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In Unity Gardening, giving back to the community is as important as maintaining quality work. Here is our team at Zewdit...

In Unity Gardening, giving back to the community is as important as maintaining quality work. Here is our team at Zewditu Hospital donating different materials for patients.


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ቤቴን የደስታና የጤና እንዴት ላድርግ?                       🏢ለቤት ውስጥ እና ለቢሮዎቻችን ውበት እና ምቾትን የሚጨምር ምንም ነገር የለም ከለምለም አበቦች እና የቤት ውስጥ እ...

ቤቴን የደስታና የጤና እንዴት ላድርግ?

🏢ለቤት ውስጥ እና ለቢሮዎቻችን ውበት እና ምቾትን የሚጨምር ምንም ነገር የለም ከለምለም አበቦች እና የቤት ውስጥ እፅዋት ቅጠሎች🌿 በስተቀር ።

🏡 መኝታ ቤቶች፣ መታጠቢያ ቤቶች፣ ኩሽናዎች፣ በረንዳዎች... በእውነቱ የቤት ውስጥ ተክል ሊያነቃቃውና ሊያሳምረው የማይችል ቦታ የለም።

ብዙ ጥናቶች እንደሚያሳዩት የቤት ውስጥ እፅዋት:

✅ንዴትን ማብረድ፣

✅ድካም መቀነስ

✅ጭንቀትን እና ስጋትን መቀነስ

✅የጤነኝነትና የሙሉነት ስሜት

✅የህመም ማስታገሻ እና ፈውስ መጨመር

✅ንፁህ አየር መተንፈስን

✅የራስ ምታት መከሰትን መቀነስ

እንደሚችሉ በተጨባጭ ማረጋገጥ ተችሏዋል።

📣ስለዚህ እርስዎ ምንም ሳይቸገሩ እነዚህን ጥቅሞች አንድ ስልክ ብቻ ደውለው ማምጣት እንደሚችሉ ስናበስርዎ በታላቅ ደስታ ነው።

📞📲ቤትዎ ድረስ እናመጣሎታልን አሁኑኑ ደውለው ይዘዙን
☎09 52 52 22 52

🌿💼ቦታዎን ለመለወጥ ዝግጁ ኖት? አሁን እርምጃ ይውሰዱ! 🌿📣🏢🌱በሆቴልዎ ወይም በትልቅ ቢሮዎ ውስጥ አረንጓዴ እና የበለጠ እንግዳ ተቀባይ ሁኔታ ለመፍጠር ይፈልጋሉ? ቦታዎን ወደ ላቀ ደረጃ ለ...

🌿💼ቦታዎን ለመለወጥ ዝግጁ ኖት? አሁን እርምጃ ይውሰዱ! 🌿📣

🏢🌱በሆቴልዎ ወይም በትልቅ ቢሮዎ ውስጥ አረንጓዴ እና የበለጠ እንግዳ ተቀባይ ሁኔታ ለመፍጠር ይፈልጋሉ? ቦታዎን ወደ ላቀ ደረጃ ለማድረስ የእኛ የፕሪሚየም የቤት ዉስጥ ተክል አገልግሎት እዚህ አለ 🌿🌇

