Roy Moore , one of the very best TT commentators of all times-
โ When you are sitting quietly in a reflective mood and with your mind in overdrive though, the thought that we will not be this year going through what had become a bit of a ritual at The Commentary Position at Ramsey Hairpin.
For many Years it was the Granny, and Grandad of Connor Cummins who would go through a process of making and maturing a superb recipe Guinness cake, a family secret maybe,probably handed down through the families over the years, and made sure that it was delivered to The Commentary Box on the Friday of Race Week.
It was shared with the Marshals, Timekeeper Pat O'Hanlon and our engineers over the years, this one being Bob, though Matty and Ed were all known to have had a slice.
Always with the main product was a lovel message on a suitable card (as Shown) which was relevant to our location and so beautifully written with lovely sentiment within about Connor and all the riders.
Thinking about it now, the impact of not being there this year, in fact for the past 3 years, has made it all quite emotional, way beyond anything regarding nobody else is there either, as has been deceided by others.
If anyone is in contact with any of the family, Connors sister has always been good to respond, could you please say how great it was over the years, Grandad and Granny of Connor, but like many traditions connected with the TT and Manx Grand Prix it has been shelved under History.
The team for sure send All The Very Best Wishes to Connor and all the riders for the rest of the week.
It would have been an outlet to have a John McGuinness Cake to celebrate his 100 starts on Saturday.โ