Promo Fo's is a Facebook group which agencies use to post jobs. Only people with experience working in promo or a desire to work in the industry are encouraged to join. Anyone can request to join by either searching Promo Fo's or here - Although its an open group run by Stephen Spanias, all members must have their request to join approved before they can ap
ply for work. Not having a profile picture, no mutual promo friends, secretive profile settings or anything to suggestyou are not UK based are some factors which could effect your request to join. If in doubt private message us if you have any quires. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN IF ACCEPTED? Every new member will receive a private message welcoming them to the group along with important instructions you will be asked to follow to ensure Facebook notifies you about jobs properly. ARE THERE ANY RULES? YES. A brief summary of the rules will be included in your welcome message but a more detailed list is saved in the 'Files' tab found on the group wall. WHAT ADVICE IS THERE TO BE SUCCESSFUL? All agencies will ask for a cv and photos - regardless of experience its important to include a short cover note with a brief explanation why the agency should choose you and what relevant experience you have (if any). Experience is definitely a plus but not essential - YOU ARE THE FACE OF THE BRANDS so if you confidently consider your self to be great with people, charismatic, approachable and generally very well presented then the Promo industry needs you! Having the confidence to talk to people and articulating key brand messages is key - being well groomed, helpful, intuitive and always smiling is all your employer will ask for - Nail that and you will get the experience and quickly! Check out and read 'The Promo Bible' in the group 'Files' tab for detailed help and advice.