ድህረ ገፃችንን ይጎብኙ ይችን👇 ተጭነው

የፖት ፕላንት አግልግሎት ለማግኘት
በዚህ ይደውሉ 👇

እርስዎ ቢሆኑ ባዶ ቦታው ላይ ምን ይሞላሉ❓           በጥቅምት ___

እርስዎ ቢሆኑ ባዶ ቦታው ላይ ምን ይሞላሉ❓
በጥቅምት ___


ለእርስዎ ብቻ የተዘጋጁ የጓሮ አትክልት አገልግሎቶች

የጓሮ አትክልት እንክብካቤ ልዩ ባለሙያተኛ እና አብጠርጥሮ የሚያይ አይን በከፍተኛ ሁኔታ ይፈልጋል። ሙያዊ የጓሮ አትክልት አገልግሎት ሁሉንም የአትክልት ፍላጎቶችዎን ያሟላል፣ ይህም እርስዎ እንዲቀመጡ እና በዙሪያዎ ባለው የተፈጥሮ ውበት እንዲደሰቱ ያስችልዎታል። የአትክልት ቦታዎን በጥሩ ሁኔታ ለማቆየት የሚረዱ አንዳንድ አስፈላጊ የአትክልት አገልግሎቶች አሉ እነርሱም :
1. የአረም ቁጥጥር፡- አረም ከእጽዋትዎ ጋር ለምግብነት መወዳደር ብቻ ሳይሆን የአትክልትዎን አጠቃላይ ገጽታ ያበላሻል። አዘውትሮ ማረም ያልተፈለገ እድገት እንዳይኖር ያደርጋል.
2. የተባይ መከላከል፡- የጓሮ አትክልት ተባዮች በእጽዋት እና በአበባዎች ላይ ውድመት ሊያደርሱ ይችላሉ። አረንጓዴ ተክሎችን ከአጥፊ ነፍሳት እና በሽታዎች ለመጠበቅ ባለሙያ አትክልተኞች ውጤታማ የተባይ መቆጣጠሪያ ዘዴዎችን ይጠቀማሉ።
3. መከርከም እና ማስዋብ፡- በአግባቡ መግረዝ ውበትን ከማጎልበት ባለፈ ጤናማ የእፅዋትን እድገትን ያመጣል። የሰለጠኑ ባለሙያዎች ምንም ጉዳት ሳያስከትሉ ዛፎችን, ቁጥቋጦዎችን እና አጥርን እንዴት እንደሚቆርጡ ያውቃሉ. 4.ማዳበሪያ አጠቃቀም፡- ተክሎች እንዲበቅሉ ንጥረ ነገር ያስፈልጋቸዋል። የጓሮ አትክልት ባለሙያዎች ጤንነታቸውን ለማሻሻል ለተለያዩ የእፅዋት ዓይነቶች የሚያስፈልጉትን ማዳበሪያዎች በትክክለኛው ሚዛን ይፈፅማሉ።

ግቢዮን እና ቢሮዎን ለማስዋብ እያሰቡ ከሆነ
አሁኑኑ ይደውሉልን
📞☎ 0911 73 28 95

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ለመሆኑ በኢትዮዽያ ውስጥ ቢሮን ና የመኖሪያ ቤቶችን በአረንጓዴ የሚያስውቡ ድርጅቶችን እነማንን ያውቃሉ   ???እኛ ዩኒቲ ጋርደኒንግ እንባላልን ከ 20 ዓመታት በላይ በዘርፉ ልምድ አለን። ት...

ለመሆኑ በኢትዮዽያ ውስጥ ቢሮን ና የመኖሪያ ቤቶችን በአረንጓዴ የሚያስውቡ ድርጅቶችን እነማንን ያውቃሉ ???

እኛ ዩኒቲ ጋርደኒንግ እንባላልን ከ 20 ዓመታት በላይ በዘርፉ ልምድ አለን። ትንሽ ደንበኞቻችንን እና ስራዎቻችንን እናስጎብኝዎ

ለበለጠ መረጃ በዚህ 👇 ይደውሉ

International Music Day is celebrated on October 1st every year to recognize the importance of music in our lives. And u...

International Music Day is celebrated on October 1st every year to recognize the importance of music in our lives. And unity Gardening is honored to attend this festivity at Alliance ethio francis to witness the iconic piano performance by Girma Yifrashewa.

Music has been an integral part of human culture for thousands of years and has been used to express emotions, tell stories, and bring people together. While music may seem like an entirely separate entity from nature, there is a surprising connection between music and trees.

Trees are not only beautiful and essential to the environment, but they also have a unique relationship with sound and music. Trees are living organisms that respond to their environment, including the sounds around them. Studies have shown that trees have the ability to perceive sound waves and respond to them in various ways.

One study conducted by the Royal Horticultural Society found that plants exposed to music, specifically classical music, grew faster and were healthier than those that were not exposed to music. Another study conducted by the University of Florence found that plants exposed to music had an increased production of essential oils, which are used in aromatherapy and other medicinal practices.

The connection between music and trees is not just limited to the effects of music on plant growth. Trees have also been used as musical instruments in various cultures around the world. The didgeridoo, a traditional Aboriginal instrument, is made from a hollowed-out tree trunk and produces a deep, resonant sound. The marimba, a percussion instrument commonly used in Latin American music, is made from wooden bars that are struck with mallets.

In addition to their use as musical instruments, trees have also inspired countless musical compositions throughout history. The composer Gustav Mahler was known for incorporating the sounds of nature, including bird songs and rustling leaves, into his symphonies. The French composer Claude Debussy was also inspired by nature and used it as a theme in many of his compositions, including his famous "La Mer" (The Sea).

The connection between music and trees goes beyond just the physical and auditory aspects. Music and trees both have the ability to evoke powerful emotions and memories in people. Just as a particular song can transport us back to a specific moment in time, the sight and smell of trees can evoke memories of childhood or a particular place.

Your office doesn't need more chairs. It needs more plants. let Unity Gardening beautify your work space.

Your office doesn't need more chairs. It needs more plants. let Unity Gardening beautify your work space.

Here is a great work we've done recently.Client: CECC Ethiopia construction PLC

Here is a great work we've done recently.
Client: CECC Ethiopia construction PLC

The team of Unity Gardening would like to wish everyone a blessed holiday

The team of Unity Gardening would like to wish everyone a blessed holiday

Deforestation is the clearing, destroying, or otherwise removal of trees through deliberate, natural, or accidental mean...

