A huge thank you to all my wonderful clients, you all allow my passion to be my career and let me spend everyday doing what I love. Thank you for your loyal continued support, I am so grateful to every one of you. I am privileged to be welcomed into your animals lives and honoured to regularly treat them, each and every one of them holds a special place
Looking forward to continuing to treat all your wonderful animals, following your journeys together and meeting lots of new ones along the way
All the best for 2024, may it be everything you want it to be.
Happy New Year
See you all soon
January has been so busy, lots of long days to fit all your lovely animals in. Here is goreous little Carter evening his maintenance treatment the other evening.
Regular maintenance physiotherapy –
• Increases physical and mental relaxation
• Improves performance and behaviour
• Increases joint range of movement
• Increases circulation and lymphatic drainage
• Increases flexibility, elasticity and suppleness of soft tissues
• Reduces muscular tension, soreness and stiffness
• Reduces the risk of injury
• Identifies and addresses small issues before they affect performance and cause lasting damage
Get in touch for more information or to book, my diary is filling up fast. Always happy to just have a chat and answer your questions 07884011336
Epiony heat pads are in stock. I recommend applying heat to many of you for various reasons, and now the weather has turned colder and damper many of your older animals will really appreciate heat therapy too.
Epiony gives a safe easy way to use heat. Epiony is easy to use with your horses, dogs and even yourself
Here are 2 of my lovely clients Carter and Bailey showing you how much they love their heat pads.
If you'd like more information please get in touch; message me or text/call 07884011336
A different start to what has been a very busy week this week; spending Monday teaching a practical hands on day for student physiotherapists from the Collage of Animal Physiotherapy. A big thank you to All for Horses Rescue and Rehoming for allowing us to treat some of your lovely horses and ponies.
I hope you've all found some time this week to enjoy the spell of beautiful weather with your lovely animals; we've loved enjoying the February sunshine inbetween appointments..
The March diary is filling up fast so get in touch to book your appointments, taking bookings for through year too.
As always any questions you have regarding how physio can help your animals just get in touch always happy to have a chat.
Physio is beneficially to any horse and pony; not just those that are ridden, compete, have an injury or older. Here is gorgeous Carter, he is only 3 years old and still unbacked, this weekend he enjoyed his first physiotherapy treatment. Despite his young age he took the whole session in his stride; he is so sweet. His owner decided to have him treated to make sure his muscloskeletal system is healthy and balanced before she introduces him to work, which is a great way to identify any niggles and address them before they develop into problems and potentially affect his attitude to work too. Carter will be enjoying regular maintenance physio to make sure he is happy and comfortable as he begins working and is introduced to more new things as he grows up. Injury prevention is always best. His owner is taking advantage of joining my maintenance physio loyalty scheme giving her every 4th treatment half price.
Get in touch for more information about how physio could benefit your horse or pony, or to book them a session - personal message, text or call 07884011336
Regular Maintenance Physio Loyalty Scheme
I offer a Regular Maintenance Physio Loyalty Scheme which will give you the fourth treatment half price if you continue your animal’s regular maintenance appointments
Regular maintenance physiotherapy –
• Increases physical and mental relaxation
• Improves performance and behaviour
• Increases joint range of movement
• Increases circulation and lymphatic drainage
• Increases flexibility, elasticity and suppleness of soft tissues
• Reduces muscular tension, soreness and stiffness
• Reduces the risk of injury
• Identifies and addresses small issues before they affect performance and cause lasting damage
*(Loyalty card is valid for 3 months from your animal"s last treatment, it is an offer to help people who wish to give their animals the benefits of regular routine physio)
Happy New Year!
Wishing you all a fantasitic 2018!
Looking forward to treating all my regulars and meeting more of your animals soon. Why not treat your horse, dog or other animals to a physiotherapy treatment to help them start the new year feeling their best.
Gabbie is waiting with the diary to book your appointments.
To book or discuss personal message, text or call 07884011336 or email [email protected]
Something people say to me time and time again is their horse or dog has arthritis so there’s nothing can be done, this is not true.
Yes established arthritis is a degenerative condition it can’t be cured or reversed however physiotherapy can improve quality of life and slow deterioration, treat compensatory pain and discomfort which is left untreated can speed up joint deterioration. Surrounding muscles will compensate for joint pain resulting in adhesions and spasm developing within them further reducing joint range of movement. Physiotherapy using PEMF, therapeutic ultrasound, massage and stretching will treat muscle, break down adhesions and help maintain joint health and improve joint function. Neck and back pain is common in animals with arthritis as the body adjusts movement to avoid pain in the affected joints, another area physiotherapy treatment is hugely beneficially Physiotherapy also includes recommended exercises for you as an owner to continue in-between visits, keeping your dog or horse as comfortable and happy as possible.
If you’d like to discuss how I can help your horse, dog or other animal or to book please contact me by personal message, text or call 07884011336 or email [email protected]
Merry Christmas everyone! I have two very happy chestnut ladies today, they love their new hay balls x