Help and Travel

Help and Travel Travel and the communities


By Soohyun Won – Intern at Art in Tanzania The growth prospects for the continent are strong. However, the national governments and businesses must ensure that indigenous people have access t…

Some examples of typical African sports:⦁ Capoeira:It is a well-known sport that finds its roots both in Africa and Braz...

Some examples of typical African sports:⦁ Capoeira:It is a well-known sport that finds its roots both in Africa and Brazil; it combines many elements such as music, martial arts and dance.Indeed, it is composed of sophisticated moves accompanied by intense and powerful kicks. ⦁ Senegalese wrestling- LAMB:It began a century ago and was recreation for fishers and farmers, but now it can be a source of earnings; in fact, top fighters can earn up to 100000 $ per fight!...

Some examples of typical African sports:⦁ Capoeira:It is a well-known sport that finds its roots both in Africa and Brazil; it combines many elements such as music, martial arts and dance.Indeed, i…

By Carolina Sideri – Art in Tanzania intern Serengeti Park is among the most famous wildlife parks worldwide. Its fauna ...

By Carolina Sideri – Art in Tanzania intern Serengeti Park is among the most famous wildlife parks worldwide. Its fauna comprises various animals such as 1500000 gnus, approximately 300,000 zebras and 5,000,000 gazelles. In addition, many other animals have their home there, such as thousands of lions and leopards, cheetahs, and elephants … they are all waiting for you!The Great Migration is a phenomenon that is important to deciding the Serengeti visit's timing....

By Carolina Sideri – Art in Tanzania intern Serengeti Park is among the most famous wildlife parks worldwide. Its fauna comprises various animals such as 1500000 gnus, approximately 300,000 zebras …

Africa is the continent south of Europe, east of the Atlantic Ocean, west of the Indian ocean and north of Antarctica. I...

Africa is the continent south of Europe, east of the Atlantic Ocean, west of the Indian ocean and north of Antarctica. It is the second-largest continent connected to Asia through the land bridge of Suez. It lies among the Mediterranean Sea and Indian and Atlantic oceans. Throughout its history, the continent faced several conflicts in different areas.Civil wars took place in different areas of the territory; some of the conflicts in the past happened in Chad, Nigeria, Rwanda, Burundi, and Sierra Leone....

Africa is the continent south of Europe, east of the Atlantic Ocean, west of the Indian ocean and north of Antarctica. It is the second-largest continent connected to Asia through the land bridge o…

By Mariam Msangi – Art in Tanzania internship A marketing strategy refers to a business's overall game plan for reaching...

By Mariam Msangi – Art in Tanzania internship A marketing strategy refers to a business's overall game plan for reaching prospective consumers and turning them into customers of their products or services. A marketing strategy contains the company’s value proposition, key brand messaging, data on target customer demographics, and other high-level elements. A thorough marketing strategy covers "...

By Mariam Msangi – Art in Tanzania internship A marketing strategy refers to a business’s overall game plan for reaching prospective consumers and turning them into customers of their pr…

By Amon Samwel – Art in Tanzania internship Lightning is the brilliant electric spark discharge in the atmosphere occurr...

By Amon Samwel – Art in Tanzania internship Lightning is the brilliant electric spark discharge in the atmosphere occurring within a thunderstorm, between the clouds. The flashing of light produced by a discharge of atmospheric electricity and a flashing of light is the result of discharge of atmosphere electricity within a thunderstorm cloud way up into the sky. Many small bits of ice frozen raindrop bump into each other as they move around in the air....

By Amon Samwel – Art in Tanzania internship Lightning is the brilliant electric spark discharge in the atmosphere occurring within a thunderstorm, between the clouds. The flashing of light produced…

Martin Saning’o Kariongi Ole Sanago Weeks have gone by, my national exams were nigh, since Mr. Martin Saning’o had passe...

