Bottlenose dolphins in Plymouth
Guess who’s back?!! 🐬 Just a few days back, our skipper Ricky was out on the boat and came across quite an acrobatic pod of bottlenose dolphins, managing to get this amazing footage! For those of you who have been out with us before, you will know that we only see bottlenose dolphins a handful of times throughout the year, as the common dolphins tend to be the regular visitors on our wildlife safaris. So to see these bottlenose last week was amazing!! We will be keeping our eyes peeled for further sightings of this pod, that’s for sure. We are lucky enough to have the largest bottlenose dolphins in the world located in the UK, that being in the Moray Firth, Scotland. However the encounters we have had offshore of Plymouth over the years with certain bottlenose pods, they are still pretty large in size with specific individuals around 3-4m for sure! For the best chance of spotting fins in our Plymouth waters, please do join us on one of our half day or all day marine safaris. Get in touch via email to book your space at [email protected] 📧#plymouth #plymouthlive #plymouthuk #visitplymouth #plymouthhoe #devonlife #eddystonelighthouse #lovedevon #plymsoundmp #devon #southdevon #visitdevon#devonlive #visitsouthdevon #marineconservation #uksummer #dolphinwatching #summerholidaysuk #marinelifeuk #ukmarinelife #plymouthphotography #wembury #thingstodoindevon #bottlenosedolphins #devonlife #summer2025 #thingstodoinplymouth #plymouthsound #bottlenosedolphinsuk #bottlenosedolphin
Don’t fancy snorkelling with sharks?! Come and join us on one of our wildlife watching & scenic coastal safari trips instead! Where you can remain on the boat and come with us in search of some fins and beautiful views 😍 2025 dates below! 👇
🐬 Thursday 10th April : 8-12 / 1-5
🐬 Friday 11th April : 4.30-8.30 (sunset)
🐬 Saturday 12th April : 8-12 / 12.30-4.30
🐬 Sunday 13th April : 12.30-4.30
🐬 Wednesday 28th May : 12.30-4.30 / 5.30-9.30 (sunset)
🐬 Thursday 29th May : 8-12 / 1-5
🐬 Thursday 5th June : 8-4 ALL DAY SPECIAL
🐬 Friday 6th June : 8-12 / 1-5
🐬 Saturday 7th June : 5.30-9.30 (sunset)
🐬 Sunday 8th June : 8-12 / 12.30-4.30
🐬 Saturday 14th June : 8-12 / 12.30-4.30
🐬 Sunday 15th June : 8-12 / 12.30-4.30
🐬 Saturday 5th July : 5.30-9.30 (sunset)
🐬 Saturday 12th July : 5.30-9.30 (sunset)
🐬 Friday 18th July : 5.30-9.30 (sunset)
🐬 Thursday 24th July : 5.30-9.30 (sunset)
🐬 Wednesday 30th July : 12.30-4.30 / 5.30-9.30 (sunset)
🐬 Thursday 31st July : 8-4 ALL DAY SPECIAL / 5.15-9.15 (sunset)
🐬 Saturday 2nd August : 5.15-9.15 (sunset)
🐬 Friday 15th August : 1-5 / 5-9 (sunset)
🐬 Tuesday 19th August : 12-4 / 5-9 (sunset)
🐬 Wednesday 20th August : 8-4 ALL DAY SPECIAL
🐬 Thursday 21st August : 12-4 / 5-9 (sunset)
🐬 Friday 22nd August : 8-12 / 1-5
🐬 Saturday 23rd August : 4.45-8.45 (sunset)
🐬 Wednesday 27th August : 12-4 / 4.30-8.30 (sunset)
🐬 Thursday 28th August : 8-12 / 1-5
Plus more to be added throughout the summer subject to availability!
Most of these trips are 4 hours long, £60pp with family discount available with both daytime and sunset availability. All day special trips are 8 hours long at £100pp.
