Discover Gabon vient vous présenter les fruits d'un partenariat à croquer!!!
En effet, Discover Gabon a poser ses bagages en Italie, le temps du mythique festival EuroChoco, grâce au partenariat conclu entre l'AGATOUR et KAKAOMUNDO.
La manifestation a été créée par l'architecte Eugenio Guarducci en 1993. Il s'agit d'une foire annuelle qui se déroule dans le centre historique de Pérouse et qui est dédiée exclusivement à la tradition chocolatière mondiale.
Elle fait appel aux producteurs de chocolat sous toutes ses formes. Les produits sont présentés et vendus dans les stands et espaces d'exposition.
Pendant cette foire, de nombreux événements sont organisés comme des spectacles, initiatives culturelles, animations et happening dans les rues, places, et lieux d'art de la ville.
Si vous êtes du côté de l'Italie et que vous aimez le chocolat, ne ratez pas l'opportunité de goûter à l'intensité du chocolat gabonais.
#discovergabon #thelasteden #GabonYellow #Gastronomy # 🇬🇦 @followers
Discover Gabon present you, the fruits of a partnership to crunch for!!!!
Indeed, Discover Gabon has set down its luggage in Italy, during the legendary EuroChocolate festival, thanks to the partnership concluded between AGATOUR and KAKAOMUNDO.
The event was created by architect Eugenio Guarducci in 1993. It is an annual fair that takes place in the historic center of Perugia and is dedicated exclusively to the world chocolate tradition.
It appeals to producers of chocolate in all its forms. Products are presented and sold in stands and exhibition spaces.
During this fair, many events are organized such as shows, cultural initiatives, activities and happenings in the streets, squares, and art venues of the city.
If you are in Italy and you like chocolate, don't miss the opportunity to taste the intensity of Gabonese chocolate.
Le saviez vous ?
Le Bwiti est un rite initiatique originaire du Gabon. C'est un vecteur de transmission de culture et un catalyseur de spiritualité. La quasi totalité des rites initiatiques au Gabon sont inspirés de celui ci.
Deux éléments clés du rite de manquent jamais: il s'agit de l'Iboga et de la torche indigène,
L'Iboga est une espèce de plante dicotyledones de la famille des Apocynaceae, sous-famille des Rauvolfioideae, qui se rencontrent en Afrique dans la forêt équatoriale. Ce sont des petits arbustes qui peuvent atteindre 6 mètres de haut.
La torche indigène est faite de résine récoltée dans les arbres de la forêt. Elle est ensuite emballée dans des écorces entourées de lianes. Elle représente le support sur lequel les maîtres initiateurs mais aussi les personnes en voie d'initiation s'appuient pour s'orienter tout au long de la ceremonie.
L'écorce de l'Iboga est râpée, et une fois ingérée permet à la personne qui la consomme de se libérer de son entendement physique afin d'entamer un voyage spirituel à la découverte de soi-même mais aussi de ses ancêtres, de son passé et de son futur.
De l'ombre à la lumière, de l'ignorance à la connaissance, de la croyance au savoir et à la spiritualité.
Si vous avez déjà tenté l'expérience partagez la nous.
#discovergabon #thelasteden#GabonVert #Culture #tradition
Celebration of World Tourism Day
On the occasion of the delayed celebration of World Tourism Day, Gabon was no exception to the rule and did things in a big way to offer an exceptional event.
The Ministry of Tourism and Crafts, the Gabonese Agency for the Development and Promotion of Tourism and Hotels in Gabon, the National Chamber of Crafts in Gabon, have worn the colors of the standard to ensure total promotion of our culture and the tourist potential with which Gabon abounds.
Calling on the most talented artisans in Gabon, such as Chef O'Miel, Chef Asham, Les workshops de Bree, Maman Evelyne etc... to transport you on a journey halfway between tradition & modernity with captivating flavors.
Two sites to visit
THE BAY OF KINGS and its exhibition of artisans and
THE ARBORETUM RAPONDA WALKER, chosen for a tasteful, cultural and extraordinary immersion to discover Gabon as you have never seen it, and discover the potential of green investments (ecotourism, reduction of the carbon footprint etc... )
The City Tour will allow you to dive into the heart of the roots of our beautiful country.