Martin Saning’o Kariongi Ole Sanago Weeks have gone by, my national exams were nigh, since Mr. Martin Saning’o had passed away from COVID-19. I had a dream. In the dream, Mr. Martin said to me, in Swahili, with rough translation to english as, “Dare to dream big, never give up and always have a spirit big enough to achieve your dreams....

Martin Saning’o Kariongi Ole Sanago Weeks have gone by, my national exams were nigh, since Mr. Martin Saning’o had passed away from COVID-19. I had a dream. In the dream, Mr. Martin said to me, in …

By Roseline Sanga – Art in Tanzania internship In Tanzania, the disputes continue between government officials, some of ...

By Roseline Sanga – Art in Tanzania internship In Tanzania, the disputes continue between government officials, some of them are saying that the vaccines are not friendly to humans but others asking for proof of why the vaccines are not friendly to humans. Many citizens have been shown to have differing opinions about the vaccines, some are fearing for their safety after receiving the vaccines and thus refusing to be vaccinated, but another group is of people who believe the vaccine is a help to protect themselves from Covid-19, but Another group of people are those who do not know whether to be vaccinated or not so they are waiting for those who have already been vaccinated to see the results before making decisions....

By Roseline Sanga – Art in Tanzania internship In Tanzania, the disputes continue between government officials, some of them are saying that the vaccines are not friendly to humans but others askin…

By Saruni Martin- Art in Tanzania internship Martin Saning'o Weeks had gone by, my national exams were nigh, since Mr. M...

By Saruni Martin- Art in Tanzania internship Martin Saning'o Weeks had gone by, my national exams were nigh, since Mr. Martin Saning’o had passed away from COVID-19, I had a dream. In the dream, Mr. Martin said to me, in Swahili, with rough translation to English as, “Dare to dream big, never give up and always have a spirit big enough to achieve your dreams....

By Saruni Martin- Art in Tanzania internship Martin Saning’o Weeks had gone by, my national exams were nigh, since Mr. Martin Saning’o had passed away from COVID-19, I had a dream. In the dre…

By Faraja Ntilulagomba – Art in Tanzania Internship ‘Climate Change’ denotes to long-term change in the statistical dist...

By Faraja Ntilulagomba – Art in Tanzania Internship ‘Climate Change’ denotes to long-term change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns (e.g., temperature, precipitation etc.) over decades to millions of years of time. Climate on earth has changed over millions of years since the beginning long before human activity could have played a role in its transformation. But the United Nation of Framework Conservation on Climate Change (UNFCCC), defined Climate Change as "a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods”....

By Faraja Ntilulagomba – Art in Tanzania Internship ‘Climate Change’ denotes to long-term change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns (e.g., temperature, precipitation etc.) over dec…

By Julia Galusiakowska – Art in Tanzania internship On the cusp of the last years, ecology has been influencing our live...

By Julia Galusiakowska – Art in Tanzania internship On the cusp of the last years, ecology has been influencing our lives more and more, entering even the sphere reserved for … tourism. Although the COVID-19 pandemic has effectively thwarted our travel plans, many believe we are reaching the final phase of the global health crisis. Countries are expected to open to tourists in 2022, which will be a perfect opportunity to reconsider our travel plans....

By Julia Galusiakowska – Art in Tanzania internship On the cusp of the last years, ecology has been influencing our lives more and more, entering even the sphere reserved for … tourism. Although th…

Romaisa Hussain - Art in Tanzania Internship In today’s world, there has been intense struggle for water resources. This...

Romaisa Hussain - Art in Tanzania Internship In today’s world, there has been intense struggle for water resources. This is due to rising population currently standing at 7 billion, their usage of water and extreme competition over water resources, water dependent crops and urbanization. Therefore, it is no surprise that the world is running out of fresh water every day. The need for water will continue to rise unless there are steps to conserve and recycle this crucial element....

Romaisa Hussain – Art in Tanzania Internship In today’s world, there has been intense struggle for water resources. This is due to rising population currently standing at 7 billion, their usa…

By Mariam Msangi – Art in Tanzania internship Legal aid is the provision of assistance to people who are unable to affor...

