Flat Holm Island Official

Flat Holm Island Official For more information, please visit flatholmisland.com or call 029 2087 7900 You will be amazed at how much there is to discover.

Just 5 miles from Cardiff and Barry, the tiny island of Flat Holm is a different world with a wealth of history and wildlife.

Have you seen the new   sculpture on   Barrage? 📻Officially launched by the Deputy Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Cllr Helen Llo...

Have you seen the new sculpture on Barrage? 📻

Officially launched by the Deputy Lord Mayor of Cardiff, Cllr Helen Lloyd Jones, this hardwood sculpture is part of our project, Flat Holm – A Walk Through Time.

The radio symbolises the island’s links and shared history with the mainland, and the first ever wireless transmission over open water between and Lavernock Point in 1897. 🔊

If you’re strolling along the Barrage and spot the sculpture, make sure you tag us in your selfies using . We look forward to seeing them! 📸😄

You can also check out the island’s accompanying creative arts project, featuring original poems, monologues, short films and podcasts at ➡: http://art.flatholmisland.com


Ydych chi wedi gweld y cerflun newydd ar Forglawdd ? 📻

Wedi'i lansio'n swyddogol gan Ddirprwy Arglwydd Faer Caerdydd, y Cynghorydd Helen Lloyd Jones, mae'r cerflun pren caled hwn yn rhan o brosiect , Ynys Echni – Cerdded Drwy Amser.

Mae'r radio yn symbol o gysylltiadau'r ynys a’r hanes a rennir gyda’r tir mawr, a'r darllediad diwifr cyntaf erioed dros ddŵr agored rhwng a Thrwyn Larnog ym 1897.🔊

Os ydych chi'n cerdded ar hyd y Morglawdd ac yn sylwi ar y cerflun, gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn ein tagio ni yn eich hunluniau gan ddefnyddio . Edrychwn ymlaen at eu gweld! 📸😄

Gallwch hefyd edrych ar brosiect celfyddydau creadigol yr ynys, sy'n cynnwys cerddi gwreiddiol, monologau, ffilmiau byr a phodlediadau yn ➡: http://art.flatholmisland.com.

The National Lottery Heritage Fund

Flat Holm Day is nearly here! Head to the Wales Millennium Centre in   this Sunday 28 July for a   family day out! 😄Ther...

Flat Holm Day is nearly here! Head to the Wales Millennium Centre in this Sunday 28 July for a family day out! 😄

There will be plenty of activities to enjoy, including arts and crafts sessions, Flat Holm-themed games, virtual visits to the island, live radio feeds and storytelling performances by Lighthouse Theatre.

To find out more about the event, visit: ➡️ www.cardiffharbour.com/events/flat-holm-day/

We look forward to seeing you all on Sunday! 🎉


Mae diwrnod bron yma! Ewch i Ganolfan Mileniwm Cymru yn ddydd Sul yma, 28 Gorffennaf, am ddiwrnod allan i'r teulu ! 😄

Bydd digon o weithgareddau i'w mwynhau, gan gynnwys sesiynau celf a chrefft, gemau ar thema Ynys Echni, ymweliadau rhithwir â'r ynys, ffrydiau radio byw a pherfformiadau adrodd straeon gan Lighthouse Theatre.

I ddysgu mwy am y digwyddiad, ewch i: ➡️ www.cardiffharbour.com/cy/events/diwrnod-ynys-echni/

Edrychwn ymlaen at eich gweld chi i gyd ddydd Sul! 🎉

The National Lottery Heritage Fund Visit Cardiff / Croeso Caerdydd
Cardiff Bay Official Lighthouse Theatre Ltd

🌟Lighthouse Theatre presents   A Walk Through Time. 🌟Don’t miss the chance to see this talented group of young performer...

🌟Lighthouse Theatre presents A Walk Through Time. 🌟

Don’t miss the chance to see this talented group of young performers as they travel through time, exploring the history of Island. 🎭

Find out all about smuggling during the early 18th century, the construction of the lighthouse, and the island’s incredible wildlife. Plus, meet Beryl and Sheryl, the Flat Holm Fog Horns!

