Ferri Photography

Ferri Photography Fine Heart Photography
Capturing authentic stories for everyday couples. Keeping it intimate and exclusive - working with a handful of couples per year

My love for photography grew from my love for family and friends; capturing those happy memories to treasure for ever! A portrait photographer with a passion for colour and natural light based in Northamptonshire. Offering a fun and relaxed photography experience.

Let's face it, there are 100s and 100s of wedding photographers to choose from. ​​​​​​​​​⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀​​​​​​​​​Every year I ...

Let's face it, there are 100s and 100s of wedding photographers to choose from. ​​​​​​​​​⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀​​​​​​​​​Every year I see more and more wedding photographers emerging. It's becoming a minefield for couples embarking on their wedding supplier journey. So what makes me different?
If you're looking for the best package for you bucks then I'm probably not the photographer for you. My couples don't choose me based on price, or just because they like my portfolio. They choose me because of 'me'.
When we meet at our Chemistry Call they know that I'm the photographer for them and that they wouldn't want anyone else to photograph their wedding. They know that they're not one in 30,40,50 (!) couples weddings I'll be photographing that year. They know they're special and unique to me and therefore so will their photos be special and unique.
They will know that not only are they 1 of 10 of my couples, but they will also know that I am 100% emotionally invested in them and their big day. They know that less weddings means that I will take the time to get to know them and that by the time their wedding comes round they will feel wonderfully relaxed around me.
So why not be exclusive rather than just another number?

The holidays are a tough time to be a working mother and often, it’s a juggle. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​There’s less support, l...

The holidays are a tough time to be a working mother and often, it’s a juggle. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​There’s less support, less childcare and often I’m tag teaming with my partner and not seeing him as much as I would like. But they are only young for such a short while. And I don’t doubt that in the not to distant future, Noah won’t want to go for ice cream with me. So, for now, I’m embracing the chaos. The late-night editing and early morning venue scouting. After all, there was a time I used to take my work calls during his nap time and now those naps are over. But I cannot wait for what is next.

Freelance motherhood is tough but it sure is magical…

I always hated my photo being taken growing up...​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​So I became a photographer that photographed people w...

I always hated my photo being taken growing up...​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​So I became a photographer that photographed people who wanted more than just a photo.

In honesty anyone can take a photo. But for me it's not about THE photo, it's about the heart, about the story. It goes deeper than merely an image. A face smiling back at me. It has depth, authenticity but most importantly it has the ability to make you FEEL.

I love this idea...​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​On the morning of your wedding, during all the bridal preparations, burn a scented ...

I love this idea...​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​On the morning of your wedding, during all the bridal preparations, burn a scented candle in the room. Pick something you love the scent of. Something that will fill the room with a warmth, and wave itself in and out of the laughter, the love. Collecting all the memories as it merely fills the room with it's beautiful aroma.

Then every time you burn it, you'll release the memories and relive you wedding day all over again. The smell will transport you back to that morning with your bride tribe and all the feels that came with it.

What a wounderful idea don't you think?

Memories of Venice If anyone asked me to name a one of my favourite holiday destinations it would have to be Venice. For...

Memories of Venice

If anyone asked me to name a one of my favourite holiday destinations it would have to be Venice. For me, it will always hold a very special place in my heart.

I’ve always found it rather magical. Maybe it’s the buildings that have been weathered and aged but still stand proudly on the waters edge. Or maybe it’s because it feels like an old, romantic movie full, of forbidden love and runaway dreams. Think Jane Hudson, Audrey Hepburn, Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. There’s nothing more romantic...

Time always feels like it’s standing still. Like you’re in a parallel universe - you’re own little bubble. It always catches me by surprise when the holiday comes to an end and I have to return back home. They’ll always be that feeling of never wanting to leave no matter how many times I visit.

Venice you will always have my heart. Until the next time.

Some one asked me yesterday if I get board going to so many weddings each year. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​In all honesty I don’t t...

Some one asked me yesterday if I get board going to so many weddings each year. ​​​​​​​​
In all honesty I don’t think I’ll ever get bored of photographing weddings. Even if all my weddings were at the same venue, with the same flowers, styling, dresses etc, they would still fill my cup up right to the brim! ​​​​​​​​
Because in all honesty, for me it’s all about the people. The people in my camera frame. Each wedding as beautiful and unique as the people within it. All have different stories and dreams. It’s my job to capture these - every pure and authentic moment. No frame the same but each one strong enough to tell it’s own story.

