Morning hoomans Dave here it's been a while since I posted mum wouldn't let me have her phone ,tbh I would of probably of eaten it,mother women thought I would stop when I got me big teefs but I'm still like a little piranha🤣🤣.well I've been up to allsorts as usuall.i helped mother women decorate the living room by taking the wallpaper off,didn't like the colour an it wasnt very tasty an the glitter made me bum itch🤣🤣so the hoomans put this big square thing there with them things on(trophy's)what papa gets when he goes to catch fish with that big stick thing oh an a nice plant....it's bloody plastic!!don't ya know I likes to munch on grass,still had a munch on it,was bit tough an spiky tho.i am now banned from being in the living room in the daytime while the hoomans go to this place called work oh an at bedtime but gives me an excuse to jump all over the hoomans heads at 4in the morning like a trampoline when I've clearly been starved all night,don't ya know I need my breakfast or i'll waste away,imma ringing childline(after kicking my tray an biscuit bowl round the kitchen)🤣🤣.
Well these two blokes turned up this morning to wash the big square things,didn't like em much,I swear they were washing them with a cat🤔😮(window cleaners)I hid behind the sofa,they ain't kidnapping me an putting me in no bucket nope no uh uh,imma telling papa when he comes home, I'm most miffed,mother women had to get me out with some treats an give me a big cuddle.
Anyway hoomans I'm off for a nap,the big burny things out yet again,mum looks like her heads going to explode,must look after her,her fault for being a ginge,papa thinks it's hilarious🤭😂.too tired to beat the sister grump up today,altho I loves her abit nowadays even tho she still gives me a good slap round the head,well she shouldn't eat my dinner,she's fast asleep snoring her whiskers off,I'll annoy her later an wait for papa to get home,how dare he leave me all day,still sit an whinge on the window in the morning till he waves bye to me😂😂,I loves him an I'm still his little prince🤣♥️.
Stay safe hoomans,keep cool.
As always much love purrs an headdbunts Dave.
Ps I'm still the baby don't ya know(not such a baby now).
Oh an I've added comments on my photos as well😊.