Sunflower Cognitive Therapies Limited

Sunflower Cognitive Therapies Limited Empowering individuals to begin to explore and understand why they may think, feel and respond in a certain way.

Who I am:
I am a mum of 2 children, a registered Children's Nurse and a qualified Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist. I have over 19 years' experience of working with children, young people and adults in both the NHS and private practice. Services available:
I recognise the need for a quality service, available to deliver evidence based outcomes within a timely manner. Passionate about what I d

o and helping others, Sunflower Cognitive Therapies Limited came into fruition in March 2016. Specialising in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, I have knowledge and experience of working with a range of anxiety disorders (separation, generalised, social and panic disorder), phobias, OCD, low mood/depression, self esteem/low confidence, along with supporting children and young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder. How we deliver our service:
- An initial consultation will be offered to find out a little bit more about the presenting difficulties.
- An assessment will be offered over 4 sessions to identify the need and develop initial therapy outcomes.
- 4-6 sessions of talking therapy will be offered working towards a therapy goal.
- Work will be reviewed and reassessed as required. For further information on how Sunflower Cognitive Therapies Limited could support you or your family further please contact me via Facebook Messenger, call 07875140157 or email [email protected]

🌻 It's that time of year again... Examinations are looming, the pressure's increasing, the question is this, are you pre...

🌻 It's that time of year again... Examinations are looming, the pressure's increasing, the question is this, are you prepared?🀞

Here are a few things to remember to help you through the weeks and months ahead... βœ…

Wishing everyone the very best of luck! 🌻

With some exams already underway and others starting this coming week; children, young people and adults around the country and across the worldβ€―will be priming themselves for EXAMS! Be it, Year 2/Year 6 SATS tests, end of year exams, GCSES or higher education examinations, now is often the time w...

🌻 After 3 months in the making I am proud to be able to promote my new brand and website! ☺️A big shout out to Resolutio...

🌻 After 3 months in the making I am proud to be able to promote my new brand and website! ☺️

A big shout out to Resolution. for all your hard work, time and effort in designing and making my website. Also to Utilicom and The Endeavour Partnership I couldn't have done this without your help and support!

🌻 Please take a look and let me know your thoughts...
What information would you like to see, what would be helpful for you? Your feedback is welcome.

🌻As we reach 'Hump day', the middle of the week, how are you feeling? My boys remind me constantly that Wednesday isn't ...

🌻As we reach 'Hump day', the middle of the week, how are you feeling? My boys remind me constantly that Wednesday isn't the middle of the week, so hump day would be Thursday at 12.00pm... πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ€£

Today I'm feeling tired! 😴 Tiredness is my body's way of telling me that I have not taken enough time out to rest or re fuel!

🌻 Feelings are very much connected to what is happening around us. Sometimes it is hard to figure out why we are feeling a certain way. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

If we take a break and look a little closer at what is going on around us, more often than not, we are then able to start making those important links. πŸ€”

🌻 With the news of further changes for the months ahead, I imagine it has evoked an array of feelings...

😊 Happy to be able to see friends and loved ones.
πŸ₯Ί Anxious about going out.
πŸ˜€ Overjoyed to see an end to homeschooling.
😰 Apprehensive as to whether life will in fact go back to normal.
😠 Annoyed at having to go back to school.
😏 Frustrated at the prospect of having to go to bed earlier and get up earlier to go back to school/work.

🌻 The list is endless so talking about how we feel is incredibly important! Especially when we consider the continuing changes.

Take some time out this week to acknowledge how you are feeling, even more importantly make time with your children or young people to check out how they are feeling too. ❀️

🌻 Children and young people might struggle to identify their feelings when trying to talk about these but might be able to spot an emoji that they can relate to. Why not print a sheet of feelings or emojis, stick it on the fridge. It might be a useful aid with conversations or just to look at to keep your feelings in check! β˜‘οΈ

Regardless of how you are feeling, the important thing to remember is that all our feelings are normal... 😊 We just need to make time to listen to them more often! 🌻

🌻 Yesterday I received some lovely feedback from a client whom I have been working on and off for a number of years. She...

🌻 Yesterday I received some lovely feedback from a client whom I have been working on and off for a number of years. She has kindly allowed me to share this on my fb page.

I always say, 'its the small steps we take that help us achieve our long term goals'. For this client and so many others, these goals can often be life changing. ❀️

🌻 It is an absolute privilege to be able to support clients on their therapy journey and something I never take for granted.

🌻 A parent of a teenager I'm working with kindly shared this with me today, she thought it would benefit other parents t...

🌻 A parent of a teenager I'm working with kindly shared this with me today, she thought it would benefit other parents too.