The performances will take place on Saturday 27 July at 11am and 1.30pm near the Barrage Skate Plaza and children’s play area. 📆

To find out more about the free events, head to ➡ : www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/lighthouse-theatre-55378816013

You can also see the show at Day at the Wales Millennium Centre on Sunday 28 July.

Thank you to the National Lottery Heritage Fund and lottery players for making this project possible. 😄


🌟 Theatr Lighthouse yn cyflwyno Cerdded Drwy Amser. 🌟

Peidiwch â cholli'r cyfle i weld y grŵp talentog hwn o berfformwyr ifanc wrth iddynt deithio drwy amser, gan archwilio hanes Ynys . 🎭

Darganfyddwch bopeth am smyglo ar ddechrau’r 18fed ganrif, adeiladu'r goleudy, a bywyd gwyllt anhygoel yr ynys. Hefyd, dewch i gwrdd â Beryl a Sheryl, Cyrn Niwl Ynys Echni!

Cynhelir y perfformiadau ddydd Sadwrn 27 Gorffennaf am 11am a 1.30pm ger Plaza Sglefrio ac ardal chwarae i blant . 📆

I ddarganfod mwy am y digwyddiadau rhad ac am ddim, ewch i: ➡ www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/lighthouse-theatre-55378816013

Gallwch hefyd weld y sioe yn Niwrnod yng Nghanolfan Mileniwm Cymru ddydd Sul 28 Gorffennaf.

Diolch i Gronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol a holl chwaraewyr y Loteri Genedlaethol am wneud y prosiect hwn yn bosibl. 😄

The National Lottery Heritage Fund Lighthouse Theatre Ltd

We’re excited to announce that   Day is coming soon! 😄Come and see us at the Wales Millennium Centre in   on Sunday 28 J...

We’re excited to announce that Day is coming soon! 😄

Come and see us at the Wales Millennium Centre in on Sunday 28 July for free entertainment, family fun and all things Flat Holm.

You can enjoy:
• A virtual visit to the island.
• Children’s craft sessions by RSPB.
• Youth performances, hosted by Lighthouse Theatre.
• Fun activities, including gull and treasure map games.
• Live radio feeds by Barry Amateur Radio Society.
• Woody’s Lodge veterans’ charity stand.

And so much more. Make sure you save the date and come along – we can’t wait to meet you all!


Rydym yn falch o gyhoeddi bod Diwrnod yn dod yn fuan! 😄

Dewch i'n gweld ni yng Nghanolfan Mileniwm Cymru, ddydd Sul 28 Gorffennaf am adloniant am ddim, hwyl i'r teulu a phob dim Ynys Echni.

Gallwch fwynhau:
• Ymweliad rhithwir â'r ynys.
• Sesiynau crefft i blant gan RSPB.
• Perfformiadau ieuenctid, a gynhelir gan Lighthouse Theatre.
• Gweithgareddau llawn hwyl, gan gynnwys gemau gwylan a map trysor.
• Ffrydiau radio byw gan Barry Amateur Radio Society.
• Stondin elusen i gyn-filwyr Woody's Lodge.

A llawer iawn mwy. Gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn cadw'r dyddiad ac yn dod draw – allwn ni ddim aros i gwrdd â chi i gyd!

The National Lottery Heritage Fund Visit Cardiff / Croeso Caerdydd Cronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Gen / National Lottery Heritage Fund - Cymru Cardiff Council RSPB Cymru Lighthouse Theatre Ltd Woodys Lodge 'Giving Space and Time' BARS Barry Amateur Radio Society

A big thank you to all our incredible volunteers and staff that visited   for our recent gull ringing day. 👏🐣The team of...

A big thank you to all our incredible volunteers and staff that visited for our recent gull ringing day. 👏🐣

The team of experts ringed over 200 lesser black-backed gulls and 50 herring gull chicks. Ringing birds helps the team gather data on their movements; it’s also vital for learning about breeding and survival rates and supports the team’s conservation work. 🌳💚

The event was run by Aurora Gonzalo-Tarodo, who did a fantastic job!