Come: Visit, Discover and marvel because it is finally our rise towards happiness.
Let's celebrate World Tourism Day Together 🇬🇦
#discovergabon #thelasteden #GabonVert #Preservation @followers
Wishing a happy Independence Day to all Gabonese people as we celebrate 63 years of independence 🇬🇦🇬🇦
#discovergabon #gabon #gabonindependenceday #thelasteden
A trip to Gabon isn’t complete without indulging in its vibrant street food culture 😊🇬🇦
Coupé-Coupé (from the French couper, meaning to cut or to slice) is marinated beef slow cooked over a charcoal fire.
Vendors start grilling early in the morning so as to have the local treat ready for their clientele by lunchtime
📹 @karellevv
#gabon #discovergabon #coupecoupe #streetfood #africantravel
Venture out of Gabon’s magnificent forests and explore the sea.July marks the start of whale-watching season which runs until September.
Every year, humpback whales migrate from their feeding grounds in the Antarctic to mate, give birth and nurse their young in the Gulf of Guinea.
Since 2012 Gabon has been undergoing a concerted effort to promote conservation of marine habitats through its Gabon Bleu (Blue Gabon) initiative, which has led to the declaration of 27% of Gabon’s marine waters as marine protected areas 🐋
📹 @gabonadventures
#gabon #bleugabon #whalewatching #whalewatchingtour #whalewatchingseason #discovergabon #marinetourism
Gabon is a hub of both cultural and natural heritage. Rites such as the Ndjembe are still practised today among a number of communities. The Ndjembe is a women’s initiation ritual whose purpose is to connect initiates with their inner selves, nature, their ancestors and also, to understand their family lineage.
This World African Heritage Day we celebrate unique cultural aspects such as these in Gabon and Africa as a whole 🌍
📸 @vireebantou
#discovergabon #africanculture #gabon #worldafricanheritageday #africanheritage
Gabon is composed of about 50 ethnic groups making it a melting pot of spiritual beliefs and cultures.
Each of the Gabonese ethnic groups has its own traditions involving a combination of masks, sculptures, music and dances.
For more on Gabonese culture, visit our website | Link in bio
#discovergabon #gabon #thelasteden #culture #africanmasks #punumask #kwelemask #centralafrica #africanart #curator
Loango National Park makes Time Magazine’s 2023 list of the World’s Greatest Places @time
“One of the few places on the planet where
rainforest meets ocean...visitors can see an extraordinarily diverse array of animals from water to land to sky, including elephants, leopards, humpback whales,buffalo, gorillas, leatherback turtles, 355 bird species, and the “surfing hippos” that wowed President Obama in last year’s ‘Our Great National Parks’ streaming docuseries.”
For more, visit our website. Link in Bio 🇬🇦
#discovergabon #loangonationalpark #thelasteden #gabon
#ourgreatnationalparks #traveldestinations #africatravel #timemagazine #worldsgreatestplaces
Revivez avec nous l'émotion de cette 16iéme édition de la Tropicale Amissa Bongo en visionnant les moments forts de la compétition.
Discover Gabon était au coeur de l'événement en tant que sponsor du maillot jaune. 💚💛💙 #DiscoverGabon #thelasteden
The Gabonese people are very spiritual, and their traditions are primarily centered around worship and the afterlife. Dances and rites are acts of worship. Amazingly, most Gabonese are Christians and follow these beliefs alongside traditional ones. Christianity takes up 82% of its population.
Le peuple gabonais est très spirituel et ses traditions sont principalement centrées sur le culte et l'au-delà. Les danses et les rites sont des actes de culte. Étonnamment, la plupart des Gabonais sont chrétiens et suivent ces croyances parallèlement aux croyances traditionnelles. Le christianisme occupe 82% de sa population.
#visitgabon #gabon #lasteden #gabonculuture #bwiti #ndjembe #travelmagazine #africanculture #africanculturematters #africantraditionalreligion #africantravel #experienceculture
🎥 David Mboussou