By Mariam Msangi – Art in Tanzania internship Legal aid is the provision of assistance to people who are unable to afford legal representation and access to the court system. Legal aid is regarded as central in providing access to justice by ensuring equality. Before the law, the right to counsel and the right to a fair trial. Aid provided by an organizations established specially to serve the legal needs of the poor....

By Mariam Msangi – Art in Tanzania internship Legal aid is the provision of assistance to people who are unable to afford legal representation and access to the court system. Legal aid is rega…

ARTICLE ON CLIMATE CHANGE IN TANZANIA By Japhet Mgona – Art in Tanzania internship Introduction to Climate Change Since ...

ARTICLE ON CLIMATE CHANGE IN TANZANIA By Japhet Mgona – Art in Tanzania internship Introduction to Climate Change Since centuries ago, climate change has been a matter of grave concern globally. It is also one of the substantial global challenge in the 21st century. Many scientists and local people, through contemporary and indigenous practices respectively, have diverse views pertinent to the meaning, source, and impacts of climate change....

ARTICLE ON CLIMATE CHANGE IN TANZANIA By Japhet Mgona – Art in Tanzania internship Introduction to Climate Change Since centuries ago, climate change has been a matter of grave concern globally. It…

By Romaisa Hussain - Art in Tanzania Internship Since independence, Tanzania began its journey with economic dynamism un...

By Romaisa Hussain - Art in Tanzania Internship Since independence, Tanzania began its journey with economic dynamism until it was struck by the transition towards socialism which took a bad toll on the economy, and the 1980s global financial crisis which the country was not prepared for. From then onwards, growth became relatively slow and even more difficult to adjust towards the market economy....

By Romaisa Hussain – Art in Tanzania Internship Since independence, Tanzania began its journey with economic dynamism until it was struck by the transition towards socialism which took a bad …

By Gabriel Andre – Art in Tanzania internship THE RESPONSE OF INSTITUTIONS TO CLIMATE CHANGE 1. UNEP and UNDP 2016-2021 ...

By Gabriel Andre – Art in Tanzania internship THE RESPONSE OF INSTITUTIONS TO CLIMATE CHANGE 1. UNEP and UNDP 2016-2021 environmental and development strategy Through a country programme, UNEP (United Nation Environmental program) and UNDP (United Nation Development program) proposed a strategy to counteract climate change issues while improving the Tanzanian economic development. Based on a theory of change where better governance and better placed investment could decrease poverty as well as environmental degradation....

By Gabriel Andre – Art in Tanzania internship THE RESPONSE OF INSTITUTIONS TO CLIMATE CHANGE 1. UNEP and UNDP 2016-2021 environmental and development strategy Through a country programme, UNEP (Uni…

By Gabriel Andre – Art in Tanzania internship THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN TANZANIA 1. What can be expected Tanzania ...

By Gabriel Andre – Art in Tanzania internship THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN TANZANIA 1. What can be expected Tanzania is a coastal country in East Africa which shares the Victoria Lake border with Kenya and Uganda. Given that the vast majority of the population’s livelihoods are dependent on the agriculture sector (80 % of the population) which is highly sensitive to climate change, Tanzania is considered to be particularly vulnerable to climate change....

By Gabriel Andre – Art in Tanzania internship THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN TANZANIA 1. What can be expected Tanzania is a coastal country in East Africa which shares the Victoria Lake border wit…

By Gabriel Andre – Art in Tanzania internship TANZANIA, A DEVELOPING COUNTRY IN THE MIDST OF AN ECOLOGICAL SHIFT   Econo...

By Gabriel Andre – Art in Tanzania internship TANZANIA, A DEVELOPING COUNTRY IN THE MIDST OF AN ECOLOGICAL SHIFT Economic and demographic development Source Þ General introduction Tanzania is lauded as one of the most peaceful and stable countries in Africa. Since its independence, the country has moved to a multi-party democracy that allows a separation of powers. Tanzania, being the mainland, has an Island called Zanzibar....

