The addition of a leather pad and digital impression material to this horses shoeing package, has changed her feet in an unbelievable way. It’s engaged her hoof capsule, creating a healthy and strong foot. Nailing was always an issue previously, which in turn caused weak and brittle feet.
Thorn removed from hoof wall, possibly went in at the hairline or coronary border.
Little life hack for those little fluffys
These little guys hate being pulled around to much, and I’m not the ideal body shape to become a contortionist. By wrapping a towel around their fetlock and holding it between my knees, allows me to nail on normally and keeps them happy.
I’ve been close to losing the odd digit in recent years. It’s not pleasant when they want to become fire breathing, farrier destroying whirlwinds, and fingers are easy prey.
Work smarter not harder
A bit of shoe making this morning
Every now and then the topic of shoe making comes up in our industry and is it necessary anymore. I’ve seen other farriers even suggest is it still worth teaching. Machine made shoes tend to be very good nowadays, but nothing beats the look of a handmade shoe. It takes a long time to get proficient at it, but a skill that can be lost very quickly. A quick 20min this morning gave me a set of shoes for the day. I feel very strongly that it is a skill that all farriers should strive to maintain.