To book, please email us with your preferred date & spaces needed to [email protected] 📧
Who’s excited to join us for the 🦈 this summer?!! Here’s a short unedited clip for you all of a curious blue 😍Get in touch if you would like to have a chance at experiencing this : 📧 [email protected] 📧
And just like that… another season done!!! 🥹We can confidently say that 2024 was the BEST season for us in terms of wildlife.
✅ We have had the highest number of sharks by far this year on our shark snorkel trips compared to the last 3 seasons! 11 individuals on one swim was our highest amount counted.
✅ Dolphins seen on every single wildlife trip APART FROM ONE DAY (typically - the fireworks championship day!)
✅ The largest blue fin tuna bust we’ve come across in 4 years.
✅ Plus some amazing other opportunities have been had, some of which we can’t talk about until we are allowed to! 😃
We wanted to thank every single one of you that has joined us this year, or in previous years, and we would not be able to run our trips without all of you!!! We are so appreciative and grateful to you all 🙏 😭❤️
2025 dates will be released on 2nd January and the diary will then be open for bookings next year, so please keep an eye on our socials. We also have our first abroad trips running out to Egypt next year to experience the magic of snorkelling with wild spinner dolphins, plus much more fantastic marine life. Our first trip is in March 2025 with all 20 spaces SOLD OUT… our next one will be in October with dates to be confirmed extremely soon.
Any queries? Pop us an email over to [email protected] 🙌
With that, we wish you all a very happy new year and can’t wait to see all of you in 2025! We know it’s going to be a good one!!! Happy 2025 ❤️🐬
All the best, the Plymouth Marine Safari team Lauren, Connor, Ricky, Kev, Robby & Brenda 🥰#plymouth #plymouthuk #visitplymouth #plymouthhoe #plymouthsound #ukwildlife #plymouthlive #plymsoundnmp #devon #southdevon #visitdevon #devonlive #visitsouthdevon #blueshark #marineconservation #summer2024 #dolphinwatching #saveouroceans #marinelifeuk #ukmarinelife #bluesharks #sharksnorkel #ukboattrips #devonandcornwall #devonlife #wildswimminguk #swimmingwithsharks #2024 #devo
View from the deck - a different perspective of the blues 😍
Although the season isn’t yet over, this year has been the best year EVER in terms of number of sharks and interactions on our shark snorkel swims. Some absolutely incredible moments with these wild yet glorious animals!
It’s not always the case that we can get such great views from the deck but this year we have so much footage it’s unbelievable.
The only date we have left this year with spaces still available to have a chance to get up close to the blues is Thursday 19th September (4 spaces left). Other than that we are completely FULL for 2024! With our blue shark season wrapping up end of September.
If you are interested and really wanting to do one of these trips with us, all is not lost, as we will be announcing our 2025 dates within the next month so please do keep your eyes peeled or message us to get first priority to next years dates!
A massive thank you to all of you that have joined us for the sharks this year so far!! We couldn’t run these trips without our amazing customers and we love every single second of it! 💙🦈🤙🏻
#plymouth #plymouthuk #visitplymouth #plymouthhoe #plymouthsound #ukwildlife #plymouthlive #plymsoundnmp #devon #southdevon #visitdevon #devonlive #visitsouthdevon #blueshark #marineconservation #summer2024 #dolphinwatching #saveouroceans #marinelifeuk #ukmarinelife #bluesharks #sharksnorkel #ukboattrips #devonandcornwall #devonlife #wildswimminguk #swimmingwithsharks #2024 #devonuk
Lone Rissos dolphin in amongst pod of short beaked common dolphins
