Great News - Visit Arctic Europe II will get prolonging until 30.9.2022!
We’ve got good news from our financiers Interregnord. VAE II -project will be able to continue until September 2022 because of the current corona situation.
This will give us more flexibility for implementing coming activities at the best possible times considering re-opening travel.
We believe this will benefit whole region and all the VAE II companies and give much better results for the project.
#visitarcticeurope #thisisarctic
NordNorsk Reiseliv
Swedish Lapland Visitors Board
Only in Lapland - The North of Finland
VAE II Networking Event in Narvik 4.-5.6.2019
Sum up of «Sharing is caring» Networking meeting for VAE II companies in Narvik, 4-5th of June.
VAE II Networking Event in Narvik 4.-5.6.2019
Follow us live.
«Sharing is caring» is motto for VAE II Networking meeting for VAE II companies in Narvik, 4-5th of June.
Product development and sustainable growth, as well as best practice -cases from the area of VAE are the main topics for these days.
Interregnord NordNorsk Reiseliv Swedish Lapland Visit Arctic Europe II Networking meeting in Narvik
Last stream of VAE II Kick Off.
Today (Swedish time)
11.00 - 11.45 Let´s go!
dished up by Björn Ylipää
11.45 - 12.00 Next step in VAE II
by Rauno Posio
Last day of VAE II Kick Off
Last day of VAE II Kick Off.
Todays program (Swedish time)
9.00 - 9.30 Where are we going
Mapping results
11.00 - 11.45 Let´s go!
dished up by Björn Ylipää
11.45 - 12.00 Next step in VAE II
by Rauno Posio
#visitarcticeurope #WeAreVAE
VAE II Kick Off Live stream part 2:2
VAE II Kick Off Live stream.
Part 2:2
#visitarcticeurope #WeAreVAE
VAE II Kick off
Part two of the day continues in a new link.
#visitarcticeurope #WeAreVAE
Visit Arctic Europe Showcase
The project VAE, 1st phase, is about to end. It has been a great journey. Together with the partners: Finnish Lapland Tourist Board, Swedish Lapland Visitors Board, NordNorsk Reiseliv and VAE companies, Touroperators, other stakeholders and financiers Interregnord we have achieved great results.
Here is a short video with VAE results in a nutshell.
Visit Arctic Europe – Stronger together!
This week Visit Arctic Europe is arranging Cluster meetings in Tromso.
The focus of the workshops is Product Development for Autumn Season.
VAE companies together with Tour Operators are discussing opportunities and challenges of VAE area for future travellers. Visit Arctic Europe Interregnord Only in Lapland - The North of Finland Swedish Lapland Visit Northern Norway
Visit Arctic Europe speedmeeting session. Hopefully something good comes out of these Dates. 😉