New Year's Resolutions-Are they effective?
Well it's now the end of January when those New Year's resolutions seem to be more daunting. I have a few things to say about this. Last year some of you may remember I was planning a series of Videos called 'Ignite' Here is the first for 2018; Artemis shares the in-effectiveness of New Year Resolutions. Suggests a different way that works for her: Intentions; focuses the energy in present time; setting short term/ medium and Long Term Intentions ; i would really love you to subscribe to my You Tube Channel.
Inspiration and Creative Power
Artemisis sharing with you on her series 'Ignite" what inspires her; how one can live a life of joy and purpose. The magical qualities of humans; our unique power to create. Changing habits of focusing the mundane rather than the extraordinary.
Breathing for Energy and Power
Hi my friends
here is my 2nd video in my new series "Ignite"; I am talking about increasing your awareness of how you are breathing on a day to day basis. Are you only breathing in a shallow way, just for survival? We need to breathe more consciously to maximize life-force. I take you through a simple, golden circle visualization to help solve a challenge in your current life. Hope you like this and would be pleased if you would like to subscribe to my You Tube Channel
By the way, my free breathing audio is on the Services ( Breath mastery page) on my Web site ( not on my Home page) Christina Artemis
IGNITE Series -introduction to Intuition and healing through b...
Introducing Christina Artemis & her new Doorways to Power
Hi Everyone
This is the first video I have created especially for you, to introduce myself and the new workshops. Please share this with all your friends and the Artemis can "go Global"... Wow!!!!!
I would also like to invite you to my Breath Mastery one day intro workshop in Nov in Bristol. Old and new friends, come and join me and my top class breath work team; why not click on the link below to find out more