You know what I enjoy even more than Optimum Ni**le Number facts (spoilers: we humans could do better)?
National Records of Scotland have released their Vital Reference Tables for 2023. Y'all ready for some facts? Before you too are blown away by impenetrable numbers, please bear in mind that 2020 wasn't a real year and, to be honest, 2021/22 were exceptionally wild in Weddingland so I'm peering into my reverso-crystal ball and 2019 looks a safe bet for like for like comparisons.
πββοΈ There were 26753 marriages in Scotland last year. That's 3280 fewer than 2022. See? Told you it wasn't quite right. Slightly more than 2019 tho.
πββοΈ Humanist Society Scotland continues to be the most trusted provider of Belief Marrages in Scotland, our celebrants conducting 13.86% of all the weddings. That's nice, isn't it? Extra party bag for us!
πββοΈ There were 1459 Church of Scotland weddings and 723 RC weddings. To put that into perspective, when my parents got married in 1973, there were 18,307 CoS and 6603 RC weddings. A continuing downward trend for both.
πββοΈ More women got married last year than men. Again.
πββοΈ There was one irregular marriage in 2023 Last time that happened was 2010. A Regular Marriage is one where you submit paperwork to the Registrar. An Irregular Marriage is (nowadays anyway) to prove existence of a marriage-like relationship, usually for inheritance, DWP, maintenance money, that sort of thing. Interestingly it can be raised by one of the parties involved, their children or anyone else with an interest and can happen even after either or both parties have died. STATNERD ALERT!
πββοΈ Gretna continues to astound and amaze. 15% of all weddings in Scotland take place in Gretna. That's one in six. Absolute madness.
πββοΈ The mean age of people entering into marriage has increased again. If this is your first wedding, you're probably around 35 if you're a fella, 34 if you're a gal.
πββοΈ 55% of people entering into a mixed-s*x Civil Partnership are over 55. I wonder if there's a box for 'Sorting out the Pension'.
Ref: https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/statistics-and-data/statistics