Vino Tours Helsinki

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Vino Tours Helsinki Auktorisoituja kävelykierroksia, ruokakierroksia, pyöräkierroksia, sekä viininmaisteluita. Also wine trips to Italy!

Myös viinimatkoja Italiaan!
In Helsinki, we arrange high-quality walking tours, culinary and bike tours, and exquisite wine tastings. Tietoa Vino Toursin perustajasta ja omistajasta, Maddalenasta:

Matkailu, viini ja ruoka ovat DNA:ssani. Kasvoin kahden kulttuurin välissä, äitini on helsinkiläinen ja isäni italialainen, ja jo nuoresta iästä lähtien olen saanut matkustaa paljon. Isovanhempani ol

ivat kotoisin arvostetulta Valpolicellan viinialueelta ja ruoka ja laatuviini ovat todennälöisesti tästäkin syystä aina olleet lähellä sydäntäni. Tämänkin vuoksi lähdin opiskelemaan viinimestariksi, josta valmistuin vuonna 2014. Asun lempikaupungissani Helsingissä jonne perustin myös yritykseni, Vino Toursin, joka erikoistuu tarjoamaan aitoja kokemuksia Suomessa, Italiassa ja muualla Euroopassa. Olen auktorisoitu Helsinki (ja Porvoo) opas ja tarjoan ruokaretkiä ja kävelykierroksia neljällä eri kielellä (suomi, englanti, italia, saksa). Perus nähtävyyksien lisäksi kerron retkilläni kivoja tarinoita ja paljastan mahdollisesti myös joitakin Helsinki-salaisuuksia.

Some information about the founder and owner of Vino Tours, Maddalena:

Travel, wine and food are in my DNA. I grew up between two cultures, my mother being Finnish and my father Italian, and from a very young age, I travelled a lot. My paternal grandparents were from the Italian Valpolicella wine region, and quality wine and food are close to my heart, so much so that I became a sommelier in 2014. I live in Helsinki, my favorite city in the world, where I started my company, Vino Tours, specialising in offering authentic local experiences in Finland, Italy and the rest of Europe. I am an authorised Helsinki (and Porvoo) guide, and I offer guided food and walking tours in four different languages (Finnish, English, Italian and German). In addition to the well-known sights, I make my customers fall in love with Helsinki by letting them in on some of the city’s best well-kept secrets and stories

The Finnish railway system is working quite well, trains tend to be on time and the rides are mostly comfortable. Here m...

The Finnish railway system is working quite well, trains tend to be on time and the rides are mostly comfortable. Here my lovely South African clients boarding the overnight train from Helsinki to Rovaniemi at the end of an inspirational tour around Helsinki. Thank you Liam and Unisa for joining and greetings to Santa! 😉🩷

Here one lovely family enjoying some yummy food during my   just the other day. Thank you Sarah and family for joining!T...

Here one lovely family enjoying some yummy food during my just the other day. Thank you Sarah and family for joining!The last 2 weeks have been quite busy with people from all around the world: USA, Myanmar, India, Italy, Switzerland, South Africa and the Netherlands 😍

2025 will be a new era for Vino Tours with a new company name and a few other small changes.. I keep you posted! 😉

Merry Christmas! 😍My Christmas season was pretty busy with many tours and now it’s time to take a little break for a few...

Merry Christmas! 😍

My Christmas season was pretty busy with many tours and now it’s time to take a little break for a few days enjoying food, wines, family, books and peace 🩷

In the picture me with my clients from India and New York at the beautiful ! It was such a magical day with snow and lots of joy. 🥰

Finally some snow in Helsinki 😍  appreciates too!

Finally some snow in Helsinki 😍
appreciates too!

Spent the   with this happy Austrian group - here discovering the   at the   😍Happy Independence day my beautiful Finlan...

Spent the with this happy Austrian group - here discovering the at the 😍

Happy Independence day my beautiful Finland! 😍🇫🇮😍🇫🇮😍

This is me hanging out with my friend and most famous person from   -   aka   😅🎅 Santa is currently spending his days he...

This is me hanging out with my friend and most famous person from - aka 😅🎅 Santa is currently spending his days here in Helsinki before heading back to Lapland and to prepare for the upcoming Christmas season! 😍

What an eventful day in Helsinki today! First a   with the lovely lady from Taiwan pictured here, lots of people all ove...

What an eventful day in Helsinki today! First a with the lovely lady from Taiwan pictured here, lots of people all over the city because of the event and finally ending the day with a wonderful German group.
Now some well deserved eat - sleep aaand repeat. 😉

So yesterday I received my first   gold medal for my guiding skills 🤩Apparently I was ranked by my cooperators clients a...

So yesterday I received my first gold medal for my guiding skills 🤩
Apparently I was ranked by my cooperators clients as the best local guide together with the guide from Alsace. Quite an honor, right? 😊🙏🏼

Danke Christiane & Co. 😘

What a wonderful day! First boat tour with HelsinkiBoats and then a small tour of central Helsinki, all with this super ...

What a wonderful day! First boat tour with HelsinkiBoats and then a small tour of central Helsinki, all with this super nice family from Tennessee! Thank you famiglia Trapuzzano and let’s hope that one day you will be returning to my beautiful Finland! 💜

What a wonderful walking tour once again today in one of my dearest districts - Kallio (and Harju). The sun was shining,...