The best part about our jobs is that you never know what you are going to see when you’re out on the water! This was one of those days, thanks to our lovely customer @sarsie_h for sending over the video 🤩 Funnily enough, we were returning back to shore after a blue shark snorkel trip when we thought we had spotted a pod of commons so slowed down to have a little look. It wasn’t until all of a sudden on the opposite side of the boat we caught a glimpse of a much larger, darker, dorsal fin with markings on the animal’s back and immediately knew we had seen a Rissos dolphin! We eagerly awaited for it to surface again but had lost track of it, with the pod of commons reappearing. It wasn’t until we heard a slightly louder blow that we then realised the lone Rissos was actually swimming in amongst the pod of short beaked common dolphins and that they appeared to all be travelling together. This is something we personally have never encountered in Plymouth waters before, with these two species forming a pod! Would be interesting to know if anyone else has had any sightings like this! A fantastic moment 🤩The two species are easy to tell apart with the common dolphins being a lot smaller as well as being tri coloured with their yellowish creamy hourglass pattern running down alongside their body, not to mention their typical beaks. Rissos dolphins however are much larger with a very blunt head shape (no beak) and known for their scarrings / markings which are typically white and can be all over their body (including rake marks, caused by rough social interactions along with squid &prey tentacle markings combined with the greyish/ white mottling of the skin which can be majorly enhanced as they age) 🐬#plymouth #plymouthlive #plymouthuk #visitplymouth #rissos #devonlife #rissosdolphin #lovedevon #plymsoundmp #devon #southdevon #visitdevon #devonlive #visitsouthdevon #marineconservation #shortbeakedcommondolphin #dolphinwatching #summerholidaysuk #marinelifeuk
Half way through the week and so far this week has probably got to be the best week of the season in regards to our 4 hour Safari trips! Amazing dolphin encounters throughout every day, some gorgeous sunsets too. This was just a 30 second snippet from last nights trip! 🐬💙 We do still have some spaces to join us over the next few weeks! As early as this evening. 🌅 Tonight (Thursday 1st August) 5.30-9.30 - 2 spaces left 🌅 Tomorrow Friday 2nd August 5.30-9.30 - 5 spaces left 🌅 Saturday 3rd August 5-9 - 5 spaces left 🌅 NEW TRIP ADDED Sunday 4th August 5-9 - 10 spaces left Plus availability for next week every day for daytime and sunset trips from Tuesday 6th August onwards! £60pp, 4 hour trips, leaving from the Barbican in Plymouth. We can also do private group trips for up to 10 guests, for just you and your group for a slightly cheaper rate. Message us to book 🧡#plymouth #plymouthlive #plymouthuk #visitplymouth #plymouthhoe #devonlife #eddystonelighthouse #lovedevon #plymsoundmp #devon #southdevon #visitdevon #devonlive #visitsouthdevon #marineconservation #uksummer #dolphinwatching #summerholidaysuk #marinelifeuk #ukmarinelife #plymouthphotography #wembury #thingstodoindevon #drakesisland #devonlife #summer2024 #thingstodoinplymouth #plymouthsound #devonport #plympton
Tell us you had a great encounter with blue sharks without telling us you had a great encounter with blue sharks? 🦈💙 Great private charter yesterday with the Stokes gang!!!! @lilyannastokes 🤩
Snorkelling with Blue Sharks
🦈 Blue sharks in Plymouth?? See for yourself!!! 🦈
We met some epic people over the weekend, but Saturday in particular we had so much footage. This is only a tiny bit of it!
We are fully booked on our blue shark snorkel trips now until Monday 5th August. Also a few spaces remaining on Friday 9th August.
You must be a confident open water swimmer and aged 14 years and upwards. £115pp 7.30am - 4/4.30pm. Drop us an email to [email protected] if you would like to join on either Monday 5th August or Friday 9th August. WE ARE FULLY BOOKED FOR ALL WEEKENDS IN 2024 FOR THE SHARK SEASON but can add you to the cancellations list!
Anyone looking for a private charter on weekdays, if there is a group of you (maximum 10) please get in touch and we can see what we can do but still very limited with dates.
