What a week that was, we are now done for Christmas. To be fair, what a bleddy year that was 😅🥴. But we’ve made it, Dewi completed his first year (only 3 more to go), and you’ve all put up with my constant flow of “ I heard it on a podcast “ conversations.
Every year my family and I are always extremely grateful for your support and loyal custom, without you and your precious fluffys I wouldn’t have anything to whinge about 😉😆.
With it being a tricky year all round, I’d like to thank you all if I’ve had to rearrange or alter appointments. Thank you for being understanding.
We look forward to seeing you all in the new year.
For those that are booked in between Christmas and new year, my diet doesn’t start until mid January’ish 😉
Obviously, any life threatening issues, let me know. I’ll do my best to help 👍