This is what we do
Anything Other makes theatre productions for public audiences. We explore divisive subjects and put underrepresented voices at the centre of our work. We want to bring people together at different ends of society to create communities on, and beyond, the stage. This is why we do it
We make theatre because we’re interested in the human condition and the connections between us. We
want to see and hear more voices and stories on stage that represent a wider range of human experience; we work with people whose opinions, beliefs and wants might be very different from one another. We think that negotiating the sticky uncertain middle is where great stories come from. This is how we do it
We work with brilliant artists to write, create and devise new theatre performances for public audiences. We work closely with the community to hear and tell stories about what it is to be human. We also work in the community, running theatre workshops and arts projects with marginalised groups of adults and young people. This is how to get in touch
[email protected]
If you’re interested in what we do, drop us an email, we always enjoy making new connections.