It’s mornings like this that make it all worthwhile!! CalMac Ferries VisitArran Arran's Food Journey Arran Banner Scottish Agritourism Green Tourism Arran Geopark. #wearearran #bellevuearran #farmstay #stayonafarm #workingfarm
Jonny bull striding out with the cows and calves last night! CalMac Ferries VisitArran Go Rural Scotland Arran's Food Journey Green Tourism #WeAreArran #bellevuearran #lifeonafarm #farmlife #farmtours #openfarm #workingfarm #cows
Big excitement tonight, Hazel had her calf. A wee Stabilizer cross Highland heifer!!🎉🎉VisitArran CalMac Ferries Go Rural Scotland Arran Banner Arran's Food Journey Green Tourism Arran’s Farmers Market Bellevue #weaeearran #farmtours #highlandcows #workingfarm #openfarm
Silage is cut and we’re good to go!! CalMac Ferries VisitArran Go Rural Scotland NFU Scotland - Argyll & the Islands Region Arran Banner Arran's Food Journey Green Tourism #farmtour #WeAreArran #bellevuefarmarran #openfarm #farmarran #silagemaking #workingfarm #farmlife
Bin busy getting the pit prepared for silage this week!! 💪🧹🚜 CalMac Ferries Go Rural Scotland VisitArran NFU Scotland - Argyll & the Islands Region Scotland Food & Drink #WeAreArran #bellevuefarmarran #farmarran #Arran #farmtours #openfarm #workingfarm #silage #silagetime #preparingforsilage
Over seeding grass with a clover mix to renew our grazing fields!!🚜🌱 CalMac Ferries Go Rural Scotland VisitArran #bellevuefarmarran #farmarran #Arran #overseeding #workingfarm #openfarm #farmtours #farmtourism
Anyone else got a problem with blackbirds pecking their windows???!!!😜🦃VisitArran NFU Scotland - Argyll & the Islands Region Arran's Food Journey VisitScotland - Your Scotland CalMac Ferries Go Rural Scotland
Managed to get some of our malting barley planted today before yet again more rain! #bellevuearran #farmtour #SowingTime #calmacferries #springbarley CalMac Ferries VisitArran Go Rural Scotland NFU Scotland - Argyll & the Islands Region Arran's Food Journey Lagg Distillery Visitor Centre
All go in the lambing shed!!
First wee lamb born this morning!❤️❤️