What a wonderful walking tour once again today in one of my dearest districts - Kallio (and Harju). The sun was shining, the birds were singing and the vibes were just right!😍

Kiitos Mikko & Co, olipa kivaa vetää teille kierrosta! 🙏🏼☺️

Happy Birthday my favorite city Helsinki 474 years old today!!!!! 🥳💜🥳Guiding in the   area (2 tours) where the city was ...

Happy Birthday my favorite city Helsinki 474 years old today!!!!! 🥳💜🥳

Guiding in the area (2 tours) where the city was originally born is today even more meaningful than usual! 😉

People tend to ask me a lot about my favorite spots in   - here pictured one which can be found in the area where Helsin...

People tend to ask me a lot about my favorite spots in - here pictured one which can be found in the area where Helsinki was founded and also where the Finnish side of my family is from. The neighborhood is still called which translates into English as old town.

Wanna know more about the area and see the spot? Book a tour with us 🤭

Thank you to the lovely clients in the picture during our walking tour as part of their company recreation day. Until next time! 🙏🏼😍

And sometimes the groups are big and secretive like this happy party from Germany, visiting Haltia Suomen luontokeskus -...

And sometimes the groups are big and secretive like this happy party from Germany, visiting Haltia Suomen luontokeskus - The Finnish Nature Centre ! 🤩

Was super interesting to learn more about our amazing nature in 🌲🌲🌲

Just a regular day at work - me admiring the astonishing   in   😍Pihlajasaari definitely worth a visit, ferry connection...

Just a regular day at work - me admiring the astonishing in 😍

Pihlajasaari definitely worth a visit, ferry connections daily from Merisatama and Ruoholahti.

The   can also be arranged for bigger groups, especially if it can be split into two like in this case with my wonderful...

The can also be arranged for bigger groups, especially if it can be split into two like in this case with my wonderful colleague Helena taking care of group 1. Here my Danish group 2 happy after exploring and its foods a few weeks ago! 😍

❗️Jännittäviä uutisia❗️Olemme Vino Toursilla tänä vuonna aloittaneet uuden yhteistyön vastuullisen matkanjärjestäjän, ja...

❗️Jännittäviä uutisia❗️

Olemme Vino Toursilla tänä vuonna aloittaneet uuden yhteistyön vastuullisen matkanjärjestäjän, ja erityisesti Ranskaan erikoistuneen, Pamplemousse kanssa! Vino Tours toimii Pamplemoussin yhteistyökumppanina ja alihankkijana ja jatkaa Italian matkojen järjestämistä jatkossakin! 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹

Ja koska meitä yhdistää vahvasti intohimo matkailuun, ruokaan ja viiniin sekä tietenkin erityisesti Italiaan ja Ranskaan, niin pystymme jatkossa tarjoamaan vielä laajempaa kattausta matkavaihtoehdoista!

Kerää siis ryhmäsi ja ota yhteyttä niin suunnitellaan yhdessä unohtumaton Italian (tai Ranskan) viinimatka! 😍


Business travel can also be fun! 🥳Thank you for joining Laura & Co and welcome back soon 😍

Business travel can also be fun! 🥳

Thank you for joining Laura & Co and welcome back soon 😍

Ciao! Vino Tours will be out of office on a work/holiday trip to Bologna/Florence until the 23rd of April. I will get ba...

Ciao! Vino Tours will be out of office on a work/holiday trip to Bologna/Florence until the 23rd of April. I will get back to you after my return.




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PASSION FOR Travel and wines

Vino Tours and more was born out of love for travel, wine and food in January 2016. The main idea of the company is to offer authentic experiences in Finland, Italy and the rest of Europe. As an authorized Helsinki guide, Maddalena, the owner of Vino Tours and more, whose roots are both from Finland and Italy, offers guided walking and food tours in four different languages. Maddalena is very knowledgeable about her city, and in addition to the typical sights, she will also let you in on some well-kept Helsinki secrets and treasures. Wine has always had a special place in Maddalena’s heart; it flows in her veins. Her paternal grandparents were from the Italian Valpolicella wine-area, and she got to know about wine already from a young age while living in the northern regions of Veneto and South Tyrol in Italy. She also completed a sommelier course in 2014. Now she arranges relaxed wine tastings for wine lovers and wine trips to Italy and other European countries. Some of her clients include Munskänkarna and St Wine and friends. She has also been cooperating for many years with the tour operator Profumo d’Italia in arranging cultural and gastronomical trips to Italy.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vino Tours and more syntyi tammikuussa 2016 rakkaudesta matkustamiseen, viinin ja ruokaan. Yrityksen ajatuksena on tarjota asiakkaille ainutlaatuisia ja autenttisia kokemuksia sekä Suomessa että Italiassa.

Auktorisoituna Helsinki-oppaana Vino Tours and more:n omistaja Maddalena, jonka juuret ovat sekä Italiasta että Suomesta, tarjoaa opastettuja kaupunki- ja ruokakierroksia neljällä eri kielellä ja tyypillisimpien nähtävyyksien lisäksi hän näyttää mielellään myös paikallisia helmiä ja Helsingin salaisuuksia.

Viinillä on aina ollut erityinen paikka Maddalenan sydämessä ja hän maistattaakin niitä rennoissa viini-illoissa. Maddalenan suonissa virtaa viini, sillä hänen isovanhempansa ovat Italian Valpolicellan alueelta ja hän pääsi jo hyvin pienenä tutustumaan viinien maailmaan vietettyään lapsuutensa Veneton ja Alto Adigen alueilla. Hän myös kouluttautui viinimestariksi vuonna 2014.