Beginning of the summer holidays and wanting to get involved with making a jacket because it’s for one of your biggest Equestrian Idols!❤️
101 Pretty Ponies 20th Anniversary Rosettes were presented at the judge’s discretion at NIF to the best turned out combination in each showing class. Here are some of our winners❤️ #NIF #northernirelandfestival #bestturnedout #prettyponies #cavanequestriancentre #horseshow #horseshowlife
The gorgeous ‘Ascot Barbara Ann’ winning Champion small show pony at Australias Grand Nationals 2024. Congratulations Tamaryn Jones&Michelle Panetta ridden by Emma Adams😍
The art of Side Saddle, so elegant. A recently made traditionally cut Habit ❤️ #sidesaddlerider #sidesaddleassociation #horsesofinstagram #dublinhorseshow #equestriansofinstagram #horseshows #horseriding
Our tradestand is at the fabulous’Stars Champion of Champions Show’ at Aintree equestrian centre all weekend. It’s the first day today and it’s very busy! If your in the area pop in the atmosphere is amazing and lots of trade stands to have a look around too x