant Mercy Church, which was destroyed during the reign of Emperor Naod.

It is recorded in history that he said, "When I am fighting in a war, if I am hit by a bullet and fall, if I am hit on my back, I will run away. Let the vulture eat me and leave me there; if I am hit on my forehead, my country will bury me."
He was a military leader who was responsible for the lion's share of the Akuri victory in the Battle of Adwa.

We commemorate the birthdays of these great leaders with various events.

They made a bright history of eternal honor and grace; To our early Amhara grandparents who built a country and handed it over to us!!


,Ashenda, Shadey or solel is a girl’s festival in Northern . The name of the festivals comes from the tall grass ashendeye, which girls put on their waist in time of the festival. The day is most colorfully celebrated in #𝐀𝐦𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐧 #𝐤𝐨𝐛𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝

It is celebrated starting from August 16 till August 24 Ethiopian calendar (august 21 till august 29 Gregorian calendar) every year after the end of the fasting called Fileseta by Ethiopian Orthodox church laity’s.

The day is the annual festival of the ascension of St Virgin Marry. On this day like her son Jesus Christ, St Virgin merry ascends to heaven accompanied by lightning Angels with Psalter and praise.
As many religious Orthodox book the day of the ascension of St Virgin marry was celebrated for a long period of time by Apostles, saints and religious forefathers with Psalter and praise in different parishes.

Based on this religious interpretation girls of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church annually colorfully celebrate the day.
source from lalibela page




Debra Markos



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