Beach yoga Saturday 22nd June 9am Nairn Beach. Join me for some time on the beach, connecting with your body and the surrounding environment to get you away from the stresses of life. This uplifting yoga experience will help you start your weekend with positivity and energy. Contact Laura for more information 07792332358
#yoganairn #namastenairn #yogaclass #yogateacher #yogainspiration #yogacommunity #beach #nairn #yogaforbeginners #yogapractice #nairnbeach #nairnshire #nairnshire #yogainthehighlands #nairnyoga #nairnbeachisthebest #beachlife #nairnbeachscotland #beachvibes
Beach yoga this Saturday 9am. For more information please message me on 07792332358. #beachlife #beach #beachvibes #nairnbeach #nairnbeaches❤️ #nairnbeauty #nairnbeachscotland #nairnbeaches #nairnbeachisthebest #nairnyoga
If you have not got yourself a pair of Yaktrax yet then they are absolutely worth the investment. I managed to keep up with the whippets on a run through Culbin forest today wearing mine. No worries about sliding so I had the chance to enjoy the beautiful winter wonderland around me. Walking and running in this weather is amazing when you have the right kit. #culbin #for #culbinforest #culbinforesttrail #culbinforestwalks #culbinforesttracks #yaktrax #yaktraxrun #yaktraxpro #yaktraxtraction #yaktraxrequired #yaktraxrock