You would think funerals make you think about death, but on the contrary, they make me think about life, about the lives within a life, yeah I meant that, this time is not a grammar mistake.
It made me remember the life times I lived on this single yet short life.
I thought of that life when I was a child and my tamtrums were my difficulty, or the life in my tenneger years when I raged at any minimal injustice with everyone around me, when in the name of honesty I was cruel no matter the consequences.
Or that life when I was so worried about getting a good enough grade so I could do what I loved, and how in spite of the hard work it never happened and in that life I thought life was ruined for me.
I also remembered that life, in love, where love was not enough, or the life that came after that when I thought love was just painful, followed by the life where I thought I lost it all after losing my mother.
The life that followed of grief and sorrow, and the next of escapism and distance and endless work when I came to this country.
Followed by the life of I'm not good enough, the life of accumulating certificates and titles to feel I was something or I had some value in this world.
The next one was the life of relentless hard work that felt didn't get me anywhere.
This one was followed by the life of no self love, then by the life of risk and fear I couldn't step up, followed by the life of loneliness, then by the life of picking up the pieces, and then the reconstruction life which sounds good but reconstructing always takes pain and fear.
I'm fortunate enough those life times were also full of joy, parties, laughter, hope, friendships, kisses, hugs, pets, family, travel, beauty, kindness, love, comunity, learning, opportunities, praise, reward, release, trust and much more...
But my point is, those life times are gone, past, done, finito, overcomed, history..,. reason why, at least to me, they feel like different life times.
I'm now in the expansion life, quite a scary one but at the same time exciting.
Really, life is like the ying and yang, there is always difficulties and blessings, sometimes even the difficulties are the blessings or viceversa.
Life is also full of beginnings and ends, and if you are stuck on the difficulties your current life time brings, know change is inevitable, you just have to keep going, and persisting, and focusing on the good parts of this life time, there cannot be light without darkness or darkness without light, I need you to remember that. So search for the light, be the light, create the light.
Change may take place for the worst, but when it does, remember it can also take place for the better, so hold on to that hope and in the mean time reach out, to anyone, but please reach out.
We are not meant to do life by ourselves, it is not meant for us to figure out how to do life without help. Life is complex and nobody teaches us how to live it.
And if it is worth a penny, I'm here. Always.
With so much love❤️