Thank you all for your hard work! 😄


Diolch yn fawr iawn i'n holl wirfoddolwyr a'n staff anhygoel a ymwelodd ag ar gyfer ein diwrnod modrwyo gwylanod diweddar. 👏🐣

Gwnaeth y tîm o arbenigwyr fodrwyo dros 200 o wylanod cefnddu lleiaf a 50 o gywion gwylanod y penwaig. Mae modrwyo adar yn helpu'r tîm i gasglu data am eu symudiadau; mae hefyd yn hanfodol ar gyfer dysgu am gyfraddau bridio a goroesi ac mae'n cefnogi gwaith cadwraeth y tîm. 🌳💚

Cynhaliwyd y digwyddiad gan Aurora Gonzalo-Tarodo, a wnaeth waith gwych!

Diolch am eich holl waith caled! 😄

The National Lottery Heritage Fund

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve received the   for another year here on the beautiful isle of  . 🌳💚Thank you to al...

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve received the for another year here on the beautiful isle of . 🌳💚

Thank you to all our superb staff and volunteers who work incredibly hard to preserve and maintain the island, making it a tranquil and welcoming place for all. 👏


Rydym yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi ein bod wedi derbyn am flwyddyn arall yma ar hardd. 🌳💚

Diolch i'n holl staff a'n gwirfoddolwyr gwych sy'n gweithio'n eithriadol o galed i warchod a chynnal a chadw'r ynys, gan ei gwneud yn lle tawel a chroesawgar i bawb.

Cardiff Council Visit Cardiff / Croeso Caerdydd The National Lottery Heritage Fund

Island adventures await!Just a short boat trip away,   offers the perfect mix of nature and history. On a day visit, you...

Island adventures await!
Just a short boat trip away, offers the perfect mix of nature and history.

On a day visit, you’ll get to experience:
-Beautiful views
-Our iconic lighthouse and WWII fortifications
-Diverse wildlife
-Fascinating heritage
-The Gull and Leek, the most southerly pub in Wales

🚤 Getting there: Day sailings are bookable with our boat operators: Island Voyages and Cardiff Cruises .
📸 We’d love to see your photos! Tag them with and share your favourite moments with us.


Anturiaethau’n eich disgwyl ar ynys wych!
Daith fer i ffwrdd ar gwch, mae yn cynnig y cyfuniad perffaith o natur a hanes.

Ar ymweliad undydd, cewch fwynhau’r canlynol:
-Golygfeydd hyfryd
-Ein goleudy eiconig ac amddiffynfeydd yr Ail Ryfel Byd
-Bywyd gwyllt amrywiol
-Treftadaeth ddiddorol
-The Gull & Leek, tafarn fwyaf deheuol Cymru

🚤Cyrraedd yno: Gallwch archebu lle ar gwch draw i’r ynys gan ein gweithredwyr cychod: Bay Island Voyages a Cardiff Cruises.

📸Byddem wrth ein bodd yn gweld eich lluniau! Tagiwch nhw gyda a rhannwch eich hoff ddelweddau gyda ni.

The National Lottery Heritage Fund Cronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Gen / National Lottery Heritage Fund - Cymru

Our Community Engagement Officer, Sarah, enjoyed meeting everyone at the   event in   recently. We’re really impressed w...

Our Community Engagement Officer, Sarah, enjoyed meeting everyone at the event in recently. We’re really impressed with these illustrations created by little visitors to the stand.

There’s an amazing panoramic view from the park’s folly tower – you can even see the island! If you’ve taken any photos from there, we’d love to see them!


Bu ein Swyddog Ymgysylltu â'r Gymuned, Sarah, yn mwynhau cwrdd â phawb yn y digwyddiad yn yn ddiweddar. Rydym yn dwlu ar y darluniau hyn a grëwyd gan ymwelwyr bach i stondin .

Mae golygfa banoramig anhygoel o ffug-dŵr y parc – gallwch weld yr ynys hyd yn oed! Os ydych chi wedi tynnu lluniau oddi yno, byddem wrth ein boddau o’u gweld!

Flat Holm Island Society Cronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Gen / National Lottery Heritage Fund - Cymru

Join the   team for a natter about nature and the island at the   Festival this Sunday 7 July. Taking place at Barry’s P...