Personally, I can relate to this and I imagine you will too.

🌻 We are going through an incredibly difficult time at the moment and there are days when it feels like 'groundhog day' with no light at the end of the tunnel.

It's okay to have days where you feel frustrated, tired and disappointed but I do believe that with courage and determination we will get there...❀️🌻

To My Child

I could make you happy, when you were little.
It was all within my control,
I was the master of your universe and I could paint your world sparkly and bright and make you smile from ear to ear.
Now, it’s no longer up to me whether you smile or not.
You’re part of this world now sweet one, and I can’t protect you from the bullies, the rejections, or the disappointments.
I can’t wash it all white with a movie and snacks and cuddles.
That doesn’t work.
Not anymore.
And that fact is by far the hardest thing I’ve had to deal with as a parent,
watching you struggle through this pandemic.
Watching you lose hope, watching you try to understand the crazy going on around you.
Watching you pick up the pieces as best you can and fashion some sort of a life.
Every time you have lost something which you love to do, or miss someone you love to hug, my heart breaks a little more.

I could make you happy when you were little,
no matter what raged around us but now, I cannot.
And I’m so sorry for that.
All I can do is hold you tight, when you let me, and pray this all comes to an end soon and your life comes back to you.
Better than before.

You’re doing so well,
one day you will see how brave you were.
You made your momma proud.

Donna Ashworth

Author of β€˜To The Women’

Artwork by Rosalia Artbook

🌻 Monday 1st February marked the start of Children’s Mental Health Week, this year's theme is 'Expressing yourself'.Expr...

🌻 Monday 1st February marked the start of Children’s Mental Health Week, this year's theme is 'Expressing yourself'.

Expressing yourself is all about finding creative ways to share feelings, thoughts and ideas or engaging in something that makes you feel good inside! ❀️

🌻 We all have our own talents or interests, something that makes each and everyone of us unique. It may be playing a musical instrument, dancing or drama, sports, the clothing you like to wear, creative art or writing, you might even be the next Matilda!

This week at home or work, with family or friends, start taking! Why not share with one another your talents and interests.
πŸ’­ What are the things you love to do and why?
πŸ’­ Is it something you have always loved or has there been times when you have not enjoyed it or wanted to give up and why?
πŸ’­ How do you feel when you are doing...?

🌻 Yes I might not be the greatest pianist or singer but when I am singing, playing the piano or listening to music it makes me feel alive! I start connecting to how I'm feeling and for me music is a great way I can express myself! ❀️

🌻 Are you someone who will go out of your way to help others, sometimes putting other people's needs before your own? 🌻 ...

🌻 Are you someone who will go out of your way to help others, sometimes putting other people's needs before your own?

🌻 When you give your time to others it is important to be mindful of your limits. Putting boundaries in place and learning that it is okay to say no from time to time.

🌻 Yes, it's only natural that we want the people around us to be happy and knowing that your words or actions have influenced their happiness can make you feel good inside... 😊

🌻 Nonetheless, it is important to remember that your worth should not be defined by other people's opinions of you. ❀️

🌻 With all the upheaval and chaos going on around us right now, it's easy for life to become incredibly overwhelming.Are...

🌻 With all the upheaval and chaos going on around us right now, it's easy for life to become incredibly overwhelming.

Are you finding your patience is wearing thin, perhaps the things, normally you would take in your stride are now causing you to feel frustrated and helpless? πŸ˜”

🌻 One thing that I often talk to clients about is learning to pace. When we are racing ahead of ourselves, we are likely to miss something, we cannot think clearly and run the risk of burning out.

Learning to slow down helps you to focus, it increase productivity, reduces stress and frustration.

🌻 Something that helps me slow down is taking a moment out to focus on something that makes me smile. Photographs that remind me that whilst life might feel pretty chaotic right now, this won't last forever. There are lots of good things to look forward to. ❀️

🌻 Last weekend I set myself a goal to make time for piano practice. I also arranged my first 'online' singing lesson! 😬🎢...

🌻 Last weekend I set myself a goal to make time for piano practice. I also arranged my first 'online' singing lesson! 😬🎢

This week I feel like I haven't stopped! There have been times when the idea of goals and having some time for me has resulted in thinking, 'I just don't have enough time!' πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

🌻 Instead of finding lots of reasons for not having enough time, I focused on how happy music makes me feel. The sense of achievement a singing lesson brings and how that then sets me up for the day!

A singing lesson with Marina Gears Vocals before work yesterday morning was just what I needed to gain a little bit more clarity... 😊

🌻 Remember, when you give to others, it's equally important to make time for yourself!

