French Riviera private guide

French Riviera private guide Licensed tour guide based in French Riviera, I offer tailor-made tours, excursions, cruises and acti

My 2023 is ending in the Country & City where I started it ! It was an amazing year for me with new friends, adventures ...

My 2023 is ending in the Country & City where I started it ! It was an amazing year for me with new friends, adventures and discoveries around the world but even deep in my self. I challenged myself at work and it was a successful season as tour guide in French Riviera. I wish for next year I can realize my deepest, challenging goals and now get from Rio this good energy to realize them. I wish you all a successful 2024 !
#2023 #2024

Nice is Nice !!!                          #

Nice is Nice !!!

My favorite place in Nice

My favorite place in Nice

I’m always fascinated by the doors : for their colors, forms and symbolism that why I love to photograph them. And I dec...

I’m always fascinated by the doors : for their colors, forms and symbolism that why I love to photograph them.
And I decided to make a post because I’m often thinking at this tense that encouraged me few years ago when I felt to be in a deadlock:” the creativity means to push with all your forces to open the heavy, creaking door of your life. Never forget to make the effort to renewal your life in each moment”

Be proud of yourself: always remember where you come from, the road that you have traveled and what you have become     ...

Be proud of yourself: always remember where you come from, the road that you have traveled and what you have become

My favorite window

My favorite window

⬇️🇵🇹🇧🇷Che dire di questo viaggio in Brasile? È stata un’esperienza fantastica che è andata oltre le mie aspettative. Tut...

Che dire di questo viaggio in Brasile?
È stata un’esperienza fantastica che è andata oltre le mie aspettative. Tutto è stato talmente bello e armonioso, che è stato un viaggio più che perfetto…Posso sinceramente dire che il Brasile mi stava aspettando a braccia aperte perché mi sono accadute cose bellissime, inimmaginabili…
Erano anni che desideravo trascorrere il Capodanno o il Carnevale a Rio e alla fine sono riuscita ad essere li per entrambi gli eventi ed in più ho scoperto molti altri Stati e bellezze di questo paese meraviglioso.
Viaggiare in questo Paese mi ha permesso di aprirmi ancora di più e di scoprire più profondamente me stessa!
Quanta energia positiva, quanta felicità, quanta allegria, quanto amore, quanta bellezza e quanta libertà mi ha dato questo Paese !
Ti amo Brasile ! Sarai per sempre la mia seconda nazione per scelta .
Ringrazio tutte le persone “Carinhose” che ho incontrato senza le quali questo viaggio non sarebbe stato così MERAVIGLIOSO ! Saudade de de todos vocês ! Espero um dia te encontrar novamente no Brasil ou na Europa!


E essa viagem ao Brésil ?
Foi uma experiência fantástica que superou as minhas expectativas. Foi tudo tão lindo e harmonioso, que foi uma viagem mais que perfeita… Posso dizer com toda a sinceridade que o Brasil me esperava de braços abertos porque coisas lindas e inimagináveis ​​aconteceram comigo…
Há anos eu queria passar o Réveillon ou Carnaval no Rio e no final consegui estar lá para os dois eventos e além disso descobri muitos outros estados e belezas desse país maravilhoso.
Viajar neste país permitiu-me abrir-me ainda mais e descobrir-me mais profundamente!
Quanta energia positiva, quanta felicidade, quanta alegria, quanto amor, quanta beleza e quanta liberdade esse país me deu!
Eu te amo Brasil! Você sempre será meu segundo país por escolha.
Obrigado a todas as pessoas “carinhosas” que conheci sem as quais esta viagem não teria sido tão MARAVILHOSA! Espero um dia te encontrar novamente no Brasil ou na Europa!

Never, never stop smiling at the life… is just perfect how it’s

Never, never stop smiling at the life… is just perfect how it’s

Yes I did it!The walk crossing of the Lençóis Maranhenses from Barreirinhas to Santo Amaro! It was an amazing experience...

Yes I did it!

The walk crossing of the Lençóis Maranhenses from Barreirinhas to Santo Amaro! It was an amazing experience, a trip in the trip across the Brasilian culture and society. I walked barefoot around the dunes and the lagoas for 4 days for a total of

✅ 54 km
✅ I slept 3 night in the Amac
✅ I was hosted in 3 local families
✅ I lived a bit like a local

For all of this I don’t have worlds to thank the experience of my amazing guide Fabricio ! The creator of this tour outside the betean truck !

The new year started with a réalisation of a dream : be in Rio for the New Year  Eve ! I’m sure that in 2023 I’m going t...

The new year started with a réalisation of a dream : be in Rio for the New Year Eve ! I’m sure that in 2023 I’m going to realize all my goals and I wish you to have exactly my same positive vibes to realize everything you want !


Hello! Si vous avez eu l’occasion de suivre une visite guidée avec moi n’hésitez pas à laisser un avis sur cette page ! Merci à tous pour votre collaboration 😀


Hello! If you had the opportunity to follow a guided tour with me, do not hesitate to leave a review on this page! Thank you all for your collaboration :D

How many things you can do with 🍋 … In the city of Menton, the 🍋 is IGP (indice géographique Protégé) and every year sin...

How many things you can do with 🍋 … In the city of Menton, the 🍋 is IGP (indice géographique Protégé) and every year since 1934 the city organized a big parade to celebrate this citrus fruit.

Never stop be yourself ! Never stop challenging and never stop get forward

Never stop be yourself !
Never stop challenging and
never stop get forward




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Il y a environ une quinzaine d’années, après une licence en histoire de l’art à Rome, j’ai décidé de poursuivre mes études en France, à Paris, dans la renommée Ecole du Louvre. Quel honneur a été pour moi d’être admise à cette Ecole et de pouvoir vivre dans la capitale de l’art et de la culture !

Après avoir travaillé dans le service de publics des musées, j’ai décidé de m’investir totalement dans ce travail passionnant de guide conférencière. J’ai organisé mes propres visites et tours de la capitale pour des publiques variés : touristes italiens, anglophones, français, écoliers et professionnels. Ce qui est justement passionnant dans ce métier est que l’on s’ennuie jamais, car on peut faire de “10 000” manières différentes. Il faut à chaque fois adapter ses connaissances, son discours et ses capacités en fonction du public.

Depuis trois ans j’ai décidé de vivre dans cette magnifique région, nichée entre la mer et la montagne. J’ai encore une fois tout recommencé, ré-appris et adapté pour pouvoir partager mes connaissances, valeurs et expériences car la chose plus belle de ce métier est la rencontre humaine.

Je serai ravie de vous rencontrer et pouvoir organiser au mieux votre séjour dans la région.

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