HELP HELP HELP! These mamas are psycho. They gave me something called a bath, cause mama said I was stinky, I smelled lovely I don't know what she thinks stinky is. Anyway I hope none of you have ever had to have a bath, it's terrible, they pour a lovely temperature of water all over your body and then rub all natural doggo soap which did smell rather nice all over you, then they rub it all in and then more of that nice water to rinse it off and then a towel dry, I mean I know it sounds nice and relaxing, but no no no its torture I tell you nothing but good doggo torture, send help, or thoughts and prayers if you are that way inclined. I'm shivering on mamas chest wrapped in a blanket now, I'm not a happy girl x
Oh today mama gave me this enrichment toy to play with, it didn't take me very long to figure it out. Well we all know just how very smart I am. It's just a shame it doesn't come with endless treats
My mama thought she should video at least one of my training sessions. I am bossing it, already I can sit, do down when I jump up on something and I am working hard on my no biting. Today we were working on me not being scared to go into my crate, that way my mama said I will be safe if she has to go out without me, yeah like that is going to happen. I like my car crate, but don't like to go in that when we are home. I am a smart girl I will figure it all out in no time at all I am sure.
Sunday morning after a super night snuggled in bed with my mamas.
Last night my big fuzzy cousin Asha came for a sleep over, (don't worry she is fully vaccinated) we played a little last night and again today, my little teefers keep getting caught in her fuzzy fur. I think we are going to be bestest friends.