Join the team for a natter about nature and the island at the Festival this Sunday 7 July.

Taking place at Barry’s Porthkerry Country Park, the first event of its kind will feature free, family-friendly activities and take-away tips about connecting with and helping nature.


Ymunwch â thîm am sgwrs am fyd natur a'r ynys yng Ngŵyl ddydd Sul 7 Gorffennaf.

Cynhelir y digwyddiad cyntaf o'i fath ym Mharc Gwledig Porthceri yn y Barri, a bydd yn cynnwys gweithgareddau i’r teulu am ddim, ac awgrymiadau ar gyfer cysylltu â byd natur a'i helpu.

Vale Local Nature Partnership Flat Holm Island Society Cronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Gen / National Lottery Heritage Fund - Cymru

Hello foodies! Our   Island team will be at the Cardiff Food & Drink Festival this weekend from Friday 5 – Sunday 7 July...

Hello foodies! Our Island team will be at the Cardiff Food & Drink Festival this weekend from Friday 5 – Sunday 7 July.

If you want to know more about the island, our day trips and overnight stays, or see some fascinating artefacts, come on over! You can also enjoy a 360° virtual tour of Flat Holm and take part in our treasure map game.

If you’re heading to the event, make sure you pay us a visit – we’d love to see you!


Shwmae selogion bwyd! Bydd ein tîm yng Ngŵyl Bwyd a Diod Caerdydd y penwythnos hwn o ddydd Gwener 5 i ddydd Sul 7 Gorffennaf.

Os ydych chi eisiau gwybod mwy am yr ynys, ein teithiau dydd ac arosiadau dros nos, neu am weld rhai arteffactau diddorol, dewch draw! Gallwch hefyd fwynhau taith rithwir 360° o Ynys Echni a chymryd rhan yn ein gêm map trysor.

Os ydych chi'n mynd i'r digwyddiad, gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn ymweld â ni - byddem wrth ein bodd yn eich gweld chi!

Visit Cardiff / Croeso Caerdydd The National Lottery Heritage Fund Cronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Gen / National Lottery Heritage Fund - Cymru

Go Wild is your chance to gather your friends and family, embrace the great outdoors and enjoy a fun-filled adventure! F...

Go Wild is your chance to gather your friends and family, embrace the great outdoors and enjoy a fun-filled adventure!

Find the stand at Pontypool Park on Saturday 29 June from 10am-4pm.

Check out the ticket link to see what else is on offer, including nature walks and outdoor games.

Pontypool Park Friends Flat Holm Island Society https://www.eventbrite.com/e/go-wild-at-pontypool-park-tickets-925816922337


Ewch yn Wyllt yw eich cyfle i gasglu eich ffrindiau a'ch teulu at ei gilydd, manteisio ar yr awyr agored gwych a mwynhau antur llawn hwyl!

Dewch draw i stondin ym Mharc Pont-y-pŵl ddydd Sadwrn 29 Mehefin rhwng 10am a 4pm.

Ewch i’r ddolen docynnau i weld beth arall sydd ar gael, gan gynnwys teithiau cerdded natur a gemau awyr agored.

Flat Holm Island Society https://www.eventbrite.com/e/go-wild-at-pontypool-park-tickets-925816922337

⏰LAST CHANCE!⏰🎨 Unleash your inner artist! Join us for a unique, tutor-led residential workshop on Flat Holm, perfect fo...


🎨 Unleash your inner artist!

Join us for a unique, tutor-led residential workshop on Flat Holm, perfect for beginners through to more seasoned artists.

We'll explore the island from a 'bird's eye' view, capturing its changing landscapes through impressionistic watercolours and innovative techniques.

Come along and let your creativity soar! 🌊

Find out more and book online here: Salt spray and skies - art workshop (July) - Cardiff Harbour Authority


🎨 Rhyddhewch eich artist mewnol!

Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer gweithdy preswyl unigryw dan arweiniad tiwtor ar Ynys Echni, sy'n berffaith i ddechreuwyr hyd at artistiaid mwy profiadol.

Byddwn yn archwilio'r ynys drwy lygaid aderyn, gan gyfleu ei thirweddau newidiol trwy ddyfrlliwiau argraffiadol a thechnegau arloesol.