I remember that first wedding I photographed. It feels like such a long time ago now...​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I was ...

I remember that first wedding I photographed. It feels like such a long time ago now...​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I was a family photographer at the time and hadn't even considered weddings. I was approached by an old school friend who had seen some of my family photos and loved how they looked so relaxed and fun. They didn't want their wedding photos to be traditional and wanted someone to capture their big day in a natural and authentic way.

They both felt very camera shy but because they knew me already, they felt they could trust me to capture something that was beautiful and unique to them while feeling more comfortable around the camera.

I always find it more nerve racking working for friends and family. But when you're in the moment, doing what you love doing the most, you just feel like this is what you were born to do. And suddenly all the nervous disappear.

Suddenly I saw he magic of photographing weddings and totally fell in love. The rest as they say, is history.

It has to be said I'm not one for taking time out...​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​My mind is just too active. I always have 101 thin...

It has to be said I'm not one for taking time out...​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​My mind is just too active. I always have 101 things rushing around in it and I always feel guilty for taking time out for myself - to do something I love doing. But this week has been a little different.

We've been looking after a Alfie. He comes and stays with us from time to time and there's often a much needed change of pace when he does.

I can't tell Alfie that I'm too busy to go for a walk in the morning or that I have more important things to do than walk him in the evening. I have to turn the computer off put on my wellibobs and head down to the open fields.

I'll often take a travel mug with me filled with tea and maybe a little sweet treat to munch on (when Alfie isn't looking!) I have to remind myself to take a few deep breaths and to be in the moment. To forget whatever I'm working on or what's happened during the day and just BE.

As the days go by, I'm getting better at allowing myself this time and space. To remind myself of my love for walking, listening to bird song, the sound of a train in the distance and the running of water from the stream that Alfie always has to drop his tennis ball in and wait for me to recover.

It's funny how sometimes we forget to look after our soul. To totally switch off and just be in the moment and our little sanctuary of calm.

I always find that when I come back and turn my computer back on, my mind is bustling with new ideas and I feel reenergised, re-motivated and at my most creative...

Netflix, woolly socks, Maltesers, frothy coffee, late to school, chipped nails, cuddles in the kitchen – this is my real...

Netflix, woolly socks, Maltesers, frothy coffee, late to school, chipped nails, cuddles in the kitchen – this is my real life. And this is often a little like my couples as well. ​​​​​​​​​

I photograph real couples. There’s no façade. No pretence of ‘perfect’. Couples who live in the here and now and love and live life to the full.

They’re not striving for that catalogue look or those Gucci shoes. There’s more important things to life. Family, friendship, laughter and memories.

Wedding photography for everyday couples.

Donuts and hot chocolate  for breakfast 🍩 Because some Sunday mornings you have to throw the rule book out of the window...

Donuts and hot chocolate for breakfast 🍩

Because some Sunday mornings you have to throw the rule book out of the window and live on the wild side.

After all, you’re only 4 once 😉

N o a h​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​It’s being a mother that bonds me with so many of my brides, as so many of you are mothers as w...

N o a h​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

It’s being a mother that bonds me with so many of my brides, as so many of you are mothers as well. Sharing stories about motherhood (and the many mishaps!) reminds me of how real parenting looks, which can often be romanticised.

Today I’m sharing 3 things I love about Noah…

The ability to make me laugh even when I'm really, really cross with him!

The way he has to have his legs between mine when we're snuggling in bed.

The way he looks at me and says with love in his eyes 'mummy you're the best'

These are the moments I hang onto when motherhood gets tough. When I'm exhausted and sleep deprived and hear my name called for the 100th time that day. And when these moments aren't enough...there's always a large glass of wine!

You'll always see the things that I love in your wedding photos, because these will be the things that you love too.  Th...

You'll always see the things that I love in your wedding photos, because these will be the things that you love too. That's what makes us the perfect fit. We have the same values and one of mine is family. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Family is at the heart of everything I do. Those connections and relationships are so important to me that they can't help but shine through my photography.

That connection between parent and child, no matter what age, to me is a little bit of magic.

Having Noah has thought me to love in a way I never knew existed. Every day he grows and changes. From baby, to toddler to now boy. Each moment and stage so precious. Capturing him in the moment, as he is now. A moment to look back on, because I know that in the blink of an eye he'll be leaving home and exploring the big wide world for himself.

