We are a registered charity in England and Wales (1112321).
Do you wish you could go for Ziyaraat but cannot afford it or do not have the time? The niyabah ziyaraat are performed by poor individuals, providing them with a source of income, the opportunity to attain nearness to Allah (swt) and their dre
am of visiting the holy shrines, which they could not afford despite living in the same country. You benefit by having the good deeds done under your name, whilst additionally multiplying your rewards as your donations feed and clothe the poor. All ziyaraat include the two rak'aat salaah. Performance of the ziyarat is offered to people who do not live locally and who really wish they could go but cannot afford it. The charity wants to make their dreams come true with your help. Ziyaraat can be performed on any day (even wiladah or shahadah) but we must be notified at least one week in advance to enure the donation has cleared and arrangements have been made. We also require the full name of the individual for whom the ziyarah is to be done. The prices quoted are the minimum requirement to cover the travel and other costs to the place of ziyarah. Additional donations are welcomed as the needy person does not financially benefit from the cost price. The costs of some ziyaraat are higher because of the higher travel costs or inherent difficulties.