Just spent a week at the Festival Interceltique de Lorient in Brittany, France with my Blue Badge Tour Guide hat on and making a lot of use of my French to pursuade festival-goers to come visit.
Eight Celtic nations are represented there: Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Brittany, Cornwall, Asturias, Galicia and the Isle of Man and the numbers of people are astonishing!
Over 900,000 people bought tickets last year and it’ll be on at least the same level this year! Many more attend free events and come to the Isle of Man pavillion for more information about our culture and life experiences here on the Island. With an estimate of over 1,000 people per day visiting the pavilion we had more than enough opportunities to tell people about our island home. Watch out for a jump in the numbers of visitors from these nations next year.
The dancers and musicians in our delegation wowed audiences across this huge and exciting festival. They so did us proud and brought Manx music and dance to a vast audience.
So, tired but happy after a challenging week of extolling the virtues of the IOM in French and English, we’re on our way home and looking forward to our own beds!