Salford Mental Health Care Teams join challenge on World COPD day - looking for undiagnosed COPD amongst their high risk clients! Great work
We are thankful to our patients for engaging with us. Paul playing blow football with his wife who is also his carer. Thank you for your engagement. #World COPD Day
Roy Lilley supports the NW Blow Football Challenge. He is playing with the SHA Medical Director Mike Cheshire. Test your chest - its for the best
Stockport community health team testing their lungs with blow football. Have you?
Dr Gaduzo playing blow football with his orthopaedic Colleague Graham. Who have played Blow Football with? What are your lungs telling you?
WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS................
This video is an aide memoir for the matches you think may lose badly e.g. playing against a trumpet player. It guides you through the subtle ploys to turn the tables around.This is the video the FIBF (Federation Internationale de Blow Football) wanted to ban.
Seriously though we want to you look at those that lose and decide if it is lung function testing or cheating that will be their salvation.
"Test your chest -it's for the best !"
Kevin (DH Leader) v Steve (Co SHA Lead.We are encouraging people to 'Listen to your lungs' and take action if lungs are crying out in distress.One of these combatants did listen to his lungs and made an appropriate comment !
Welsh Wizard calls for post match dope testing for inhaled steroids and bronchodilators following surprise defeat by Emma (Pharmacist)
Carol White vs Welsh wizard
Carol White vs Welsh Wizard - an epic encounter
the start of the Blow Football Challenge
12 October - Blow Football match 1 at Reebok Bolton. Who do you think has the stronger lungs?
NW Blow Football challenge
Who's got stronger lungs? Look at football fans playing blow footie @ NHS NW office
While everyone was busy attending #PCRS, a secret footballer was recording a video for the benefit of blow footballers. He says 'test your chest its for the best'
NW Blow football challenge - Blow Football for Dummies
In preparation for the World COPD Day NW Respiratory team launches it first in a series of fun filled videos - share it with your networks and spread the work - test your lungs