Dewch draw a gadael i’ch creadigrwydd ffynnu! 🌊

Dysgwch ragor ac archebu ar-lein yma: Ewyn y don a’r awyr – gweithdy celf (Gorffennaf) - Cardiff Harbour Authority

The National Lottery Heritage Fund Cronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Gen / National Lottery Heritage Fund - Cymru

🚨 Drowning Prevention Week: Stay Safe on Flat Holm! 🚨 As we kick off Drowning Prevention Week, we want to emphasise the ...

🚨 Drowning Prevention Week: Stay Safe on Flat Holm! 🚨

As we kick off Drowning Prevention Week, we want to emphasise the importance of water safety on Flat Holm.

According to the , 73% of drownings occur in the absence of professional supervision.

The Bristol Channel has one of the largest tidal ranges in the world. Unsupervised swimming is strictly prohibited on the island, as the strong currents make it extremely dangerous.

Stay informed about water safety – check out the messages being shared by this week and beyond.


🚨 Wythnos Atal Boddi: Cadw’n Ddiogel ar Ynys Echni! 🚨

Ar ddechrau Wythnos Atal Boddi, rydym am bwysleisio pwysigrwydd diogelwch dŵr ar Ynys Echni.

Yn ôl y Gymdeithas Frenhinol er Achub Bywydau, mae 73% o achosion o foddi yn digwydd yn absenoldeb goruchwyliaeth broffesiynol.

Mae gan Fôr Hafren un o’r amrediadau llanw mwyaf yn y byd. Mae nofio heb oruchwyliaeth wedi'i wahardd yn llwyr ar yr ynys, gan fod y cerrynt cryf yn ei gwneud yn hynod beryglus.

Byddwch yn wybodus am ddiogelwch dŵr – edrychwch ar y negeseuon sy'n cael eu rhannu gan yr wythnos hon a thu hwnt.

Don your straw boater hat and join us on a Victorian voyage to Flat Holm! 👒You’ll spend the day with an expert guide, le...

Don your straw boater hat and join us on a Victorian voyage to Flat Holm! 👒

You’ll spend the day with an expert guide, learning all about our Victorian heritage here on the island. 🏝

Discover the history of the lighthouse and its keepers, the cholera hospital, military defences, the first wireless communication over sea and so much more.

The island is steeped in history, so don’t miss this opportunity to delve deeply into its rich past.

📆 This specialist tour will take place on Saturday 29 June. Book your places here: ➡ https://www.cardiffharbour.com/events/victorian-voyage-expert-guided-tour-of-victorian-heritage/


Gwisgwch eich het cychod gwellt ac ymunwch â ni ar fordaith Fictoraidd i Ynys Echni! 👒

Byddwch yn treulio'r diwrnod gyda thywysydd arbenigol, yn dysgu am ein treftadaeth Fictoraidd yma ar yr ynys. 🏝

Dysgwch hanes y goleudy a'i geidwaid, yr ysbyty colera, amddiffynfeydd milwrol, y cyfathrebiad diwifr cyntaf dros y môr a chymaint mwy.

Mae'r ynys yn llawn hanes, felly peidiwch â cholli'r cyfle hwn i ymchwilio'n ddwfn i'w gorffennol cyfoethog.

📆 Bydd y daith arbenigol hon yn cael ei chynnal ddydd Sadwrn 29 Mehefin. Cadwch eich lle yma!: ⬇ https://www.cardiffharbour.com/cy/events/taith-fictoraidd-taith-dywys-gydag-arbenigwr-o-amgylch-treftadaeth-fictoraidd/

The National Lottery Heritage Fund Cronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Gen / National Lottery Heritage Fund - Cymru

Our Photo of the Month comes from  with a beautiful shot of   . Thank you to everyone who shared their amazing images. 🐣...

Our Photo of the Month comes from with a beautiful shot of . Thank you to everyone who shared their amazing images. 🐣🌸

Don’t forget to keep submitting your photos, ready for next month!


