What IS Conscious Connected Breathwork?
Not surprisingly, this is a question I'm often asked because breathwork is a very general term that descibes a whole range of breathing techniques and it can be quite confusing to understand the different approaches. It is NOT the same as pranayama (yogic breathing) or calming breathing techniques (though they are all great in their own way).
It's an activating technique which involves deep breathing through an open mouth and connecting the inhale to the exhale.
This affects the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your bloodstream, creating physiological changes in your body and altering your brain activity. CCB can benefit your physical, mental and spiritual health:
On a physical level, it releases undischarged stress and tension held in the body.
On an emotional level, it allows you to get in touch with your feelings and express them fully and safely.
On a mental level, it can help to reduce all the mental chatter and allow the mind to settle.
On a spiritual level, it can induce heightened states of consciousness and be a gateway to the transpersonal.
But don't take my word for it - come and try it for yourself! 🥰
To book/more info: https://www.bodymindhealing.life/breathworkgroups