Special mention and thanks goes to our skipper at the weekend Kev Lavis as although he’s not in the footage, this wouldn’t have been possible without Kev. And as always to Ricky Matthews for the boat 🤩
We are looking forward to the next few days and meeting this weeks snorkellers!! 🦈💙
#plymouth #plymouthuk #visitplymouth #plymouthhoe #plymouthsound #ukwildlife #plymouthlive #plymsoundnmp #devon #southdevon #visitdevon #devonlive #visitsouthdevon #blueshark #marineconservation #summer2024 #dolphinwatching #saveouroceans #marinelifeuk #ukmarinelife #bluesharks #sharksnorkel #ukboattrips #devonandcornwall #devonlife #wildswimminguk #swimmingwithsharks #2024 #devonuk
Because seeing wild dolphins never gets boring!!!! 🤩😍🐬 We have been seeing fins everywhere just lately. The next earliest availability we have is this coming Friday 19th July for our sunset trip, with a few spaces still available 5.30-9.30. Weather also looking great! ☀️ Want to join us out on the water over the next few weeks? We still have availability on the following trips: 🌅 Friday 19th July sunset 5.30-9.30🌅 Saturday 20th July sunset 5.30-9.30🐬 Tuesday 30th July 12.30-4.30🌅Tuesday 30th July sunset 5.15-9.15🐬 Wednesday 31st July 8-12🐬 Wednesday 31st July 1-5🐬 Thursday 1st August 12.15-4.15🌅 Thursday 1st August 5.15-9.15 sunset 🌅 Friday 2nd August 5.15-9.15 sunset 🌅 Saturday 3rd August 5-9 sunset 🐬 Tuesday 6th August 8-12🐬 Tuesday 6th August 1-5🛥️ Wednesday 7th August 8-4 (all day 8 hour trip) 🐬Thursday 8th August 8-12 🐬 Thursday 8th August 1-5 🌅 Friday 9th August 5-9 sunset 🌅 Saturday 10th August 5-9 sunset With more to be added shortly ☺️We leave from the Barbican, Plymouth. £60pp for 4 hour trips / £100pp for 8 hour trip. Best way to book? Email us with your preferred date and number of spaces needed! 📧 [email protected] 📧#plymouth #plymouthlive #plymouthuk #visitplymouth #plymouthhoe #devonlife #eddystonelighthouse #lovedevon #plymsoundmp #devon #southdevon #visitdevon #devonlive #visitsouthdevon #marineconservation #uksummer #dolphinwatching #summerholidaysuk #marinelifeuk #ukmarinelife #plymouthphotography #wembury #thingstodoindevon #devonandcornwall #devonlife #summer2024
☀️ 🐬 Last few spaces remaining for tomorrow Saturday 13th July sunset Safari 5.30-9.30pm £60pp, leaving from the Barbican, Plymouth. Flat conditions and some sunshine! Email us at [email protected] to join us for a lovely evening out on the water tomorrow. We are fully booked the rest of the weekend ☀️🐬
Did somebody say SHARK?! 🦈 Not long to go now until our blue shark snorkel tours kick off again for the summer - we are so excited to get going again! We do still have some availability left on dates over the next few months for any keen & experienced open water snorkellers. See remaining dates below 👇 🤿 Thursday 20th June (last 2 spots remaining) 🤿 Friday 21st June 🤿 Sunday 23rd June🤿 Friday 5th July🤿 Saturday 13th July🤿 Saturday 3rd August 🤿 Sunday 4th August🤿 Friday 9th August All of our blue shark snorkel trips are from 7.30am-4/4.30pm approx, and all participants must be 14 years or above. Prices are £115pp. Please get in touch for a private group trip for yourself & friends at a reduced cost. Interested in joining us? Email our bookings team over at [email protected] for further info! See you in a few weeks! 🦈🤿#plymouth #plymouthuk #visitplymouth #plymouthhoe #plymouthsound #ukwildlife #plymouthlive #plymsoundnmp #devon #southdevon #visitdevon #devonlive #visitsouthdevon #blueshark #marineconservation #summer2024 #saveouroceans #marinelifeuk #ukmarinelife #bluesharks #sharksnorkel #ukboattrips #devonandcornwall #devonlife #wildswimminguk #swimmingwithsharks #2024 #devonuk #uksummer