Thank you Marina for helping me hit my pause button this week, once again I'm looking forward to our weekly lessons! 🎢❀️

🌻 Tomorrow is the start of a new week, why not set some time a side today to plan some things that you can do next week,...

🌻 Tomorrow is the start of a new week, why not set some time a side today to plan some things that you can do next week, 'a new routine for now'.

Face to face classes or social activities will have been put on hold for the time being, this feels incredibly frustrating especially for children and young people. Get creative in the time you would normally be doing your usual activities...

- Practice a certain skill with the help of a YouTube video?
- Rediscover something that you enjoyed doing in your past, something that you have not had time for...
- Learn something new, something you have always wanted to do but not felt brave enough to try!

🌻 My goal for this week is making time to practice my scales... I now know why my piano teachers highlighted the need for short nails. πŸ’… I am determined not to be defeated! πŸ™ˆ


Keep doing what you do,
Until lockdown is done,
Find a focus, something that makes you happy,
For me, I'll keep playing and having fun! 😊🌻

🌻 If your emotional health and well-being has been affected by the further lockdown and are in need of some help and support, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Send me a fb message, call 07875140157 or email [email protected]

(please note I will respond within 2 working days)

🌻 Sunflower Cognitive Therapies Limited works with children, young people and adults offering talking therapy, helping people to grow and develop positive outcomes.

🌻 The weekend has finally arrived!! πŸŽ‰πŸ˜Š  I'm not sure about you but I think it's been a very long week.... For lots of fa...

🌻 The weekend has finally arrived!! πŸŽ‰πŸ˜Š I'm not sure about you but I think it's been a very long week....

For lots of families, you have reached the end of the first week of lockdown! πŸŽ‰ Hat's off to all parents, grandparents and extended families at home with children and young people, home schooling! πŸ‘πŸ‘

🌻 A big shout out to all the schools and teaching staff who have had to do a quick turn around this week. Changing the way of working to support not only home school learning but all the key worker children accessing school.

I think it's fair to say they all do an amazing job and as a key worker I for one am extremely grateful for the hard work and dedication that schools put in place to support our children and young people. πŸ‘πŸ‘

🌻 To our own little superhero's!!! β€οΈπŸ’™ The children and young people who once again have been asked to make so many changes and have done so, even if the world feels like a frustrating place to be in right now. You are truly amazing! πŸ‘πŸ‘

What will you be doing to mark the end of the week? What are your weekend plans? Most importantly, what are you grateful for? 🌻

🌻 As we move into the new year, the idea of setting new year resolutions is often the thing on people's minds.Yet with a...

🌻 As we move into the new year, the idea of setting new year resolutions is often the thing on people's minds.

Yet with another national lockdown, maybe the hope of achieving new year goals seem like an impossible task.

🌻 Maybe this lockdown is the time to focus on not only our physical health but our mental health. There are some simple and achievable steps you can take to promote positive mental health and well-being.

What self care steps can you take to build on your resilience and promote positive mental health? Are there other things that you like to do that make you feel good about yourself?

🌻 Building resilience is key now more than ever. Sometimes it's about going back to basics and practicing a little 'self care' ❀️

🌻 Helping children to understand what anxiety is and how it can make you feel can sometimes be a bit tricky. Especially ...

🌻 Helping children to understand what anxiety is and how it can make you feel can sometimes be a bit tricky. Especially when it means they might be getting a 'not so funny' feeling in their tummy. A feeling that stops them from having fun or makes them believe they are going to be sick when they are not! 😒

Even for adults it can sometimes be hard to imagine how the worries in your head can have such an overwhelming impact on you physically. πŸ˜πŸ™„

🌻 Meet the A Team! Our friendly amygdala's, SPARKLE and MOON...πŸ’™

They have travelled all the way from Australia ✈️ to join our little family and help remind us when we get that 'funny tummy', it's just our little warrior inside trying to keep us safe, protect us even when we might not need protecting...πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ 😊

🌻 Whilst I have used lot's of resources with my own children over the years, helping them understand the symptoms of anxiety has always been a challenge. Last night at bedtime reading 'Hey Warrior' resulted in what I like to call a light bulb moment... πŸ’‘πŸ˜Š It just seemed to click, we were able to talk through some of our worries and recognise the tummy ache! With the help of SPARKLE and MOON to keep us safe and calm we were able to settle off to sleep!

❀️ Praise to Hey Sigmund - Karen Young for the beautifully written 'Hey Warrior'! Karen has a wonderful way of explaining anxiety, the impact it has on our lives and things we can do when it becomes too overwhelming. Her wealth of knowledge and understanding is valuable for parents, educators, children and young people especially in such difficult times.

