The definitions of words in the medical field have been purposefully changed to mean something else other than what it was initially intended. For instance, the word conception they say should mean implantation and not fertilization. So, life starts when a fertilized egg is implanted, not when it is first fertilized. Therefore when a fertilized egg is aborted before implantation, it isn’t a life yet, so no killing is involved.
Sometimes words are replaced instead of calling it what it actually means. I personally don’t like the word ‘terminate’ that some medical professionals use sometimes to refer to abortion. The word terminate seems to suggest that the unborn baby isn’t a living being but rather just a dead tissue or thing. Abortion is killing a life or murdering a human. It is homicide and it needs to be called exactly that. This is a tactic often used by the pro-choice or abortionists to not make it sound so horrific to a hearer and maybe to soothe their own guilty conscience.
These tactics both sound familiar to me. Remember the garden of Eden, when the serpent approached Eve? He did exactly that! He changed what God had meant to say and made it sound not so horrific. In fact He made it sound really good and that it was the best choice for Adam and Eve. They both fell for his lies and chose to listen to him instead of God. Now all of mankind faces the consequences of their horrific choice.(Read Genesis Chapter 3)
So thankful that God's Word never changes and that it stays true. His Word guides us and preserves our lives from destruction. Listen to what God's Word says about the value of life. Refuse to listen or believe the tactics of the world or the devil.
If you are in the middle of an unplanned pregnancy, no matter your circumstances, please choose life! Let us come alongside you to choose life. If you need help or want to join you can reach us at [email protected].