EcoCo Simple comfort in an ecological haven, near medieval Moncontour. Forests & beaches within easy reach.

Helena Noordberg-Hodge, pioneer of the new economy movement committed to the revitalisation of cultural and biological d...

Helena Noordberg-Hodge, pioneer of the new economy movement committed to the revitalisation of cultural and biological diversity and the strengthening of local communities and economies, and Alnoor Ladha, self-described conscientious objector to neoliberalism who believes that the spiritual and political are fundamentally inseparable, discuss practical ways of averting disaster and moving back on track:
"We need large-scale speedy transition to scale down and slow down."

In this episode, Helena Norberg-Hodge talks to Alnoor Ladha. Raised in Canada, Alnoor comes from a Sufi lineage, and today lives in community in Costa Rica. He is an important and incisive activist whose work brings together political organizing, systems thinking, structural change and narrative tra...



Meet Eddie, the lad from Liverpool, and the owner of Mellowcroft, a stunning smallholding in Mid Wales. Eddie is a fantastic character who has created a life...'t wait to get my copy of fellow Frome-farmer, Chris Smaj...

Can't wait to get my copy of fellow Frome-farmer, Chris Smaje's important response to proponents of lab food. What are we? RATS?!
These reviews are off the devil's own amazon...

"Chris Smaje has coworked a small farm in Somerset, southwest England, for the last twenty years. Previously, he was a university-based social scientist, working in the Department of Sociology at the University of Surrey and the Department of Anthropology at Goldsmiths College. Since switching focus to the practice and politics of agroecology, he’s written for publications such as The Land, Dark Mountain, Permaculture magazine and Statistics Views, as well as academic journals such as Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems and the Journal of Consumer Culture. Chris is the author of A Small Farm Future, writes the blog at and is a featured author at

Sarah Langford is the author of the Sunday Times bestseller In Your Defence. For ten years, she worked in criminal and family law in London. In 2017 she moved to Suffolk and, together with her husband, took on the management of his small family farm, an experience she wrote about in her book Rooted: Stories of Life, Land and a Farming Revolution. She now lives between Southwest London and Suffolk.
--This text refers to the paperback edition.


'We are heading to hell in a techcart driven by the unlikely twins of Extremist Rewilding and Big Food; if we don't pull on the brakes sharpish, our countryside will be reduced to a monoculture of lynxy scrub and our food grown in vats. If you want real food, food security and a truly biodiverse countryside, please, please read this book.' John Lewis-Stempel, author of Meadowland

'A thought-provoking, intelligent response to George Monbiot’s Regenesis. As the author remarks, this is a provocation to thought rather than a summation of the truth. Setting out the principles of good agriculture that can have benefits to people, land and nature. A case for a rural agricultural landscape that delivers food without wrecking the planet. Agrarian localism as an alternative that may succeed given present challenges on alternative land use.' Jake Fiennes, author of Land Healer

'Chris Smaje’s Saying NO to a Farm-Free Future is a timely response to those who are constructing a dystopia of farms without farmers, food without farms, while promoting more industrialisation of the food system. Farming with care on a small scale is the path of ecological regeneration and returning to the earth. Thank you, Chris, for writing this important book for all of us.' Vandana Shiva, activist and author of Terra Viva

'Chris Smaje has laid down an indictment – as unremitting as it is undeniable – that cuts through the jargon-filled, techno-worshipping agricultural futurists who promise silver-bullet fixes for having your cake and eating it too. This brilliant and compelling book is at once hopeful and persuasive about the future of food.' Dan Barber, chef at Blue Hill and author of The Third Plate

'Everyone in the food business needs to read this book. If you think the future rests in time-tested local authenticity, Smaje’s arguments sound like affirming angels. If you think the future lies in techno-sophisticated urban manufacturing plants, you owe it to yourself to learn the best arguments from the opposing view.

For many of us in the local authentic food space, George Monbiot is our nemesis in the public debate of food’s future. Will it be local, democratised and heritage driven, or will it be manufactured by techno-sophisticates suddenly converted to humble, charitable ends? Smaje cuts precisely and directly, eviscerating Monbiot with superb and quotable verbalese.

Never have I enjoyed reading a blow-by-blow narrative as much as this lively and superbly written polemic.' Joel Salatin, co-founder of Polyface Farm, and author of You Can Farm and Polyface Micro

'Chris Smaje shows us that it is people, working in communities and in tune with their local environment, who can provide answers to our food, energy and climate questions. In Saying NO to a Farm-Free Future, Chris has written an intelligent and absorbing analysis of a complex problem, and one that should be essential reading for us all.' Hunter Lovins, founder of Natural Capitalism Solutions and author of A Finer Future