🌻 This morning we have sent our mini A Team off to school. Attached onto our bags as a reminder for the times when life feels a little tricky. For the times when we might get that funny tummy or feel upset and need and a little reminder of just how brave we actually are! πŸ’™

🌻 Keeping children entertained throughout lockdown can be incredibly hard. Especially when they are unable to access the...

🌻 Keeping children entertained throughout lockdown can be incredibly hard. Especially when they are unable to access the places that they know and love.

As a mum of two boys who have lots of energy to burn, not having the opportunity to let off steam at the park or the skate park can result in increased frustration and meltdowns.

🌻 A big shout out to Stockton Parent Carer Forum and Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council Short Breaks Grant.

Thanks to the Short Breaks Grant we have been able to purchase some outdoor toys to help keep my boys entertained whilst staying at home.

🌻 At the beginning of the week, we managed to have an hour having fun in the garden after school without the repeated requests for the Nintendo and endless meltdowns.

Tonight, thanks to the help of my family, my boys returned home from school to a nice surprise which they are over the moon with. And again, a night with no meltdowns!!

🌻 Whilst we might not be able to go to the park, we have been able to create our own little park in the safety of our own home!

At what is a very difficult time, thank you to everyone who has helped make life that little bit more bearable...❀️

🌻 2 happy boys = 1 grateful mummy πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦β€πŸ‘¦

🌻 Trying to instill calmness when the world is in chaos can be incredibly hard. Similarly, trying to be a calm and consi...

🌻 Trying to instill calmness when the world is in chaos can be incredibly hard. Similarly, trying to be a calm and consistent parent when children are having hourly meltdowns can feel like an impossible task.

🌻 Today we have been practicing breathing techniques to help when life feels overwhelming. πŸ₯΄

🌻 This morning began with a family Cosmic Kids Yoga πŸ™‡β€β™€οΈπŸ™…β€β™€οΈ session followed by making some breathing buddies.... 🎨 This afternoon the boys helped me pull out the weeds before running off unspent energy... πŸƒ

🌻 Needless to say a series of meltdowns later, mummy needed the aid of a breathing buddie by the time we arrived home! πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦β€πŸ‘¦

🌻 Whilst the country is in lockdown, for the vast majority of children and young people assessments and examinations hav...

🌻 Whilst the country is in lockdown, for the vast majority of children and young people assessments and examinations have been put on hold. For others, there is still an expectation that end of year examinations will continue.

Under the current circumstances whether you are preparing for exams, complete any form of study or even trying to keep up to speed with paperwork/reports at home can feel like an onerous task. πŸ™„πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

🌻 However with a few small changes here and there, you may be surprised at what you can achieve! πŸ€” πŸ˜€

Let's start by having a little courage in your convictions...:You can do this! ❀️

🌻 Remember, it's the small steps we take that help us achieve our long term goals...

On your marks… get set… go! Β  Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash With some exams already underway and others starting this coming week; children, young people and adults around the country and across the world will be priming themselves for EXAMS! Β  Be it, Year 2/Year 6 SATS tests, end of ye...

Camhs professionals are currently looking for staff and have 2 contracts available to start with immediate effect!CBT th...

Camhs professionals are currently looking for staff and have 2 contracts available to start with immediate effect!

CBT therapists need to be accredited with the BABCP.

One contract working with Adults and the other working with CAMHS.

Both positions are working from home / Β£30 per hour (outside IR35)



Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 9pm
Tuesday 9am - 9pm
Wednesday 9am - 9pm
Thursday 9am - 9pm
Friday 9am - 9pm




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Our Story

Who I am: I am a mum of 2 children, a registered Children's Nurse and a qualified Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist. I have over 14 years' experience of working with children and young people and adults both privately and in the NHS.

Recognising the need for a quality service, available to deliver evidence based outcomes within a timely manner. Passionate about what I do, I decided to take the initiative to provide this service.

What we offer: Sunflower Cognitive Therapies is a Private Practice, offering confidential talking therapy, in particular Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to children, young people and adults, based in Stockton on Tees. In addition to talking therapies, we also provide a range of therapeutic services and support to other professionals, organisations and schools within the Tees Valley Area.

Since the launch of the service in March 2016 we have grown from strength to strength, welcoming referrals for both young people and adults living in the local area including; Billingham, Eaglescliffe, Ingleby Barwick, Norton, Stockton, Thornaby and Yarm. Over time we have begun receiving referrals from wider areas including County Durham; Ferryhill and Hartlepool, through to North Yorkshire; Middlesbrough, Northallerton and Stokesley.