Daw ein Llun y Mis gan gyda golygfa arbennig o Diolch i bawb a rannodd eu delweddau anhygoel. 🐣🌸

Peidiwch ag anghofio i barhau i gyflwyno eich ffotograffau , yn barod ar gyfer mis nesa’!


🌟 Cyfle Cyffrous i Berfformwyr Ifanc! 🌟
Mae Lighthouse Theatre yn chwilio am dalent o Dde Cymru (16-21 oed).
🎭 Cewch gyfle i greu a pherfformio darn theatr awyr agored wedi'i ysbrydoli gan hanes cyfoethog Ynys Echni, o gyrchoedd y Llychlynwyr i anturiaethau smyglo.
🗓️ Manylion:
• Perfformiadau: Bae Caerdydd, Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru, a Weston-Super-Mare.
• Manteision: Cewch weithio gyda gweithwyr proffesiynol y diwydiant, ennill profiad theatr ddyfeisio, a chael lluniau ar gyfer eich rîl sioe!
📌 Ymgeisiwch nawr! Mae Lighthouse Theatre yn croesawu pawb o bob cefndir ac yn awyddus i glywed gan berfformwyr uchelgeisiol sy'n angerddol am y theatr. Am ddadansoddiad castio ewch i Lighthouse Theatre Ltd
Cefnogir gan Cardiff Bay Official, Flat Holm Island Official, Arts & Business Cymru, Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council Wales
🌟 Exciting Opportunity for Young Performers! 🌟
Lighthouse Theatre is looking for South Wales-based talent (ages 16-21).
🎭 You have the opportunity to create and perform an outdoor theatre piece inspired by Flat Holm Island's rich history, from Viking raids to smuggling adventures.
🗓️ Details:
• Performances: Cardiff Bay, Wales Millennium Centre, and Weston-Super-Mare.
• Perks: Work with industry pros, gain devised theatre experience, and get footage for your showreel!
📌 Apply now! Lighthouse theatre welcome all backgrounds and are eager to hear from aspiring performers passionate about theatre. For a casting breakdown visit Lighthouse Theatre Ltd
Supported by Cardiff Bay Official, Flat Holm Island Official, Arts & Business Cymru, Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales
Cardiff Youth Service / Gwasanaeth Ieuenctid Caerdydd Cardiff Youth Council Cronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Gen / National Lottery Heritage Fund - Cymru The National Lottery Heritage Fund

🎨 Unleash your inner artist! Join us for a unique, tutor-led residential workshop on Flat Holm, perfect for beginners th...

🎨 Unleash your inner artist!

Join us for a unique, tutor-led residential workshop on Flat Holm, perfect for beginners through to more seasoned artists.

We'll explore the island from a 'bird's eye' view, capturing its changing landscapes through impressionistic watercolours and innovative techniques.

Come along and let your creativity soar! 🌊

Find out more and book online here: https://www.cardiffharbour.com/events/salt-spray-and-skies-art-workshop-2/


🎨 Rhyddhewch eich artist mewnol!

Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer gweithdy preswyl unigryw dan arweiniad tiwtor ar Ynys Echni, sy'n berffaith i ddechreuwyr hyd at artistiaid mwy profiadol.

Byddwn yn archwilio'r ynys drwy lygaid aderyn, gan gyfleu ei thirweddau newidiol trwy ddyfrlliwiau argraffiadol a thechnegau arloesol.

Dewch draw a gadael i’ch creadigrwydd ffynnu! 🌊

Dysgwch ragor ac archebu ar-lein yma: https://www.cardiffharbour.com/cy/events/ewyn-y-don-ar-awyr-gweithdy-celf-2/

The Art Workshop Cardiff Watercolour Group Cardiff Art Group Cardiff School of Art & Design Llanover Hall Arts - Neuadd Llanofer

📸 Ready to elevate your photography game? With its stunning wildlife, rich history, unique architecture, and breath-taki...

📸 Ready to elevate your photography game?

With its stunning wildlife, rich history, unique architecture, and breath-taking seascapes and landscapes, is a photographer’s paradise!