Family. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Growing up in Malta I remember lazy, Sunday lunches at my grandparents, playing hide and seek wi...

Family. ​​​​​​​​
Growing up in Malta I remember lazy, Sunday lunches at my grandparents, playing hide and seek with all my cousins and just generally getting under everyone’s feet.
There was always one of my nannas homemade sponge cake and a couple of bottles of home made red wine made by my uncles that needed diluting with lemonade to make it drinkable. ​​​​​​​​
I remember BBQs on the beach. all of us roasting marshmallows on the last of the coal ambers. ​​​​​​​​
Day trips to the beach. The boys fishing for carbs in the rockpools and the girls pretending to teach each other to swim at ‘swim school’.​​​​​​​​
There was always a que for the outside shower at the summerhouse and the water was almost always cold, but nobody minded. There was no rush. It meant we could have that extra biscuit with our bottle of Kinnie. ​​​​​​​​
My brother and I were brought up in the folds of our extended, close knit family. It was like being surrounded with extra brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers. One big family all looking out for eachother.
Which is why family is so important to me and why it features so fondly in my wedding photography. Those connections. Those heart-warming moments. They always make me smile and fill my heart with so much joy. ​​​​​​​​
If family plays an important part in your life, than I’m probably the photographer for you. Lets chat. ​​​​​​​​

Memories of dad...​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I remember him as the joker. He was always making people laugh. Always the life and ...

Memories of dad...​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I remember him as the joker. He was always making people laugh. Always the life and soul. Lighting up any room he walked into.

He always had a school masters anecdote to share about one of his pupils or something one of his fellow teachers and him got up to. Listening to his stores it was as if he was the cheeky school boy getting up to mischief.

Noah reminds me so much of my dad. He has such a wounderful sense of humour, cheeky smile and mischievous glint in his eye. He's always been the joker. Always trying to make his friends laugh. Always the life and soul of the party with his contagious laugh.

Even though he never got to meet dad, he still holds a part of him in his heart without even knowing it.

Let’s talk sun cream and summer weddings. Yes I’m still under the illusion we’ll get a summer 🙈⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀You’d be amazed ...

Let’s talk sun cream and summer weddings. Yes I’m still under the illusion we’ll get a summer 🙈
You’d be amazed at how many of my couples and their guests forget to bring sun cream to the big day.
I always suggest putting a bottle of factor 50 P20 (or something similar) in your wedding morning bag. This way you can apply the cream before you start getting ready and know that you’re covered for 10 hours. There’s nothing worse than sore, prickly sunburnt skin, especially on your wedding day.
I always suggest that you have a couple of bottles to put in the toilets your guests will be using too, because I can guarantee that even your fairest guests would have forgotten to bring some!

Wedding photography for every day couples. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I'm not looking for supermodel couples. My ...

Wedding photography for every day couples. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I'm not looking for supermodel couples. My style isn't editorial - You won't find my photos in Vouge or OK magazine. There's no staging or posing to get that perfect shot, perfect look or perfect angle.

In all honesty, it's about, real couples and authentic moments that flourish and unfold throughout the day. ​​​​​​​​
For me, it's not about the designer label or the over the top expensive and glitz. . No airbrushing, no nip and no tucking. No pretending or 'faking it until you make it'. It's about the two of you. Who you are and what makes you you. Because that's what marriage is about. Two hearts coming together. Just as you are.

Super Powers....​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I'm not one for planning my shots​ I'd rather be in the moment. It's funny how after b...

Super Powers....​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I'm not one for planning my shots​ I'd rather be in the moment. It's funny how after being a wedding photographer for 10 years I can sense when something beautiful is about to happen.​​​​​​​​
I stand, look and listen, but most importantly I FEEL. I like to think of it as my super power. The ability to feel what's going to happen next. To sense the build up, the emotion and that magic moment. This is definitely my favourite part of the job. ​​​​​​​​

What's your super power?

My happiest place is outdoors. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Wrapped in a blanket, sitting in my cottage garden watching the sun ris...

My happiest place is outdoors. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Wrapped in a blanket, sitting in my cottage garden watching the sun rise or, listening to the rustling of leaves on the trees walking in the nearby firs. I'm happiest and at my most creative when I feel grounded and connected to the universe.