'Chris Smaje provides a comprehensive and reasoned counter to George Monbiot’s Regenesis, politely demolishing Monbiot’s ecologically naïve belief that urban dwellers can subsist on food manufactured by corporations, presumably without the use of fossil fuel energy. Smaje’s deeper, more global coverage of the social, cultural, economic and environmental realities of the agricultural dilemma raises issues that no one can afford to ignore. Without agriculture, we cannot have an orchestra, church, economy, city or any business. It is the foundation of civilisation under global threat of climate change.' Allan Savory, author of Holistic Management

'This book is the much-needed antidote to the crazy excesses of ecomodernism in all its guises. A paean to sanity and to humanity’s reconnection with the living planet, this is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand how we can move beyond the industrial paradigm to something that is actually regenerative; for anyone who wants to know how we can feed ourselves without recourse to fantasy fuel sources or further empowerment of the see-want-take value systems pushed by the multinationals and their outriders. It’s essential reading, really, for anyone who eats, but most especially for farmers and growers and anyone involved in the creation of policy, at whatever level.' Manda Scott, author of the Boudica: Dreaming series and host of the Accidental Gods podcast

'Chris Smaje is a powerful, humane and practical thinker on our relationship to land and farming, and this book offers a convincing rejection of the ‘ecomodern’ theology currently being promoted by many prominent environmentalists. In a time of division, Smaje offers a human-scale and heartening alternative to elite green technocracy.' Paul Kingsnorth, author of Confessions of a Recovering Environmentalist

'This is a much-needed book – and Chris Smaje is exactly the person to write it. He builds his case with care and humility, highlighting the gaps in the evidence used by advocates of a ‘farm-free’ future, but also bringing into view the assumptions that are hidden behind their loud insistence that ‘you can’t argue with arithmetic’. For anyone disoriented by the ecomodernist turn in environmentalism, this is a book that will help you find your bearings.' Dougald Hine, author of At Work in the Ruins

'Chris Smaje’s devastating critique of the farm-free future projected by ecomodernists is also an intriguing forecast of what Lewis Mumford in The City in History called the ‘end of the megalopolitan cycle’, and an eloquent appeal for reruralisation.' Simon Fairlie, author of Going to Seed

'A real powerhouse of a book. Chris meticulously disentangles the case for a future of our food being grown in laboratories for what it really is: energy intensive, corporate driven and lacking resilience.

His justification for a mixed small-scale farming landscape, for a nature-rich, job-rich and food-rich world, is not just convincing for the betterment of our collective economic, social and environmental health, it’s really humanity’s only hope to restore our connection to this planet, and heal.' Lynn Cassells, coauthor of Our Wild Farming Life

'An eloquent and articulate defense of agroecological, small-scale farming and a robust critique of an industrialized future, Saying NO to a Farm-Free Future: The Case For an Ecological Food System and Against Manufactured Foods by Chris Smaje is critically important reading for anyone with an interest in learning about the difference between a congenial, ecological living and a dystopian, factory-centered existence. While especially and unreservedly recommended for personal, professional, community, college, and university library Sustainable Agriculture collections and supplemental Environmental Economics curriculum studies lists.' Midwest Book Review"

Sheer madness!

Sheer madness!

Biotech companies are developing genetically engineered microbes for use in agriculture, including the largest agrichemical corporations — Bayer-Monsanto, Syngenta, and BASF. The first of these products are already being used across millions of acres of U.S. farmland.

Pop on over!

Pop on over!

Compare our lowest fares and book the cheapest ferry tickets to France and Spain

Essential reading.

Essential reading.

A central theme of my book on climate is that if we are to focus our attention on a single substance, it should be not carbon dioxide but water. Beyond greenhouse effects, water is crucial in the ways the world maintains conditions for life to thrive.


Avez-vous déjà eu des chauves-souris chez-vous? 🤔

☀️ Au printemps, elles se rassemblent en colonies pour se reproduire. Il est possible qu'elles investissent les caves et les greniers.

Pourtant sans risque pour l’homme, leur présence est souvent menacée par les interventions humaines : dérangement, diminution des lieux d’accueil, suppression des haies ou encore utilisation de produit phytosanitaire. 😔

Avec 34 des 41 espèces présentes en Europe, la France accueille une grande diversité de chauves-souris. Malheureusement, pratiquement toutes les espèces présentes en Europe sont en voie de régression… 🦇

Ces mammifères volants aux mœurs nocturnes sont pourtant nos alliés, notamment pour l'agriculture. Insectivores, ils peuvent en effet consommer en une nuit près de la moitié de leur poids en insectes variés tels que les moustiques et les chenilles. 💪

Il est donc important de les tolérer chez soi, de les accueillir et de limiter notre impact sur les populations présentes autour de chez nous. 🏡

En savoir plus 👉

Petit-Rhinolophe (Rhinolophus hipposideros) – Crédit photo : Elisa Daviaud


Le ministère de l’agriculture a enfin lancé sa consultation citoyenne autour de la Loi d'Orientation Agricole attendue depuis de nombreuses semaines par les acteurs de la société civile comme Terre de Liens. Elle ne durera que deux semaines, jusqu'au dimanche 30 avril. Alors mobilise...

