Brittany Country Gite

Brittany Country Gite A cosy cob cottage for two on our permaculture smallholding in Brittany.

Since taking over the property in the Spring of 2006 Stuart and Gabrielle Anderson have been slowly and surely building this little business and developing their small holding and nearby woodland using permaculture as a guide. The cottage recently had a kitchen re-fit and cottage number 2 is on the way. A range of courses is offered and has recently expanded to include soap making and felt making

alongside the existing sausage making and 'chicken pen to pot' courses as well as a range of more specific 'smallholding' type courses- fencing, animal husbandry etc. The woodland trail was completed at the end of the winter with help from our excellent volunteers and this has really opened up the woods for visitors.

Sunset at Port Blanc Dinard and footprints in the sand.

Sunset at Port Blanc Dinard and footprints in the sand.

It’s not a myth… the French really are building covered parking with solar panels. This was at a local supermarket earli...

It’s not a myth… the French really are building covered parking with solar panels. This was at a local supermarket earlier.


Nous avons coupé le bois de chauffage pour l'année prochaine juste à temps ! Nous avons 4 hectares de terrain boisé privé pour que nos vacannciers peuvent balader.
Wir schneiden das Brennholz für das nächste Jahr gerade noch rechtzeitig! Wir haben 4 Hektar privates Waldland, auf dem unsere Urlauber herumlaufen können.
We cut the firewood for next year just in the nick of time! We have 4 hectares of woodland which guests can walk in and heats all the cottages including ours in winter.

It rarely happens here so when it does it’s special!

It rarely happens here so when it does it’s special!


La Haute Houssais



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Our Story

We took over the property in the Spring of 2006 and have been building up this business and developing our small holding and nearby woodland using permaculture as a guide. There’s a holiday cottage and a barn, both renovated to a high standard. You can do a course during your stay -home-made soap from scratch or sausage making with our home raised meat. Our 11 1/2 acre woodland has a trail that passes by the river Rance and has really opened up the woods for visitors.