I’m so late posting this beautiful gang I do apologise. I’ve been completely poleaxed by this flu thing going round and spent the last couple of weeks mostly in bed. I’m still feeble but think I’m coming out the other side.
These are some of our most regular regulars and the originators of the deck line up and they spent another Christmas week with us. We have Ben, Rhyme, Reason, Rogue and Rumour. Sadly Riddle gained his wings between visits but has joined his brother Paddy down the in the woods and we are very privileged to have him with us always looking out for all our guests. We have got some first time drone shots thank you, glad we got some bright days for you to be able to fly it. We have always said we’d like to get some aerial shots of the barn and land so it’s great to see these. We are glad that you enjoyed your stay, thanks for looking after everything as always and we look forwards to having you back 💙🐾
Diaries are still in hand but I’ve really not been up to doing much. I will get on it in ernest next week. The costings are proving to be a bit of a mare thanks to the morons in Westminster 🙄