Join us for this residential course from Friday 2 – Sunday 4 August. Whether you're a beginner or more experienced, the tutored workshops will help you master the art of using light and camera settings to create stunning imagery. 📷

Book your places online now!: https://www.cardiffharbour.com/events/flat-holm-in-focus-photography-skills-summer-weekend/


📸 Ydych chi'n barod i wella eich sgiliau ffotograffiaeth?

Gyda'i bywyd gwyllt trawiadol, ei hanes cyfoethog, pensaernïaeth unigryw, a morluniau a thirweddau syfrdanol, mae yn baradwys i ffotograffwyr!

Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer y cwrs preswyl hwn o ddydd Gwener 2 Awst i ddydd Sul 4 Awst. P'un a ydych chi'n newydd i’r maes neu'n fwy profiadol, bydd y gweithdai wedi'u tiwtora yn eich helpu i feistroli'r grefft o ddefnyddio gosodiadau golau a chamera i greu delweddau trawiadol. 📷

Archebwch eich llefydd ar-lein nawr!: https://www.cardiffharbour.com/cy/events/ffocws-ar-ynys-echni-penwythnos-sgiliau-ffotograffiaeth-yr-haf/

The National Lottery Heritage Fund Cronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Gen / National Lottery Heritage Fund - Cymru

Happy  ! 🌊Here at   we want to champion  .Did you know that the island is currently able to generate 90% of its electric...

Happy ! 🌊

Here at we want to champion .

Did you know that the island is currently able to generate 90% of its electricity from green sources, reducing its carbon footprint? 🌳

With the sea levels forecast to rise, we must continue to look after our waters and environment, otherwise and the planet could be at risk. 🌊

If you want to learn more about both and , check out the links below: ⬇️

worldoceanday.org www.flatholmisland.com


hapus! 🌊

Yma yn rydym eisiau hyrwyddo .

Oeddech chi'n gwybod bod yr ynys yn gallu cynhyrchu 90% o'i thrydan o ffynonellau gwyrdd ar hyn o bryd, gan leihau ei hôl troed carbon? 🌳

Gan ein bod ni’n disgwyl i lefelau'r môr godi, rhaid i ni barhau i ofalu am ein dyfroedd a'n hamgylchedd, fel arall gallai a'r blaned fod mewn perygl. 🌊

Os hoffech ddysgu mwy am ac , edrychwch ar y dolenni isod: ⬇️

worldoceanday.org www.ynysechni.com

World Ocean Day

🎨Calling all art and nature lovers!Are you a keen artist who enjoys being outdoors? Join us for our Salt Spray and Skies...

🎨Calling all art and nature lovers!

Are you a keen artist who enjoys being outdoors? Join us for our Salt Spray and Skies art workshop on Friday 5 – Sunday 7 July on .

You’ll spend the weekend using watercolour and wax-resist techniques, focusing on capturing the sea and sky. The changes that the light, time of day and weather conditions have on the landscape will help to inspire your artistic creations.

Don’t worry if you’re a beginner – this course is suitable for budding artists, as well as more experienced ones.

📆Book your places online now!: Salt spray and skies - art workshop (July) - Cardiff Harbour Authority📆


🎨Yn galw ar bawb sy'n hoff o gelf a natur!

Ydych chi'n artist brwd sy'n mwynhau bod yn yr awyr agored? Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer ein gweithdy celf Ewyn y don a’r Awyr ddydd Gwener 5 – dydd Sul 7 Gorffennaf ar

Byddwch yn treulio'r penwythnos yn defnyddio technegau dyfrlliw a gwrth-gŵyr yn canolbwyntio ar greu delweddau o’r môr a’r awyr. Bydd y newidiadau mae golau, adeg y dydd a'r tywydd yn eu creu yn y dirwedd yn helpu i ysbrydoli eich creadigaethau artistig.

Peidiwch â phoeni os mai dechreuwr ydych chi – mae'r cwrs hwn yn addas ar gyfer egin artistiaid, yn ogystal â rhai mwy profiadol.

📆Cadwch le ar-lein nawr! Ewyn y don a’r awyr - gweithdy celf (Gorffennaf) -Awdurdod Harbwr Caerdydd📆

Cronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Gen / National Lottery Heritage Fund - Cymru

Our website, flatholmisland.com, will be temporarily unavailable on Thursday 6 June due to essential maintenance. Apolog...