Vegans, vegetarians, omnivores... What are your feelings about our diet and where our food comes from?

Vegans, vegetarians, omnivores... What are your feelings about our diet and where our food comes from?

« L’élevage est primordial pour l’équilibre de l’agriculture et de la société en général » tiennent à affirmer plusieurs représentants d’importantes ONG et de syndicats (Greenpeace, confédération paysanne, Oxfam…). Mais pas n’importe quel modèle d’élevage. Explications.

Persecuted for his determination to end famine by breeding resilient plant strains, Nikolai Vavilov died for his work, l...

Persecuted for his determination to end famine by breeding resilient plant strains, Nikolai Vavilov died for his work, leaving behind the first seed bank.
Extraordinary story...

The most moving story of self-sacrifice in the history of science.

Together we are strong.

Together we are strong.

Vandana Shiva (born 5 November 1952) is an Indian scholar, environmental activist, physicist, food sovereignty advocate, and anti-globalization author. Based...


Une nouvelle réunion publique sur le piégeage des frelons asiatiques est prévue mercredi 5 avril dans la salle de réunion de Mosaique, avec Chrystine Presse du GDSA. L'objectif de cette réunion est de préciser les objectifs de cette campagne de piégeage et les consignes pour les piégeurs.
La réunion est prévue le mercredi 5 mars à 18h30, salle de réunion de Mosaique.
Une réunion publique d'information et de formation des piégeurs, en collaboration avec le GDSA 22 (Groupement de Défense Sanitaire Apicole des Côtes d'Armor) aura lieu le jeudi 2 mars 2023 à 18h à Collinée (centre culturel Mosaïque).
La commune Le Mené recrute des piégeurs de frelons asiatiques. Face à la prolifération des nids de frelons asiatiques, la municipalité a décidé d'agir. Elle fera prochainement l'acquisition de 500 pièges, qui seront à positionner à des endroits stratégiques (lieux de passage, à proximité d'habitations, des fleurs et des arbres fruitiers, près des anciens nids...).
Pour les mettre en place, la commune recherche donc des piégeurs volontaires (apiculteurs, riverains, chasseurs, pêcheurs, randonneurs, agriculteurs, etc.)

Félicitations, Hennebont !

Félicitations, Hennebont !

Towns say they are not driven by nostalgia as they opt for horsepowered bin collections and school runs

Wet season: River up and the Wetland doing its vital job of keeping fresh water on the land, trapping topsoil and stoppi...

Wet season: River up and the Wetland doing its vital job of keeping fresh water on the land, trapping topsoil and stopping the lot rushing out to sea.


Comme vous pouvez le voir sur l'image ci dessous, on organise un cabaret "chanson française" à Trédaniel le 3 février. Vous êtes les pour pousser la chansonnette !🎤🪗🙊🦜
Choisissez votre titre, avant le 5 janvier,
et l'équipe du conservatoire (et/ou de la bibliothèque) se chargera de vous accompagner en musique sur scène 🎺🥁🎺🥁.

L'idée est de faire quelque chose autour de la chanson française, ou en français (vu que pas mal de nos illustres chansonniers viennent d'ailleurs !). Il y en a parmi vous qui s'accompagnent déjà quand ils ou elles chantent, à vous de voir si vous voulez un accompagnement en plus des enseignants du conservatoire. Par ailleurs, si vous voulez former des duos ou des trios : aucun souci. Les enfants qui voudraient chanter sont également les bienvenus.

Petit formulaire à retourner dûment rempli avant le 5 janvier :
- Votre nom (ou vos noms si vous êtes plusieurs) :
- Nom de la chanson :
- Nom de l'interprète original :
- Tonalité (ou lien vers la vidéo à partir de laquelle vous vous entraînez) :
- Je veux être accompagné musicalement/ Je joue déjà d'un instrument et je souhaite être accompagné avec un arrangement/ Je m'accompagne seul ou je chante a capella (gardez uniquement la phrase qui vous correspond).

Avec Action Culturelle Lamballe Terre & Mer, Trédaniel


🌼 🧄 🤒 Viral infections are on the rise this time of year 🌼 🧄 🤒Potent herbal and comestible compounds have been used since ancient times to treat illnesses and viruses alike, but these antivirals are especially useful during the cold weather months we’re entering into … which of these do your home medicine cabinet + kitchen have stocked and ready?

When it comes to herbal medicine, fortifying the mind-body-spirit trinity before dis-eases strike is the best way to achieve whole person wellness. These are just some of many medicines that we love and carry. Keep in mind there’s many more out there, be curious and explore what might be growing around you 🍂👁🔮

🍃 In case you didn’t know! Our herbalists are online Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm EST to answer all your questions via the chat on our site: visit to CHAT WITH AN HERBALIST!🌹🪐🍂🔮 we’re here to support.






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