A heartfelt thank you to all who attended our Year-round Development and Culture in Tourism event in Levi this week! 🌟
The AETC's goal is to create a network where tourism professionals can inspire each other, learn from each other, and together make a difference. Your presence and participation were invaluable!
This week’s event marks the kickoff of our efforts in year-round development, with a special focus on autumn and adding an Arctic cultural layer to our products.
We invited experts in food and beverage, local Arctic cultures, performing arts and music, design and architecture, local products and handicrafts, storytelling, and heritage and traditions to help us with these tasks.
Additionally, we were privileged to have market expert Badur and tour operators Emma Maes, Esther Baas, and Janka Schelb join us to provide valuable market insights.
Learning from each other is essential. We were inspired by successful stories from Hege Anita Eilertsen of Museum Nord and representatives Orkney Distilleries in Scotland on the importance of culture in tourism, and from Kati Vehmas of Visit Ylläs and Anneli Lääts of Tromsø Villmarkssenter on year-round development.
Together, we’ve explored new strategies, shared best practices, and built connections that will shape the future of tourism.
To our speakers, panelists, and attendees – thank you for your insights, energy, and dedication to making tourism a dynamic, year-round endeavor.
By working together, we can create sustainable, culturally rich tourism experiences that benefit everyone. Here’s to our shared journey towards a brighter, more connected future in tourism!
A big thank you to Kassiopeia Hotels & Restaurants Summit Hullu Poro - Crazy Reindeer and Ämmilä for hosting us and Visit Levi for organization. 🌍✨