Historically, coaching in the UK has relied heavily on volunteers and this is still the case today. Many things contribute to this, but maybe the largest is a lack of coaching employment opportunities which stops it being a serious career option. To support the UK Coaching Framework developed by Sports Coach UK, we will offer employment opportunities in coaching, support, mentoring and ongoing dev
elopment. So why will organisations use our service over others? Organisations such as schools wishing to deploy coaches have little experience of safe recruitment in sport. They may have little understanding of National Governing Body (NGB) qualifications, unsure of the value and validity of the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks and possibly no experience of what a ‘high quality’ coaching or physical activity session looks like. PROgress is not looking to emulate business from other providers, we simply work on a recommended basis. We aim to grow the business at a steady rate, which by remaining small means we are able to offer a bespoke service to all of our customers. We appreciate that schools and clubs have their own individuals needs and we will try our best to source exactly what you need! Our coaches will be at the top of their game and we’ll prove it. Together, we’ll make sure our NGB qualifications are up to date, demand minimum standards through our CoachMark scheme which will catapult us ahead of the field and prove development under our mentoring and support structure. Promise is a strong word, but it’s absolutely what our CoachMark says. It will guarantee the high standard of coaches we deploy to deliver sport in Norfolk. The minimum requirements go above and beyond those offered by other service providers to help make sure children in our local schools are safe. Teachers and parents will feel reassured about the quality and integrity of the people working with their children. Take a look...
- Lead coaches will be UKCC Level 2 or above.
- Assistant coaches UKCC Level 1.
- Have a current Disclosure and Barring
Service check (the new enhanced CRB).
- Be trained in the safeguarding and protecting
of children.
- Qualified to work with athletes who have
a disability.
- Committed to our code of conduct so they can
identify areas of best practice.
- Qualified in basic first aid.
- Be regularly quality checked as part of our
mentoring and support structure.
- Have an insurance policy covering them for
the type of session they deliver. Our partnership will deliver
How much stronger can we be? Active Norfolk, UEA and Sportspark are all elite providers and have a wealth of experience to support you. Add to that the additional backing of NCC, we’re certain local sports providers who want great, quality coaching, consistently, will choose us.