Deforestation is the clearing, destroying, or otherwise removal of trees through deliberate, natural, or accidental means. It can occur in any area densely populated by trees and other plant life, but the majority of it is currently happening in the Amazon.

The loss of trees and other vegetation can cause climate change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and a host of problems for Indigenous people.

One of the most dangerous and unsettling effects of deforestation is the loss of animal and plant species due to their loss of habitat.

Further effects of deforestation include soil erosion and coastal flooding. Trees help the land to retain water and topsoil, which provides the rich nutrients to sustain additional forest life.

Green tea a day keeps the doctor away

Green tea a day keeps the doctor away

It's time to decorate your home with nature. Be the first to order our beautiful pot plants.

It's time to decorate your home with nature. Be the first to order our beautiful pot plants.

How to Grow Lettuce Indoors All Year Long!Growing vegetables indoors is a great way to increase the fresh produce you ha...

How to Grow Lettuce Indoors All Year Long!

Growing vegetables indoors is a great way to increase the fresh produce you have access to all year. Lettuce, in particular, is one vegetable that can be grown quickly and affordably at home. This article will teach you how to grow lettuce indoors so that it’s always on hand for salads or sandwiches!

You can plant your lettuce in different sized pots, so long as your container is at least three inches deep. You do not need very deep containers to grow lettuce, and anything deeper than 3 inches is a waste of space and soil.

The soil should be loose and not compact. You don’t want to pack it down, or you will have a hard time watering the plants

Pre-moisten your soil before planting your lettuce seeds. It is easier to moisten the soil than adding water once your seeds are planted. Lettuce seeds are incredibly tiny and can easily be moved or displaced by water.
Plant lettuce seeds on the top of the soil and sprinkle a light dusting of soil over the top. Lettuce seeds require light to germinate, and planting too deep can reduce germination rates.
Depending on your container’s size, you will only need a few seeds. Plant a few extra to ensure germination but only grow as many that will fit inside the pot. Overseeding will cause overcrowding which can lead to poor growth and poor air circulation.

Lettuce is one of those plants that doesn’t need much water once established. The soil should always be moist but never soggy or wet. Several light waterings will result in healthy crisp lettuce plants.

Lettuce plants need at least six hours of full sun a day. Some varieties are better suited for shade and can tolerate partial shade. The best types for growing indoors without additional artificial light are those that mature quickly and do not produce a long stalk.

Medicinal plants, also called medicinal herbs, have been discovered and used in traditional medicine practices since pre...

Medicinal plants, also called medicinal herbs, have been discovered and used in traditional medicine practices since prehistoric times. plants synthesize hundreds of chemical compounds for various functions.

Rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis L. (Labiatae) has been used in folk medicine to alleviate several diseases including headache, dysmenorrhea, stomachache, epilepsy, rheumatic pain, spasms, nervous agitation, improvement of memory, hysteria, depression, as well as physical and mental fatigue

12 Ways You Can Help the EnvironmentUse energy efficient LED or CFL lights when you can. Turn off lights in rooms/ on pa...

12 Ways You Can Help the Environment

Use energy efficient LED or CFL lights when you can. Turn off lights in rooms/ on patios when not needed.

Recycle whenever you can, at home, at work; wherever recycling is available.

Every time you throw a cup away, you create waste; disposable water bottles are made of plastic, and the majority of beverage cups are plastic, styrofoam, or paper – and these products just end up in landfills.

The planet likes it when you grow things. It helps filter out bad air and is a great sustainable practice. Plus, you can’t beat home-grown tomatoes or herbs

Did you know??

Did you know??

Did you know you can have your own green house in your backyard?

Did you know you can have your own green house in your backyard?

Plants are used as an efficient cleaning system for the environment in a process known as “Phytoremediation”, which can ...

Plants are used as an efficient cleaning system for the environment in a process known as “Phytoremediation”, which can be done via various techniques in which plants clear the environment from pollutants. Indoor plants are considered to be natural air filters as they can purify air through different methods: absorption, dilution, precipitation, and filtration.

In addition, plants can purify the air from pollutants such as carbon dioxide, volatile organic components (VOC), carbonyl, particulate matter, organic compounds, nitrates, sulfates, ammonia, calcium, ozone, and carbonate. Indoor plants can be considered as a low-cost solution that reduces the levels of indoor pollutants and minimize human exposure to many harmful compounds

worried you don't have enough space for a garden? Let us help you fix that

worried you don't have enough space for a garden? Let us help you fix that

Plants need good soil conditions if they are to give the best results. Improving the soil with plenty of organic matter ...

Plants need good soil conditions if they are to give the best results. Improving the soil with plenty of organic matter in the form of compost helps drainage and aeration on heavy soils and conserves essential moisture on light ones



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