By Gabriel Andre – Art in Tanzania internship TANZANIA, A DEVELOPING COUNTRY IN THE MIDST OF AN ECOLOGICAL SHIFT Economic and demographic development Source  Þ General introduction  Tan…

By Mariam Msangi – Art in Tanzania internship Circumcision is defined as the surgical removal of the fo****in. The fo***...

By Mariam Msangi – Art in Tanzania internship Circumcision is defined as the surgical removal of the fo****in. The fo****in retractable fold of skin that covers the end of the p***s. It is the continuation of the skin that covers the whole p***s. Male circumcision has been shown to considerably reduce the risk of sexually acquired HIV infection. Male circumcision is defined as the complete removal of the entire fo****in (the skin that can be rolled forward or back over the head of the p***s)....

By Mariam Msangi – Art in Tanzania internship Circumcision is defined as the surgical removal of the fo****in. The fo****in retractable fold of skin that covers the end of the p***s. It is the cont…

By Gabriel Andre – Art in Tanzania internship Welcome to part 2 in our new climate change blog series. What are the main...

By Gabriel Andre – Art in Tanzania internship Welcome to part 2 in our new climate change blog series. What are the main consequences of climate change and the risks to our survival? The first consequence of climate change is obviously the rise in temperature and the harmful consequences of heat on biodiversity. But why do we keep hearing that we must not exceed the "2 degrees more" of the Paris Agreement by 2100?...

By Gabriel Andre – Art in Tanzania internship Welcome to part 2 in our new climate change blog series. What are the main consequences of climate change and the risks to our survival? The first con…

PART 1.1  By Gabriel Andre – Art in Tanzania internship Welcome to our new four-part blog. In a series of blogs, I will ...

PART 1.1 By Gabriel Andre – Art in Tanzania internship Welcome to our new four-part blog. In a series of blogs, I will be discussing the effects of climate change on our planet and the consequences it will have if we do not do anything about climate change. Climate change Before discussing the specific case of Tanzania, it is important to understand the definition of climate change and the consequences of its impact on our planet....

PART 1.1 By Gabriel Andre – Art in Tanzania internship Welcome to our new four-part blog. In a series of blogs, I will be discussing the effects of climate change on our planet and the consequence…

James Mathew Mgaya – Art in Tanzania internship The nine domains of GNH To many GDH is new terminology but it bears most...

James Mathew Mgaya – Art in Tanzania internship The nine domains of GNH To many GDH is new terminology but it bears most important value to the countries. Gross National Happiness (GNH) is a measurement of the collective happiness in a nation. Gross national happiness (GNH) is a measure of economic and moral progress that the king of the Himalayan country of Bhutan introduced in the 1970s as an alternative to gross domestic product. ...

James Mathew Mgaya – Art in Tanzania internship The nine domains of GNH To many GDH is new terminology but it bears most important value to the countries. Gross National Happiness (GNH) is a measur…

By Romaisa Hussein – art in Tanzania internship African Tourism Development in Perspective While the continent possesses...

By Romaisa Hussein – art in Tanzania internship African Tourism Development in Perspective While the continent possesses a wealth of natural and cultural resources, tourism in Africa has largely performed below expectations, and its sometimes poorly managed expansion has had long-term detrimental implications for both people and the environment. To achieve long-term and sustainable forms of tourism that are respectful of Africa's rich natural and cultural heritage, tourist industry executives and policymakers must take into account the broader historical and socioeconomic background in which tourism is introduced....

By Romaisa Hussein – art in Tanzania internship African Tourism Development in Perspective While the continent possesses a wealth of natural and cultural resources, tourism in Africa has largely pe…

By Gwamaka Mwakyusa – Art in Tanzania internship Delta variant, a strain of Covid-19 that wreaked havoc during India’s s...

