Mursi Tribe
The Mursi people are the most popular in Ethiopia's Omo Valley. They are well known for their unique lip plates. They are settled around the Omo River and in the Mago National Park. Due to the climate, they move twice a year between the winter and summer months. They herd cattle and grow crops along the banks of the Omo River.
The Mursi women paint their bodies and face in white. They also are the ones who wear the lip plates. Women of the Mursi tribe may have their lips cut at the age of 15 or 16. A small clay plate is then inserted into the lip. Through the years, larger plates are inserted into the lip causing it to stretch. The larger the clay plate, the more the woman is worth before she gets married. It is said that the clay plates were originally used to prevent capture by slave traders. Although very unique and part of their tradition, the Mursi women only wear the plates for a short time because they are so heavy and uncomfortable.
Men of the Mursi also use white paint for their bodies and faces. Just like any other ethnic tribe in the lower valley, the men must pass a test before they can get married. A Mursi man is given a stick called a Donga and must face one opponent. The men then battle it out, beating each other with the sticks.
And the other most famous Ethiopian historical site is Lalibela, In the heart of Ethiopia is situated one of its holiest towns, known as Lalibela, where a group of eleven monolithic rock-hewn churches stand. They are the biggest monolithic temples in the world and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site, yet much mystery still surrounds their construction.
The age of these buildings is unknown, but legends mention that they were excavated during the reign of Gebre Mesqel Lalibela, who ruled Ethiopia at the beginning of the 13th century AD. His name means ‘the bees recognize him as a king’. However, David Phillipson, professor of African archeology at Cambridge University, has proposed that the churches of