The vision beyond it is to link the experiences of tourism, education, volunteering and research with a new way of thinking about cooperation. GreenFarmMovement believes that the tourist plays a key role in the realisation of cooperation projects between countries. The goal of the organisation is to carry out cooperation projects that include private investments from local and foreign partners tha
t possess a “civic” attitude and strive to minimise social inequalities. Therefore, each project aims to create an agricultural farm or zootechnical business based on biological processes and services for tourists, students, volunteers and researchers. The profit will be divided in three parts – inspired by the business model Economy of Communion (EOC): the first part gets re-invested in the business, the second part goes on the realisation of social and cultural projects within the community where the business operates and the third part is used to implement projects of cooperation. Finally, each project will be chosen and discussed directly by the local community so as to avoid the attempt to import foreign projects without the approval of the community where the project operates. GreenFarmMovement believes that only the economic, social and civic responsibility of people can make possible cooperation projects without foreign donations or staff members.