Got to tell you… I had a lovely lady called Pat call me yesterday… 👍😊 she was looking for help & her husband mentioned Travelcare/Coop Travel… when they used to use a Travel Agents…Pat searched “Mr Google” & found me 👍
Her first question was, “what do you charge for your service?” So I’d like to tell you, what I said to her…
I’m a Personal Travel Agent, I give you everything you used to get walking into a travel agents but more, I add your passport details, check you in and forward your boarding passes. Everything I book will be completely protected by ABTA & ATOL, you have me for contact and would always get me. You’d get my years & years of experience & if I wouldn’t go there, neither would you… I cater for all budgets and I book anything and everything all around the world.
And my charge for this? The knowledge you would have an amazing holiday at no extra cost, this is all part of me & my service.
Pat was curious to know about my history, I gave her my links to my Facebook, my website, email, phone contacts…. So, for those of you that do not know my history in travel….
“I was Branch manager of Coop Travel (Travelcare) then as Vanessa Parkinson London Road, Brighton, George Street Hove, Neville Road Hove & Worthing from 1997-2012 and then became a personal travel agent. I married in 2020 & my name changed to Vanessa Jones (I actually began in Travel back in 1988/1989 for a small bucket shop in Brighton & then Sealink Dieppe Ferries) “
My contacts are:
07872 567102 WhatsApp -email
[email protected]
My office hours are 10.00-1800 Mon, to Friday. (But I’m here for anything urgent always)
I run my own Business in partnership with Your COOP. MidCounties Cooperative are completely independent and offer open, honest & impartial information, I am fully bonded and protected with ABTA & ATOL