By Gwamaka Mwakyusa – Art in Tanzania internship Delta variant, a strain of Covid-19 that wreaked havoc during India’s second wave, has been identified in at least 85 countries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the delta covid variant is the most transmissible of all the variants identified so far. Acknowledging the contagious nature of the delta Covid-19 variant that was first identified in India, the WHO on June 25 urged vaccinated people to continue wearing masks....

By Gwamaka Mwakyusa – Art in Tanzania internship Delta variant, a strain of Covid-19 that wreaked havoc during India’s second wave, has been identified in at least 85 countries. According to the Wo…

By Alessandro Deligios – Art in Tanzania internship In recent years China has been using their economic power to take mo...

By Alessandro Deligios – Art in Tanzania internship In recent years China has been using their economic power to take more influence in the geopolitical arena. In accordance with the future model of geo-economic competition, China firstly, seems try to and become the leader State in Asia. Second, they are taking more power in many areas of the world. One of the strategies to extend their influence is by the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI)....

By Alessandro Deligios – Art in Tanzania internship In recent years China has been using their economic power to take more influence in the geopolitical arena. In accordance with the future model o…

By Gwamaka Makyusa -  Art in Tanzania internship After lagging behind the United States and United Kingdom on the distri...

By Gwamaka Makyusa - Art in Tanzania internship After lagging behind the United States and United Kingdom on the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines this spring, the European Union is on track to catch up by July. Following initial missteps, the EU has developed a better strategy on vaccine procurement. Even when in distress, the bloc has showed solidarity between its larger and smaller economies — limiting space for Russian and Chinese vaccine diplomacy in Europe — and towards the developing world, which will pay dividends in the future....

By Gwamaka Makyusa – Art in Tanzania internship After lagging behind the United States and United Kingdom on the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines this spring, the European Union is on track…

by Shravya Murali – Art in Tanzania internship As a significant health problem in several tropical regions of the world,...

by Shravya Murali – Art in Tanzania internship As a significant health problem in several tropical regions of the world, malaria costs almost 435,000 lives annually. A substantial fraction of these deaths occurs in Africa. The proportion of cases and deaths In Tanzania alone constitutes to 3% of those globally. Over the past few years, the number of malaria cases have been on the rise, with a staggering increase by 3.5 million from 2016 to 2017 as reported by the WHO....

by Shravya Murali – Art in Tanzania internship As a significant health problem in several tropical regions of the world, malaria costs almost 435,000 lives annually. A substantial fraction of these…

By Racquel Hudson – Art in Tanzania internship “Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It...

By Racquel Hudson – Art in Tanzania internship “Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than the government in breaking down racial barriers.” – Nelson Mandela....

By Racquel Hudson – Art in Tanzania internship “Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way little else does. It speaks to youth …

James Mathew Mgaya – Art in Tanzania internship To many GDH is new terminology but it bears most important value to the ...

James Mathew Mgaya – Art in Tanzania internship To many GDH is new terminology but it bears most important value to the countries. Gross National Happiness (GNH) is a measurement of the collective happiness in a nation. The king of the Himalayan country of Bhutan introduced Gross National Happiness (GNH) in the 1970s as a measure of economic and moral progress as an alternative to ...

James Mathew Mgaya – Art in Tanzania internship To many GDH is new terminology but it bears most important value to the countries. Gross National Happiness (GNH) is a measurement of the collective …

By Farzad Ghotaslou – Art in Tanzania internship Zanzibar is popular weekend trip for Art in Tanzania volunteers and int...

By Farzad Ghotaslou – Art in Tanzania internship Zanzibar is popular weekend trip for Art in Tanzania volunteers and interns in Dar es Salaam. It is also a destination for our safari and Mt. Kilimanjaro clients to relax after their safari of climb. We commonly tailor the Zanzibar stay; usually night or two at the historical stone town with day trips and then total relaxation at the beach....

By Farzad Ghotaslou – Art in Tanzania internship Zanzibar is popular weekend trip for Art in Tanzania volunteers and interns in Dar es Salaam. It is also a destination for our safari and Mt. Kilima…


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