Our website, flatholmisland.com, will be temporarily unavailable on Thursday 6 June due to essential maintenance. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.


Ni fydd ein gwefan, ynysechni.com, ar gael dros dro ddydd Iau 6 Mehefin oherwydd gwaith cynnal a chadw hanfodol. Mae’n ddrwg gennym am unrhyw anghyfleustra.

Cardiff Council

A big THANK YOU to our amazing   volunteers, who assist with many island tasks, including:-Nature conservation-Building ...

A big THANK YOU to our amazing volunteers, who assist with many island tasks, including:

-Nature conservation
-Building maintenance
-Sharing expert knowledge with visitors on guided tours
-Gull ringing and nest counts

We’re incredibly grateful for your commitment and the contribution that you make. The work that you do helps to conserve and protect this special place, ensuring that everyone can enjoy its beauty and heritage.
Happy !


Diolch yn fawr iawn i wirfoddolwyr anhygoel sy'n cynorthwyo gyda llawer o dasgau’r ynys, gan gynnwys:

-Cadwraeth natur
-Cynnal a chadw adeiladau
-Rhannu gwybodaeth arbenigol gydag ymwelwyr ar deithiau tywys
-Modrwyo gwylanod a chyfrif nythod

Rydym yn hynod ddiolchgar am eich ymrwymiad a'ch cyfraniad amhrisiadwy Mae'r gwaith rydych chi'n ei wneud yn helpu i warchod ac amddiffyn y lle arbennig hwn, gan sicrhau y gall pawb fwynhau ei harddwch a'i dreftadaeth.

Cronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Gen / National Lottery Heritage Fund - Cymru Volunteers Week Flat Holm Island Society Woodys Lodge


We’re at the Barry Island Festival of the Sea with Flat Holm Island Official. The sun is shining, there’s music and lots of other stalls
Do come and say hello! 😀


This weekend it’s the Festival of the Sea on Barry island. Saturday is all about Shanty singing 🎵 but on Sunday the Society has a stall on the Promenade - look out for our gazebo (picture is Peter Sampson on Penarth Pier a few years ago) if you’re visiting and come and say hello!

🏝Have you ever looked out from   Barrage or Penarth Pier and wondered what our island has seen over the years?🛳Now’s you...

🏝Have you ever looked out from Barrage or Penarth Pier and wondered what our island has seen over the years?

🛳Now’s your chance to find out with our 'Small But Mighty – Flat Holm at War’ guided tour!

Discover the secrets of this tiny fortress that has stood guard over our shores for centuries and learn all about its wartime life and military history from Dr Jon Berry, a true expert in the field.

Don’t miss the opportunity to step back in time to explore this Welsh gem’s fascinating past. The specialist tour is taking place on Sunday 30 June – book online now!: https://www.cardiffharbour.com/events/small-but-mighty-flat-holm-at-war-specialist-guided-tour/


🏝Ydych chi erioed wedi edrych allan Forglawdd neu Bier Penarth ac wedi meddwl beth mae ein hynys wedi ei weld dros y blynyddoedd?

🛳Nawr yw eich cyfle i ddarganfod gyda'n taith dywys 'Bach ond Mawr – Rhyfel ac Ynys Echni'!

Dewch i ddysgu cyfrinachau'r gaer fechan hon sydd wedi bod yn gwylio ein glannau ers canrifoedd a dysgu popeth am ei bywyd yn ystod y rhyfel a'i hanes milwrol gan Dr Jon Berry, arbenigwr o fri yn y maes.

Peidiwch â cholli'r cyfle i gamu yn ôl mewn amser i archwilio gorffennol diddorol y berl Gymreig hon. Mae'r daith arbenigol yn cael ei chynnal ddydd Sul 30 Mehefin – archebwch ar-lein nawr!: https://www.cardiffharbour.com/events/small-but-mighty-flat-holm-at-war-specialist-guided-tour/

The National Lottery Heritage Fund Cronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Gen / National Lottery Heritage Fund - Cymru



Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 9am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 4:30pm
Thursday 9am - 4:30pm
Friday 9am - 4:30pm






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