I've never been good at staying indoors whatever the weather. I think that's where Noah gets his love for exploring. Running in wellies, winter or summer. Covered in grass stains and wet, muddy trousers. Picking up snails and flowers 'for mummy'.

I think sometimes we both need to feel closer to nature and fill our cup up to the brim on all the wonder it has to offer.

One of the things that stands me apart is that I only a shoot an intimate number of weddings a year. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I...

One of the things that stands me apart is that I only a shoot an intimate number of weddings a year. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​It’s important to me to get to know my couples closely and spend time building that relationship. So in my case less really is more.

Because of this, I only have a handful of space to capture your wedding remaining for 2025 and a lot of the popular dates in July and August have already gone.

So if you've booked your venue, or not booked your venue, settled on a wedding date or not settled on a wedding date, DM me and book a chemistry call so we see if I'm the right photographer for you, The rest can follow. ​​​​​​​​


Friendships ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Some come and some go and that's ok. Because sometimes friends come into your life for tha...

Friendships ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Some come and some go and that's ok. Because sometimes friends come into your life for that time of your life only and that's how it's meant to be. It's not personal. Life changes. You change and sometimes your friendship changes.

We can spend a lifetime looking for our tribe. A place we really belong. A place we know will travel the test of time with us. We don't always get it right, but when we finally do, it's like sunshine on your face on a dull winters day.

And this is who you'll have by your side on your wedding day.
It may be a whole tribe, a lifelong friend or someone you feel blessed to be able to call your soul sisters.

Who will be by your side on your wedding morning?

It all comes back to trust. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Trusting your wedding photographer is the most importantthing of all. That...

It all comes back to trust. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Trusting your wedding photographer is the most important
thing of all. That’s why I take the time to get to know my couples and to make sure we have that initial spark.

It's not just about the photos. Unlike your other suppliers, your wedding photographer will be by your side all day for one of the most important occasions of your life. Yes they take photos, but they also become a friend, a confidant. Someone you trust and you know has your back...

To book a chemistry call drop me a line.

It all comes back to trust. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Trusting your wedding photographer is the most important thing of all. That’...

It all comes back to trust. ​​​​​​​​
Trusting your wedding photographer is the most important thing of all. That’s why I take the time to get to know my couples and to make sure we have that initial spark. ​​​​​​​​
It's not just about the photos. Unlike your other suppliers, your wedding photographer will be by your side all day for one of the most important occasions of your life. ​​​​​​​​
Yes they take photos, but they also become a friend, a confidant. Someone you trust and you know has your back...​​​​​​​​
To book a chemistry call drop me a line to see if we have that spark you’re looking for.

Did you know that Fridays are Venus Days...⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Friday is ruled by Venus. Venus is associated with love, harmony, mo...

Did you know that Fridays are Venus Days...
Friday is ruled by Venus. Venus is associated with love, harmony, money, and possessions and is therefore the best suited for matters of the heart (like weddings!)
So, if you’re feeling the love on a Friday, you can thank Venus!

I was just talking to a couple last night and we discussed who would be walking the bride up the isle. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​...

I was just talking to a couple last night and we discussed who would be walking the bride up the isle. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Everyone always assumes that it will be the father of the bride because that's what tradition dictates. But what if the bride and groom walked up the isle hand in hand together, children by their side. Walking into their marriage together from the very start. Showing their union as a family and entering their wedding celebration as one.

Don't feel you have to stick to tradition. Make the day yours. Perhaps your mother, a grand parent, your eldest son... Follow your heart.

You always hear people talking about the courage to be different but for me, it’s about the courage to be yourselves...​...

You always hear people talking about the courage to be different but for me, it’s about the courage to be yourselves...​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Bring your weird, your wacky and your wonderful. I don’t want another cookie cutter celebration, I want your romance and everything that comes with it.

The start of wedding season always makes me think of my mum and dad. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Although no longer with me in per...

The start of wedding season always makes me think of my mum and dad. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Although no longer with me in person they are always in my heart. Looking over me, smiling, laughing with me and wrapping me in their love.

Those relationships will forever be in the heart of my photography style. Raw and authentic, that's what it's really about for me. Those moments you can never get back, never recreate. But moments that will stay in your heart for an eternity…

And this is what I want to give you as a gift on your wedding day. The gift to feel, to see, and to immerse yourself in love from those most important to you long after your wedding day has ended.

Because, that is truly the most important gift of all.




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