It’s been a while……….since we updated anything here but although we still love to travel and explore new things, our travelling is slightly on the back burner at the moment. The reason for this is a good one!
When I became ill last year I thought my travelling would be put on hold for a while but due to a wonderful surgeon my life wasn't really affected that much.
Chris did take me abroad before my op - to keep my mind off it, and after my op, to recuperate while waiting for my results. Results were amazing, another trip happened before 5 days of radiotherapy then off we went again!!!
I think if anything, getting cancer forced my hand to travel more and realise our dream of buying somewhere abroad, We loved Spain from the first time we visited it (although Chris hates the food!!!!) and both felt it was somewhere we would like to explore a lot more. Here began Chris trawling websites that sold properties in Spain, we saw all sorts from fincas with just land to stone buildings with just one wall standing, two walls standing..... no roof.
Then one day, I dropped into the Milford Haven store where he was doing his invoices to those words 'Jayne you have GOT to check this out' and there it was, the finca and stone mas WITH roof that 4 weeks later would be ours. (We didn't hold fire on it, we jumped right on in with two feet!!!)
Pictures below show our progress from day 1 to where we are today, we are slowly making our 'Casa de los Pinos' our home from home, we simply love it and never want to leave when we visit it.
Chris has worked so very hard on our tiny home, from getting solar installed to wiring the inside and powering up our home. We don't have running water so it's weekly trips to Caspe to the municipal water tap to fill our huge tank and bring it back in our van. We almost cried when our pump stopped working, I was there for an hour bailing water out of the tank with a pop bottle into our other tanks but we got there in the end!! We cant drink the water here but it's fine to water our trees and wash up. We drink bottled water.
On the subject of trees, we bought some lovely baby firs to line along our roadway and some fruit trees but we discovered that we have a family of wild boar on our land (hoofmarks gave it away originally) then we saw the eight babies with stripy fur (so they are less than a year old) running across our land without a care in the world, then later that evening we encountered Mum or Dad - not so cute, black, large with tusks on our land. We think it was aforementioned adult boar that dug up our trees,,, yes, all of them and left them on the land after eating their roots - apparently they like to eat the compost.